A Dog Adoption Story…. Meet Vegan Fiona

vegan dog Fiona

vegan dog loveJust over 6 months ago (on November 10, 2023) my fur baby, Shye (who was a vegan dog for over 15 years) crossed the rainbow bridge.

If you haven’t read the blog post I wrote about our story yet, I invite you to check it out HERE, as it’s quite entertaining and heartwarming. 

If you’ve lost a fur baby, I’m sure you can relate when I say that my heart still aches for Shye every single day. She is irreplaceable.

The hole in my heart will never be filled, but recently I could feel a beam of light shining through the hole… Light that was calling me to welcome another soul in need of a forever home into my life.

I went online looking at homeless dogs on pet adoption sites, and came across what felt like a familiar face and my gut said, “She’s the one.” 

There was zero description on her profile, so I had no idea what to expect, but was confident from my experience with Shye, a dog who took a year and a half to learn to trust me, that I am equipped with the patience and compassion to handle whatever the Universe handed me.

Adopting Fiona from Humane SocietyShe had been at the Humane Society for 6 weeks, and when I got there, it felt like she immediately adopted me.

A small but mighty being, the girl can RUN (and run, and run, and run)! Her athletic abilities inspired me so much that I decided to name her after one of the most extraordinary endurance athletes in the world… Fiona Oakes. 

Fiona Oakes is the most humble person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. She has broken 5 marathon course records and is the fastest human to run a marathon on all 7 continents in the shortest amount of time, all without a knee cap (undergoing 17 surgeries as a teenager and being told she’d never walk properly again). 

And what’s even more remarkable is that she doesn’t run because she loves to run. She runs because it gives her a platform to be a voice for animals and raise money for her sanctuary that gives home to over 400 rescued farmed animals. 

It brought me such joy to interview Fiona Oakes on the Rise & Thrive Podcast, episode 4, and if you haven’t yet, listen HERE! It’s one of my favorite interviews to date and you’ll understand why I feel called to honor her. 

I also rewatched the documentary Keegan Kuhn produced about her called, Running for Good… It blew my mind (again!), and I have no doubt you’ll find it incredibly inspiring.

Back to my dog Fiona…

I was told she was an owner-surrender, and that’s about all I know about Fiona’s past life. She is a bundle of energy and love. And although some of her behaviors show there are signs of trauma she’s working through, it’s apparent that she is an incredibly resilient being who is ready to learn to trust again.

Fiona is already thriving on a plant-based vegan diet.  She’s loving her Evolution wet dog food, Petaluma baked dog food, V-Dog jerky and V-Dog dental “bones”, and she’s enjoying broccoli (her favorite veggie so far), chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, and cucumbers regularly as well. 

Check out my Instagram reel about her adoption HERE, and stay tuned for more!

And if you’re ready to open your heart and home to a pet, PLEASE adopt from a shelter or nonprofit rescue organization. 

According to the Humane Society, approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters, and about 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized nationwide every year.

Not only that, the dog breeding industry is full of cruel practices (read THIS article to learn more).

That said, with the simple choice to adopt instead of shop we get to not only literally save a life, we but also take a stand against cruelty and an industry that contributes to the death of hundreds of thousands of fur legged friends each year.

2023 Year’s End: Connection, Reflection, and Gratitude

Can you believe we’re halfway through December and counting down the days to the new year already?!

I want to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, an abundance of peace, love, and joy as we move through the holidays and wrap up another orbit around the sun.

The holidays are all about connection, reflection, and gratitude for me, and I’m incredibly grateful that we are connected.

The brand I created, Sexy Fit Vegan, turned 10 years old this year🥳, but the mission on which it was founded dates back to 1987 when I was just seven years old and discovered my life’s purpose… to be a voice for animals and an advocate for compassionate, plant-powered living.

I’d like to take this opportunity to share some reflections about 2023, share about what’s ahead, how you can be involved, and ways you can show support so that we can work together to make a positive impact on this world!

Reflection: Professional

We launched the Rise and Thrive Podcast on February 14th, 2023 with the fabulous Olympic Medalist Dotsie Bausch kicking off the first episode with me… A powerful force for good whom I admire SO much, and whom I am now fortunate enough to call a friend. We published 41 incredible episodes this year and I am bat-shit passionate about hosting the show! I love being able to provide this free resource for the vegan-curious and the curious vegan on their path to holistic health.

I had the pleasure of doing lots of volunteering in 2023, including speaking at a PCRM (Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine) Let’s Beat Breast Cancer rally, helping out at several SoFlo Vegan events, volunteering at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, and in addition to the regular board member duties, I got to spend quite a bit of time at Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary in Virginia, helping out and loving on the beautiful souls whom make up our fur family there.

In addition to being interviewed on many podcasts (including Switch4Good and Real Men Eat Plants), and appearing on Chef AJ’s YouTube show multiple time, I had the honor of speaking at two large-scale in-person events. I was on a game-changing panel for a session titled, Powered by Plants: How World-Class Athletes Are Changing the Way We Eat at the Organic Produce Summit in Monterey, California. I also gave a 50-minute talk to an audience of over 500 at the Healthy for a Lifetime Conference in Omaha.

My 22Reboot challenge​ changed the lives of hundreds of people this year. 22Reboot is a 22-day total lifestyle transformation system that helps you disrupt harmful patterns, adopt healthy habits, and create a healthy, plant-based lifestyle for maximum performance, embodying inner peace, compassion, and freedom. (It’s a PERFECT way to kick off the new year too!)

I had the pleasure of re-launching the Plant-Empowered Coaching Program and seeing many amazing souls through the body/mind/life-transforming process. I also took on a handful of 1:1 clients which felt truly magical to be able to work so intimately with people on an individual level, helping them build a healthy relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves so that they can move through life healthfully and with more joy, love, and freedom.

I also participated in several plant-based bundles, which I see as one of the best ways to collaborate with other plant-based and vegan leaders to provide a huge number of resources to people at a very affordable price.

Reflection: Personal

2023 was marked by both an extraordinary birth (of a relationship) and a devastating death.

In July, I connected with the human who has become “my person” (aka significant other, partner), Quinn!

It honestly still feels surreal that I found someone who is so secure in his masculinity that he can move through the world with the philosophy, “love wins.”

We share the intriguing “how we met” story on THIS episode​ of the podcast.

Then, on November 10th, the light of my life, my 17 year old rescue (vegan) chihuahua, Shye, fell suddenly ill, and after rushing her to the vet, then the neurologist, and finally the ER, I had to say goodbye that same night.

My whole world revolved around her extraordinary, spunky self. She was my significant other for 15 years. She was the light of my life. She was my +1. She was my teacher, my coach, and my best friend who gave me so much love and brought me so much comfort.

And now I am figuring out how to navigate life without her… To bear the unbearable pain of loss that hits us when we have the courage to love as deeply as I loved Shye.  

I feel incredibly grateful for my amazing friends, my incredible family, my partner Quinn (who was right there with me at the end), and my compassionate community for all the kindness and support you’ve shown me through this challenging time.

I take solace in my belief that Shye and I are quantumly entangled forever, that her soul lives on, and that I will be with her again one day. 

I wrote all about Shye in THIS blog post, which I’ve dedicated to everyone who has dared to love an animal with their full, open heart, knowing the inevitable pain that we experience when they pass.

In addition to traveling for speaking appearances, to Hogs & Kisses, and to visit Quinn in his hometown of Austin, by the time you read this, Quinn and I will be in Guatemala. We will spend 6 days hiking volcanoes, exploring sacred Mayan sites, swimming, doing yoga, experiencing culture, while staying true to my values and eating exclusively plants… That’s right… A true vacation. Yay!

The other things I put a lot of my energy into this year were improving my mobility through functional, primal, and animal-inspired movements, as well as getting stronger with calisthenics, using boxing as a moving meditation and way to move energy through my body, and hot yoga to improve my flexibility, connect with present moment awareness, and detoxify my body.

When it comes to food, I’ve enjoyed eating mindfully and consciously from a place of compassion for myself, animals, and the planet. Embracing the healthy relationship I’ve built with food, my body, and myself is something I celebrate every day.

What’s Ahead in 2024


I’m committed to providing you with free inspiration by continuing to deliver weekly episodes of the Rise and Thrive Podcast. We have some EPIC episodes for you starting in January! We plan to add sponsorships to the show to cover costs, and you can support the show by subscribing, leaving a rating and review, and taking advantage of the offers we share. I promise that I will only accept sponsors from companies whose values align with my own (compassionate, healthy, and sustainable)!


If you haven’t taken on the 22Reboot challenge yet, I encourage you to take the leap. Although I created it with entrepreneurs and professionals in mind, if you need a jump start to kick unhealthy habits and adopt a healthy LIFESTYLE that includes whole foods plant-based eating, quality sleep, consistent exercise, and mindfulness, then you can count on 22Reboot to provide you with a proven system to get you there, all for only $197. Plus, you can book an execution call with me, personally, when you purchase, to help set yourself up for success.

Hogs & Kisses

At Hogs & Kisses, we are beyond excited to be preparing to welcome three TURKEYS to the sanctuary where they’ll get to live out their lives feeling loved, safe, and free to be themselves. This was made possible thanks to all the donations we received throughout the year, and particularly during our Giving Tuesday fundraiser. THANK YOU to everyone who donated. Every little bit helps. And keep in mind we have a Bed and Breakfast on the property! Learn more on our website.

Public Speaking

I’ll be doing quite a bit of public speaking in 2024, the first two appearances being in Toronto and Seattle (March and April), at the Planted Expo. I hope you can join me for one of those, as these are incredible events!


I’m participating in several more bundles, which I encourage you to invest in. The price is insanely low for the incredible number of resources you receive.


I plan to work with just a few 1:1 clients in 2024. If you’re interested in individual coaching, you can email me directly ([email protected]).

I am considering launching a brand new group coaching program, challenge/support groups, and/or a holistic wellness-forward compassionate community. I will keep you posted through my email newsletter, so make sure you’re on my email list HERE!

Stay Connected/Follow Me

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel HERE

Subscribe to THE WAY WEDNESDAY Monthly Newsletter HERE

Follow me on Instagram HERE

Follow me on Facebook HERE

Connect with  me on LinkedIn HERE

Check out my new(ish) Website HERE

Check out  The Vegan Life Coach Podcast, HERE


With So Much Love and Gratitude,


My Shye

This is the true story of Shye, my rescued vegan chihuahua. I’m dedicating this post to everyone who has been courageous enough to adopt an animal and to love them as deeply and unconditionally as I loved Shye, because it means that the pain of losing them feels unbearable, and the grief sticks with us forever.

Shye was my ride or die, and she rode with me everywhere up until the day she couldn’t anymore, and on that same day, she died. 

I remember with total clarity the precise moment I saw Shye for the first time. 

I was walking slowly by the stacked kennels of stray and abandoned dogs at Miami Dade Animal Services, my heart aching knowing that I was only going to be saving one life that day. 

Most of the dogs were sitting or standing toward the front of their cages, looking at me as I passed by, some with eyes full of hope and longing, others with the sad eyes of despair. 

When I reached Shye however, her back was to me. She was sitting at the far end of her small kennel staring at the bare metal cage backing. I called out to her, “Hi sweetie.”  She arduously turned her head. Her intensely beautiful golden brown eyes locked mine for a moment, and in that instant I knew I was her person and she was coming home with me.

On the way home, my boyfriend at the time, Dan, drove, and I sat in the passenger seat holding Shye up so she could see out the window, which is what she wanted. Her senses were on high alert, ready to fight or flee if need be. The sunlight hit her expressive face and illuminated her gorgeous eyes in a way that I will never forget. 

I was curious, too. The shelter claimed her to be a 2 and ½ year old stray brown chihuahua with white markings. She presented herself as untrusting and shy (hence the name I gave her), and I was determined to give her the very best life I could no matter what. 

Shortly after arriving home and meeting Valentino Rossi (aka ChiChi), Dan’s chihuahua, she got very sick with pneumonia. Her first week with me was spent doing nebulizer treatments, and nursing her back to health. 

Our first year together was eventful. Dan and I broke up and Shye and I moved to a tiny little apartment in the heart of South Beach… the first of seemingly countless moves and numerous break-ups we would experience together throughout her life. Shye didn’t seem to mind moving at all however… As long as we were together, we both felt right at home.

It took Shye about a year and a half to fully trust me. It was obvious she hadn’t known unconditional love by a human being before. I showered her with it until the protective shell around her heart began cracking, chipping away, and eventually was gone completely… at least when it came to me. She had a clear policy: Trust is earned. And it was earned in HER time frame (if at all).

This meant that the reward was MASSIVE for the people who were patient and persistent… who showed her unconditional love even when she was prickly at first. When someone finally earned her trust and experienced her love it was something to be celebrated. To be in Shye’s inner circle of trust was an honor to be cherished.

During those first few years, this little chihuahua was motivated to run. She would run alongside me for over a mile, sometimes over two. And fast. It was unbelievable given her size of only about 9 pounds! 

Shye came with me everywhere, including Sobekick Gym where I trained and taught classes. She became the mascot of sorts and boy did she represent! She was feisty as hell. She would walk right through the middle of 30 people punching and kicking the shit out of the heavy bags, music blasting and sit herself down in the middle of the mat. 

Johnny, the owner of the gym, became a close friend and I was so grateful that he gave her free reign to be herself, even when he got the occasional complaint from a member or trainer. Johnny became Uncle Johnny before long.

After classes, as members stretched, she would find the sweatiest human and intently lick the salty sweat off their body. The members learned quickly that it was best to just let her do her thing and not try to pet her.

She wanted it to be known that although she was small, she was one tough bitch!

Shye despised being spoken to in a high “baby voice.” If someone tried to pet her while talking to her like a baby, she would give them a warning bite.  She gave a lot of warning bites, often following a warning snarl, showing off her canines.

Shye was a badass. She never whimpered. She made her needs known with an intense stare first, and then a sharp bark if she was ignored. 

Shye was full of life and brilliantly aware of her surroundings at all times. She was on guard, ready to protect me, herself, and her territory at all times. She was not going to be a victim. She was a powerful force, bundled into an adorable little body.

Shye was popular… I’d even call her famous around town and online. In fact, during the year I spent a lot of time with Alex Rodriquez, the paparazzi not only followed me around… they also stole shots of Shye and wrote about her in the tabloids.

She was with me through many relationships, and although the relationships weren’t always healthy, the one non-negotiable was that Shye was my #1. The men in my life respected that and a beautiful bond was formed between her and each of them. And when the relationship ended, Shye was happy to return to a routine that was focused on just me and her. 

When I first moved to South Beach from North Carolina in 2002, I had never seen a dog in a stroller, and when I did, all sorts of judgments pop into my head. Then, when Shye injured her ACL, it occurred to me just how well a stroller could fit our active lifestyle and enhance our lives, so I purchased Shye’s first stroller, which I nicknamed her “rover” so she wouldn’t feel babied.

The first rover was cheap and chintzy, and I was a bit self-conscious using it. As time went on, Shye’s rovers got progressively more luxurious and I became more and more confident, even proud. They came in handy for long walks, eating out at restaurants, and for our Sunday Fundays at the Yard House. They also doubled as a grocery cart, since living in South Beach I was able to walk to do most of our shopping and errands. 

Besides Sobekick Gym as a home-away-from-home for us both, for many years we spent every Sunday at the Yard House with a group of friends. We walked there with the rover, but once Shye saw that we were heading toward the Yard House, she would insist emphatically on walking, intently leading the way, and as we got within 3 blocks she’d start running and wouldn’t stop until we arrived.

She loved the Yard House and was happy to sport a jersey and be passed around to the people at our table who she trusted, particularly Dawn, Christian, and Johnny. She was very much a part of the gang, and sometimes Holly and Danny would bring their dog(s) in a stroller too, who she would ignore.

Speaking of Christian (my boyfriend for a couple years)… Shye quickly won him over. He never thought he’d have a relationship with a chihuahua, but it didn’t take long before they became buddies and Christian insisted on being called “Daddy.” 

It was like Shye knew that he needed a cuddle-buddy. You see, I like my space when I sleep. And so she took on that role for me! And in return, Christian not only happily pushed her in her rover, he also proudly wore her in her bjorn-like front carrier on our longer walks, much to the delight of people passing by who would giggle and sometimes take pictures.

Shye wasn’t much for playing with other dogs. Besides Chichi, there were only a few dogs that she was happy to hang out with. And by happy, I mean it was more of a co-existing situation as opposed to an interactive experience. One of those dogs was my cousin, Lauren’s dog, Lucy, a Pitbull mix, and the other was Dawn’s dog, Delilah. In their later years, we nicknamed them the Golden Girls.

Shye was always up for adventure… As long as the adventure was with me. Shye didn’t love the water, but when I got on a paddle board, she was ready to hop on too… No matter how choppy the water (we fell in many times and yet she wouldn’t hesitate to hop right back on the board the next time I went out). Same with kayaking, and boating. We even took a ride on a client’s cigarette boat, reaching speeds of 90 mph, as she sat on my lap, facing the wind, her saliva spattering me in the face. 

Shye came with me on every trip to Hogs and Kisses Farm Sanctuary, including when Anne, Mike and I  drove the trailer up to pick up Rubia, Grace, and Dolly, our first pig rescues. Back on the sanctuary, she appreciated simply being a part of the daily chores, riding in the gator, and exploring the pasture. She wasn’t afraid of the 700 pound piggies, but she was aware of their massive size and didn’t want them too close. 

One winter, the power went out while we were there and we went a couple days without heat in freezing temperatures. Shye didn’t complain. She let me wrap her in blankets, so that only her eyes and nose were exposed. She’d always take one for the team if it meant we got to be together. 

Our mode of transportation in Miami was mainly my scooter the last many years. She sat in a front carrier, doggles on, attracting looks from tourists who would often point, smile or laugh, and sometimes take pictures from their cars.

Shye was vegan and a voracious eater most of her life. I’d love to say she was food-assertive, but in truth she was food-aggressive. If there was another dog around when her food was presented, even if that dog was 100 pounds, she was prepared to fight for it. She ate plant-based dog food and chowed on veggies and legumes. She especially enjoyed  cucumbers, chickpeas, edamame, peas, and broccoli. 

In her midlife Shye packed on an extra pound or two (like I said, she was a voracious eater). She was strong and healthy with a sturdy frame. It would piss me off when someone would comment on her weight, which happened quite frequently. Talk about rude! I would mostly bite my tongue, and instead of voicing my real thoughts and flipping them the bird, I would say… She has the whole crossfit powerlifting thing going on. 

In her later years, her appetite decreased a bit, and she often wasn’t ready for her first meal until later in the day. So I started offering her a few pieces of Sweet Earth’s vegan Mindful Chicken when she first got up in the morning, which she absolutely loved. She would wake up and walk over to the kitchen and wait with a wagging tail for her daily dose of plant-based chicken, that came along with it her medication, Metacam, for the joint aches and pains that had developed in her older age.

Shye and I were so fortunate to have my mom move down to Miami, and to have my amazing sister living close by. On the infrequent occasions when I took a trip that wasn’t Shye-friendly, Shye would always have the best care, usually thanks to my mom. 

For most of her life, Shye slept on the bed with me. We would snuggle for a little bit before taking our places and falling asleep each night. One morning, I woke up to a yelp as Shye had jumped off the bed and lay paralyzed on the floor. My heart felt like it had been stabbed and my stomach dropped as I did my best to comfort her while calling the vet. Even in her pain, Shye was calm and I knew she trusted me to take care of her… To get her the help she needed. 

We rushed her to the clinic. She was in pain and could not stand up. I was both terrified and sure that she would, eventually, be okay. The next stop was an emergency visit to Southeast Veterinary Neurology. Shye had injured her neck spine. The options were surgery, or to give her a chance to heal on her own with bed rest. We opted for the latter, and within a few months, Shye was walking, albeit her mobility was limited.

Only a few months after regaining her ability to walk, a freak accident happened. We were walking on the sidewalk to yoga and I bent down to scoop her up and loss my grip and dropped her. My guttural scream echoed the neighborhood. She lay motionless on the concrete. 

My mom was nearby and we rushed her back to the neurologist. This time there was only one option if we were to fight for her life…. Surgery. She had 3 discs that would need to be fixed if she was to live, and it was unclear if she would regain use of her limbs. It was risky, especially given her age (she was around 14 at the time), but Shye had so much fight left in her and I knew intuitively, without question, that we had to try. 

Sure enough, Shye came through the surgery with flying colors and we began the long, grueling, healing journey. Despite being paralyzed, unable to use her legs at all those first few weeks, her spirits stayed high. Before long she was ordering me around from her luxurious rover, letting me know when she was hungry. I would spend hours a day just holding her and loving on her. And after a few weeks, there was movement in her legs! 

Week after week she got stronger and in time, Shye not only began walking again on her own, she began running! Thanks to the surgery and her relentless determination, Shye gained more mobility than she ever would have if it weren’t for that terrifying accident. The massive scar that ran from her chin to her chest was hidden as her hair grew back and we were able to joke that Shye must have been gifted the 9 lives usually only given to cats.

Shye’s last few years on earth were fabulous. She slowed down a bit, but happily continued to join me for outings, particularly hanging while I trained boxing at the park with Josh and JoJo, trips to South Pointe Park, UFC gym, the beach, out to eat, kayaking, camping, and visits to Hogs & Kisses.

During her last few months, I met, and fell in love with a human soulmate, Quinn. And I have to wonder if she knew that I had found a being who was so capable of loving me, that she could feel okay about leaving this realm and ascending to the next, because one Friday morning, only a few months after meeting Quinn, Shye suddenly fell very ill. After rushing her to the vet, then the neurologist, and finally the ER, Shye left her body with me by her side, stroking her beautiful little head, looking in her soulful eyes.

Shye was my everything. My whole world revolved around her extraordinary, spunky self. She was my significant other for 15 years. She was the light of my life. She was my +1. She was my teacher, my coach, and my best friend who gave me so much love and brought me so much comfort.

Shye was my ride or die. She rode with me everywhere up until the day she couldn’t anymore… and on that same day, she died.

And now I am figuring out how to navigate life without her… To bear the unbearable pain of loss that hits us when we have the courage to love as deeply as I loved Shye. 

In speaking with Teresa Whalen, animal communicator and pet loss grief expert, following Shye’s death, Shye let me know that she would be hanging around me from the other side of the rainbow bridge, that she had no interest in reincarnating to be someone else’s pet because I was her one and only human, and that she would be the first to greet me when it’s my time.

She also said that she’d mess with the lights to help her presence be felt. I didn’t know what she meant, but sure enough, in the following days, the lights in the hallway started flickering, and I woke up at 3AM to the light in my room having been turned on.

I feel incredibly grateful for my amazing friends, my incredible family, my partner Quinn (who was right there with me at the end), and my compassionate community for all the kindness and support you’ve shown me through this challenging time.

I take solace in my belief that Shye and I are quantumly entangled forever, that her soul lives on, and that I will be with her again one day. 

Hello Sexy Fit Vegan Community!

Scott Shetler Vegan Athlete

Scott Shetler

Hello Sexy Fit Vegan Community! My name is Scott Shetler and I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and extend a huge thanks to Ella and the rest of the team here at SFV for the invitation to come on board!

I have been a health and fitness professional for over 16 years now and in 2010 I decided to stop eating meat and eventually made the decision to go 100% vegan on December 31, 2012.

My decision to switch to a vegan lifestyle was very simple – for the animals. However the health and performance benefits of a vegan lifestyle cannot be denied. After going plant-based I lost 50lbs of fat (when I was a competitive powerlifter I was big and strong but FAR from healthy), improved my health exponentially, and adopted a more holistic approach to health and wellness, my journey of which is outlined in my book “Abundant Health: Fitness for the Mind, Body, and Spirit“.

I’ve even dabbled with strength competitions again, in 2014 I was beyond stoked to be invited to be part of the Plantbuilt Vegan Muscle Team, and have surprised myself with how well it’s been going!

These are all topics I plan to dive more deeply into in my upcoming blogs and am so excited to have this platform to share the health and performance benefits of a vegan lifestyle with you.

Until next time, stay strong and healthy!


Buying Cruelty Free Made Easy

Cruelty Cutter

Buying cruelty free beauty products can be a confusing business. For many years I have being using certain products thinking that were cruelty free but they are in fact not. A company may state in black and white that they do not test on animals but this may mean:
a) The final product may not be tested on animals, but the ingredients within the product may be.
b) Product is not tested on animals unless required by law to do so. In reality what this means is that any product being sold in China will be tested on animals because the law requires it.
c) Product is not tested on animals but is owned by a parent company who does. A good example of this is MAC who started off as a cruelty free company, but is now owned by Estee Lauder.
d)Cruelty free.
Confusing right? To help sort all of this out I recently downloaded an app called Cruelty Cutter.


Cruelty Cutter allows you to scan an item, from a large range of products (cosmetics, household cleaners, condoms and more!) and have an immediate response about it’s animal testing status. And the app purchase helps raise funds for Beagle Freedom Project a not-for profit organization that is dedicated to freeing beagles and other animals from testing labs. It’s a win, win!

In my search for cruelty free products I came across a company called Just The Goods and I ordered the following products: vegan face wash for normal/sensitive skin, vegan cleansing toner for dry skin, vegan facial scrub for most skin types and vegan deodorant in citrus blend.


The cost of these products was very reasonable. The cleanser and the toner were $6 each, the deodorant $8.50 and the scrub, which I bought in a sample size was $3. And they are great! The cleanser is foamy, creamy and soothing. The toner is fresh but not too astringent. And the scrub, while more aggressive than I am used to, certainly made my skin very smooth. But for me the star of the show is the deodorant! I have never found any deodorant (cruelty free or not) that works as well as an anti-perspirant for me. But this one does! It’s citrusy and fresh and the essential oils last throughout the day and a tough workout!

Checkout www.justthegoods.net