The 22-Day Revolution Hits Shelves… Congrats to Marco Borges!

Beyonce and 22-Days Nutrition

I want to congratulate my friend Marco Borges for the release of his new vegan diet plan book, The 22 Day Revolution, the forward of which was written by Beyonce!

22-Day Revolution Book by Marco Borges

There was a great article written in the New York Times the other day about 22 Days Nutrition, the company owned by Marco, Beyonce, and Jay Z. This is just one of many awesome articles published recently praising Marco, who has been the trainer and wellness coach of Beyonce and Jay Z for over 10 years. Once Beyonce got on board the plant-based diet train it was on… she teamed with Marco to launch a top-notch, nation-wide vegan meal delivery program. Marco’s passion for healthy plant-based eating shines through every move he makes, from his vegan snack bars and protein powder, to his meal delivery program, to his book and beyond. He is an inspiration and I am honored to have his support in my ventures as well. Check out these awesome articles highlighting 22 Days, Marco, Beyonce, and Jay Z, and buy his book!



Marie Claire

Time Magazine

In Style


Photo: Hanging at the 2014 Seed Food and Wine Festival in Miami just before the launch of the 22 Days vegan meal delivery program… Marco, myself, and vegan chef and owner of Miami’s newest vegan restaurant Plant TheorySheryn Abalos.

Hello all you Sexy Fit Vegans!

Kirsten Going Vegan Story

“After 11 years of being a vegetarian I watched a documentary called Vegucated and I realized I could no longer stick my head in the sand.”

Hello everyone!                         IMG_1672

I have done a couple of posts here already but I thought I would formally introduce myself and share my story with you all.  My name is Kirsten Mitchell and I am thrilled to be part of the Sexy Fit Vegan family.  I am a 44 year old mother of two, and while I am neither a chef nor a fitness professional I am very passionate about both food and exercise.

I became a vegetarian in 2002 but was hesitant to switch to vegan because I was uneducated regarding the horrors of the dairy industry and I believed that I needed dairy for protein.  After 11 years of being a vegetarian I watched a documentary called Vegucated and I realized I could no longer stick my head in the sand.  If I truly considered myself an animal lover (which I do) then vegan was the only way to go.  Along with this dietary change also came a change in my activity. For many years I had been a runner…running 5 days a week and racing often (from a mile to the marathon) and while I was physically fit, my body was just not looking the way I wanted it to.  So at around the the same time I put down the dairy, I picked up the weights.  Magic happened! Now after two years of being vegan I am stronger and in the best shape of my life.  And more importantly, I feel great!  I truly believe that a vegan diet and a balanced exercise schedule that includes cardio, strength training, balance and stretching is the fountain of youth!

IMG_0936-22013 vs today

Now my passion is creating protein forward recipes that can fuel the athlete in all of us.  It is very easy to become a junk food vegan (believe me, I had a phase where my major food group was Oreos) so it is my hope that I will be able to give you all some helpful exercise tips and recipes to add to your Vegan repertoire.  You can also find me on Instagram @veganfueledfitness.

Thank you Ella for this opportunity and I look forward to spreading the vegan love:)



Vegan Protein Review

Plant-based Protein Powder

Hey everyone!  So I just got my vegan protein powder in.  I must say, this is probably one of my favorite plant-based proteins on the market.  It has a great taste, mixes terrifically, plus it has a really good amino acid profile. I consider it as good as Vega, but more affordable. It is called Rawfusion by SAN nutrition. A good post-workout protein shake is ideal for getting the most out of strength training. This protein powder is also great to mix in with your oatmeal in the morning, make protein pancakes with,  or use as an ingredient in any baked item. I’ve had a lot of plant based powders, this is second to none. Try it out. You may end up loving it just as much as i do!

Matt Protein Powder

5 Tips for Beach-Ready Abs

Sexy Abs

Summer is creeping up on us quickly… Time to take action for beach-ready abs!

As featured on PeTA’s “Living” blog

Who doesn’t want a beautifully sculpted stomach? As a fitness trainer and nutrition coach, I hear it from my clients all the time: “How do I get rid of this,” they ask, as they grab and pinch belly fat, “and get abs like yours?” Well, I have compiled a list of what it takes to achieve the toned tummy that you are longing for. If it were easy, everyone would have a shot at the cover of Fitness Magazine! Although it’s not “easy,” it is definitely doable … and YOU CAN DO IT! Just take the following steps:

Soda Makes You Fat1. Cut “empty calories” from your diet. Your first thought might be that you don’t want to “deprive” yourself of the soda and chips that you love so much. But here’s the deal: You are actually depriving yourself by eating them! What I mean is that you are filling up on foods that are missing the nutrients that your body needs to survive and thrive. Make this a habit, and your body will actually go into starvation mode and hold onto your body fat. By replacing the empty calories with nutrient-dense ones, your body gets what it wants and allows fat to be eliminated. Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying never splurge, but even when you splurge, you can do it without filling up on empty calories! For example, I make delicious popcorn with coconut oil for movie nights. And when I get a sweet tooth, one of my favorite treats is coconut-milk ice cream. Give it some time, and you will never miss that chemical, fake buttered popcorn or Ben & Jerry’s! All my top healthy vegan swaps can be found in the 60-page “How To Go Vegan Beginner’s Guide!

Jog for summer ready abs2. Make time for cardio workouts. Cardio workouts (in which you elevate your heart rate for more than 30 minutes) are important for two main reasons. First, it’s how to keep your heart beating strong, which keeps you alive and able to live life to the fullest for years and years to come! And second, cardio burns fat. Pretty simple! Do your cardio!



Exercises involving core 3. Choose exercises that involve “core strength.” Your core basically encompasses your body from your chest to your butt. Increasing your core strength means not only sculpting a sexy, toned midsection but also strengthening your body in such a way that will improve your posture, give you stability, and prevent injuries. If you focus only on your abs, you will set yourself up for bad posture, back problems, and injuries. Most exercise machines take your core out of the exercise by acting as a stabilizer, which is neither functional nor efficient. Instead of using the leg-press machine, for example, do squats. Instead of using a chest-press machine, do pushups. You can add weight to your back to make it more challenging. Get creative! Have fun with it! Flip tires.  Also, do dumbbell rows from a plank position so that you work your back and core at the same time.


Stay hydrated with Water4. Stay Hydrated. 
Water retention leaves us puffy and bloated—not so helpful when your goal is a flat stomach! The most effective ways to prevent water retention are to stay hydrated with plenty of water throughout the day, keep your sodium intake low (especially iodized salt found in processed foods—I use either Celtic or Himalayan sea salt at home), stay away from junk food, eat whole foods with lots of fiber, and exercise.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods5. Eat anti-infla
mmatory foods daily. Chronic inflammation can be one of the main underlying causes of illness and premature aging. It can also cause weight gain and swelling, which is why it’s included on this list. But the truth of the matter is that reducing inflammation in your body can literally save your life. The good news is that there are some simple ways to prevent and treat inflammation. Eating foods with anti-inflammatory properties, while eliminating inflammation-causing foods is first and foremost. Eating fiber-rich, nutrient-dense vegan whole foods will give you the perfect anti-inflammatory diet. Processed food, refined sugar, and saturated and trans fats cause inflammation. Regular exercise is also helpful in reducing inflammation, as are avoiding allergens (such as dairy products, gluten, and peanuts for some people) and managing stress. Check out the “How to Create Your Own Super Food Shake” to learn more about easily incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your daily routine!

New Sexy Fit Vegan Contributor!

Matthew Washington vegan athlete
‘Hey everyone! I wanna say i’m very excited to be a part of the sexy fit vegan team!  I’ve never been a part of a blog before so this is definitely a new, fun experience. I’m a certified personal trainer of over 4 years, with certs in nutrition and sports performance.  I became vegan a little over seven years ago.  After a rough period of life, losing my sister to ovarian cancer.  I was also in an extremely unhealthy spot in my life. Smoking a pack a day. Drinking. Also eating the worst foods possible.  Yes, i ate mcdonalds….every day. I gradually became 60 pounds overweight.  One day i woke up and was tired of the life i was living.  I quit smoking cold turkey. Started to pick up running. I knew i needed to change my diet, i noticed a few features on vegan athletes and what they did, and how they were doing it.  I was completely fascinated and researched as much as i could, and when i felt i was ready, i became vegan.  My weight dropped drastically, my energy was amazing, and my recovery was great. Eventually after i got certified as a trainer i lifted weights more religiously, and got my weight up, lean muscle of course. No fat 😉 .  Of course over the years you get everything from,
“Oh, you’re vegan? How’s that work? I think that’s cool but i could never give up cheese.”
To the more extreme,
“Are you kidding me bro? Where do you get your protein?! Soy lowers your testosterone!”
Granted, there are many myths regarding plant based lifestyles that i will love to get into at later times.  Also, i’d love to share good programs for building strength and muscle on a plant based diet. As well as certain nutrients/minerals/vitamins you should and shouldn’t worry about. The fitness and nutrition world is a confusing one.  Full of contradictions, myths and empty promises for fast and easy results.  Like every goal in life, they don’t come overnight. And neither does health and fitness.  it’s a journey, not a diet, but a lifestyle. And i’m very excited to help!’

Buying Cruelty Free Made Easy

Cruelty Cutter

Buying cruelty free beauty products can be a confusing business. For many years I have being using certain products thinking that were cruelty free but they are in fact not. A company may state in black and white that they do not test on animals but this may mean:
a) The final product may not be tested on animals, but the ingredients within the product may be.
b) Product is not tested on animals unless required by law to do so. In reality what this means is that any product being sold in China will be tested on animals because the law requires it.
c) Product is not tested on animals but is owned by a parent company who does. A good example of this is MAC who started off as a cruelty free company, but is now owned by Estee Lauder.
d)Cruelty free.
Confusing right? To help sort all of this out I recently downloaded an app called Cruelty Cutter.


Cruelty Cutter allows you to scan an item, from a large range of products (cosmetics, household cleaners, condoms and more!) and have an immediate response about it’s animal testing status. And the app purchase helps raise funds for Beagle Freedom Project a not-for profit organization that is dedicated to freeing beagles and other animals from testing labs. It’s a win, win!

In my search for cruelty free products I came across a company called Just The Goods and I ordered the following products: vegan face wash for normal/sensitive skin, vegan cleansing toner for dry skin, vegan facial scrub for most skin types and vegan deodorant in citrus blend.


The cost of these products was very reasonable. The cleanser and the toner were $6 each, the deodorant $8.50 and the scrub, which I bought in a sample size was $3. And they are great! The cleanser is foamy, creamy and soothing. The toner is fresh but not too astringent. And the scrub, while more aggressive than I am used to, certainly made my skin very smooth. But for me the star of the show is the deodorant! I have never found any deodorant (cruelty free or not) that works as well as an anti-perspirant for me. But this one does! It’s citrusy and fresh and the essential oils last throughout the day and a tough workout!


Vegan Nachos Your Way!

Superbowl is just days away and it’s time to start planning the party and picking up supplies to do it up vegan style!

Nachos are a staple football-watching food, and this year I’ve missed out because I’ve spent most of my football-Sundays at the Yard House in Miami Beach. Well, missed out on nachos that is, but I have nothing to complain about given the Yard House’s Gardein menu. The Gardein “jerk chicken” wings are phenomenal! The Yard House does not, however, offer vegan nachos, and every time I see someone else order the nachos I want to go home and make my own vegan version!

In this post I want to help you create a version of good ole’ nachos that meets all your taste-bud needs, step by step. 

Vegan Nachos Your Way

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Find a type of baked tortilla chip that you enjoy, and place a semi-single layer of the  chips on a large pan lined with tin foil. Beanitos are my personal favorite. They’re incredibly tasty and they are high in fiber and protein. beanitosbeanitos-regular
  3. Sprinkle a light layer of your favorite vegan cheese over the chips. I enjoy the Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet Shreds, as well as Daiya shreds, and new brands keep popping up, the next one usually better than the last. These both melt well which is an important criteria for nachos! There are also some new vegan nacho cheese and cheese sauces like the ones made by Heido Ho Organics (I met the ladies who started this company and let me tell you, they’re awesome!) just coming to market that I haven’t tried yet, so if you have a review for us please add it to the post comments!Follow Your Heart Vegan Cheese Shredsdaiya_vegan_cheeseImage result for heidi ho nacho cheese
  4. Add on top of that your favorite vegan protein. Black beans are a must for me. Sometimes I enjoy adding the Beyond Meat Beef-Free Crumbles or Chicken-Free Strips. If you add Beyond Meat products you will need to cook them according to the directions before including them in the nachos. Tempeh is another healthy vegan protein addition option. 
    black-beansbeyond meat products
  5. Sprinkle other ingredients that will be best if heated with the chips, cheese and protein. Some of my favorite add-ons are pickled jalepenos and black olive slices. pickled jalepenosblack-olive slices
  6. Sprinkle another layer of vegan cheese on top.
  7. Place the pan in the oven and bake just long enough for the cheese to melt (about 5-10 minutes).
  8. Remove from the oven and place ingredients you enjoy that are not good heated. I love adding pico de gallo, guacamole, and vegan sour cream (Tofutti makes a good one, as does Follow Your Heart.)
  9. Serve immediately. The chips will get soggy as the dish cools, so make sure you start chowing right away!pico de galloguacamoleSourCream-TofuttiVegan-Gourmet-Sour-Cream
  10. Enjoy!!!


Why Vegan? Get the Facts Here…

If you are thinking about going vegan for your health, or are already vegan and want to promote the lifestyle, it’s important to understand the science behind the benefits of a vegan diet plan. I’m writing this post to introduce you to one of the most informative, easy to navigate websites that exists… The founder, Dr. Michael Greger, is a physician, author, and speaker who scours the world’s nutrition research to bring us free daily videos and articles, helping answer the popular question, “Why Vegan?”. He presents the information in a way that’s easy to understand, unbiased, and even entertaining! Plus, all the proceeds from his books, DVDs, and speaking goes to charity. His website and work is definitely worth your while to explore and support. Here are some links to must-see videos to get you started…

Is Milk Good for our Bones?

Canned Beans or Cooked Beans?

BRCA, Breast Cancer, Genes, and Soy

Does Coconut Oil Clog Arteries?

Now you can find simple answers to your important nutrition questions on one, trusted site. Enjoy!


Alcohol on a Vegan Diet Plan?

Vegan Beer at the Yard House

Going vegan does not mean you have to give up alcohol…

I enjoy sipping on fine tequila socially and a flavorful beer watching football and UFC with friends. Alcohol certainly doesn’t make the “super foods” list. It doesn’t do a liver good. Nevertheless, it’s a part of an otherwise very healthy lifestyle for me and many of you. So I say, “Is that alcohol vegan?” and simply look it up on and then, “Cheers!”

This is a surprisingly thorough guide to liquor, beer, and wine, and I use it regularly so I wanted to share it with you all!
And since we are wrapping up football season, I will also share my absolute favorite beer that I discovered at the Yard House, my regular Sunday Funday football-watching spot (they have vegan wings!) It’s called La Trappe, and if you like strong Belgian-style beer with a slightly sweet flavor and no bitterness this is a fantastic one! Enjoy 🙂