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kale beet roasted chickpea salad

High Protein Kale, Beet, and Roasted Chickpea Salad: A Sexy, Satisfying Go-To Meal!

Vegan Recipes

If you find salads boring or unsatisfying, I invite you to prepare your mind to be blown and taste buds to be tantalized with the recipe I’m sharing with you in this post!   INTRODUCTION I’ve been eating salad as my first meal of the day for years now, which, I know for many people […]

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vegan fitness push-up

Follow-Along Tabata Workouts… Feel the Burn!

Vegan Fitness

If you’re ready to uplevel your fitness and are bored of doing the same old exercises and workout routines… Check out my brand new playlist on YouTube! It’s a follow-along “Mix ‘n Match Tabata Series,” meaning you can combine any number of the videos in this playlist, depending on how much time you have and what muscle […]

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ACL tear blog post featured image

ACL Injury: The Initial Blow

Vegan Fitness

Have you ever had an accident minor enough that your past does not flash before your eyes, but major enough that your future does? Two weeks ago I decided I was up for a Muay Thai sparring session, and headed to a local MMA gym where they hold sparring classes. I went four rounds with […]

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vegan mac and cheese

Smokylicious Vegan Mac ‘n Cheese

Vegan Recipes

If you’re like me, you crave vegan comfort food from time to time… And mac ‘n cheese is often at the top of my list for a meal to satisfy such a craving! Speaking of cravings, we did a fabulously fun and actionable episode about cravings on the Vegan Life Coach Podcast (episode 13) in […]

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