Hello Sexy Fit Vegan Community!

Scott Shetler Vegan Athlete

Scott Shetler

Hello Sexy Fit Vegan Community! My name is Scott Shetler and I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and extend a huge thanks to Ella and the rest of the team here at SFV for the invitation to come on board!

I have been a health and fitness professional for over 16 years now and in 2010 I decided to stop eating meat and eventually made the decision to go 100% vegan on December 31, 2012.

My decision to switch to a vegan lifestyle was very simple – for the animals. However the health and performance benefits of a vegan lifestyle cannot be denied. After going plant-based I lost 50lbs of fat (when I was a competitive powerlifter I was big and strong but FAR from healthy), improved my health exponentially, and adopted a more holistic approach to health and wellness, my journey of which is outlined in my book “Abundant Health: Fitness for the Mind, Body, and Spirit“.

I’ve even dabbled with strength competitions again, in 2014 I was beyond stoked to be invited to be part of the Plantbuilt Vegan Muscle Team, and have surprised myself with how well it’s been going!

These are all topics I plan to dive more deeply into in my upcoming blogs and am so excited to have this platform to share the health and performance benefits of a vegan lifestyle with you.

Until next time, stay strong and healthy!


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Scott is a trainer, author, strength & internal martial arts enthusiast, and a powerlifter on Team Plantbuilt. He owns a private training center in Atlanta, GA where he trains, and offers online consulting services, for clients ranging from high level athletes to motivated fitness enthusiasts. He is vegan for the animals and has a very simple philosophy - eat plants, lift iron, meditate.


  1. SexyFitVegan

    Thrilled to have you on the team Scott! It’s exciting to have someone with so much experience and knowledge to offer information, motivation, and support to people. How to eat plant-based AND gain strength and muscle is such a common question people have and you are a perfect example of how it can be done!

  2. Christy, The Simple Homemaker

    Nice to meet you, Scott.

    I would be very interested in seeing the correlation between your new vegan lifestyle and your strength training.

    Congratulations on your improvements in health, your book, and your invitations to join SFV and the Plantbuilt Vegan Muscle Team. I’m looking forward to your updates.

    • Scott Shetler

      Thank you Christy! I will definitely make that a topic for one of my first blog posts. Will also be reporting on our Team Plantbuilt athletes competing in Austin, TX at the Naturally Fit Games on 6/6! We have 15 each on the bodybuilding/physique and powerlifting teams, 10 on the CrossFit team, and 4 on the kettlebell sport team – 44 vegan athletes are going to show a lot of people that you can eat plants and still kick butt! 😉

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