Veganuary-Inspired Q&A (EP 41: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

It’s Veganuary!  Veganuary began in 2014 by a UK nonprofit organization and is an annual challenge that promotes and educates people about veganism by encouraging them to follow a vegan lifestyle for the month of January.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Participation in Veganuary has more than doubled each year since 2014.  Now, it is a worldwide event inviting people to explore vegan life for the month of January.

With the worldwide reach, we always get some really great questions during the month of January.  These days you can go just about anywhere and get vegan recipe ideas or suggestions about staying true to your commitment to eating plant-based, but where can you go to get your embarrassing questions answered? 

HERE!  No topic is off-limits on The Vegan Life Coach Podcast!

In this light-hearted episode, we answer a few of those hard-to-ask questions that are common among vegan newbies.

Question 1 

I’m on day 11 of Veganuary, and I am really GASSY!!  HELP!  Is this going to regulate or do I just need to accept that this is the new me?


  1. The short answer is that as your body adjusts, you are sure to experience less gas. Right now, you are likely getting a lot more fiber than you are used to, and eating foods that are new or in larger quantities, can mean you body needs some time to adjust. This is your gut making the way for a healthier microbiome, so even though being gassy can be uncomfortable or even embarrassing, it’s a sign that your body’s digestive system is working hard to make the shift.
  2. A few things that can help:
    1. Introduce new foods slowly so your gut bacteria has time to adjust.
    2. Hydration!  Make sure you are drinking plenty of water.  
    3. Chew your food thoroughly (I’m talking about chewing your food to a paste before swallowing… 20-30 chews!).  
    4. Rinse your beans very well and/or use a pressure cooker.
    5. Ginger and peppermint help soothe the digestive system.
    6. A probiotic can help, but getting some prebiotic and probiotic foods will help more.  Up your intake of fermented foods like kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, pickles.

Question 2: 

What’s the deal with soy? Am I really going to grow man boobs if I start eating tofu?


We don’t find plastic surgeons telling women who want to augment their breasts to eat more tofu, right?  This confusion is a case of wild rumors being blown out of proportion.  

  1. Read THIS Sexy Fit Vegan blog post to discover the truth about soy.
  2. The phytoestrogens found in plant foods like tofu are not the same as the hormone estrogen. The risk for consuming high amounts of estrogen comes with the territory when consuming animals products and biproducts, particularly dairy.
  3. Speaking specifically of man boobs, the medical term for this is gynocastomia, and this condition is linked to any kind of hormone imbalance.  The truth is that soy has not been linked to gynocastomia. You see this condition a lot in bodybuilders who take steroids, NOT those who eat tofu!

Question 3 

I’m embarrassed to ask this question, because I think I should know, but what’s the difference between vegetarian, vegan, and plant based?  Are they just synonyms or what?


Being vegan is a way of life based on the idea that all living beings deserve to be respected and loved, and not exploited for any reason. Vegans do their best to avoid contributing to the suffering of animals. This means avoiding leather, products tested on animals, etc.

Plant-based is simply a diet that consists of mostly plants. And vegetarian is a diet free from animal flesh, but can include animal biproducts such as milk, cheese, eggs, and honey.

Question 4  

Do vegans really taste better?





Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz HERE!  

Vegan Life Coach Academy (Doors opening soon – for 48 hours only so get on the waitlist HERE!)

Dr. Michael Klaper (Plant-Based Telehealth)


Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary

Live Ultimate (the supplement I mention in the intro)


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Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Vegan Tri Guys on Veganism, Chronic Fatigue, & Following Your Passion (EP 40: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

In this intriguing episode I sit down with James Aubry, aka @VeganTriGuys and we chat it up about a number of topics that a ton of our listeners will relate to.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

James is a plant-powered cyclist and triathlete with an inspirational story of resilience. We talk about his battle with chronic fatigue, his journey into veganism, and the courageous step he took away from the corporate world to follow his passion.

Here’s a little bit about James, in his words…

In James’s own words:

I’m James, from London, England. I have been into endurance sport my entire life, it runs through my veins. It’s been a rollercoaster ride though in terms of health. After getting onto the British Cycling Youth Development Programme at 16 years old, I was on my way to fulfilling my dream of becoming a pro cyclist.

At the age of 17 however, I was struck by chronic fatigue, which plagued me on and off for 12 years. I eventually discovered veganism which helped me manage these symptoms, which haven’t returned since.

Veganism wasn’t without it’s challenges though, I learned first hand that a vegan diet isn’t necessary healthy if you eat a lot of refined/processed food, and you cannot out-exercise an unhealthy diet.

Coming from a history of disordered eating, I overcame food-restricting patterns by adopting a whole food, plant based diet, which is what I eat and recommend.

I have recently quit my engineering job in the corporate world to start Humble Hedgehog Productions and pursue my passion for videography. My mission is to use my talent to create content that will motivate and inspire people to make a positive impact on the Planet.


Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz HERE!  (Plus an opportunity to book a Discovery Session with Ella!)

@VeganTriGuys on Instagram

Vegan Tri Guys on Facebook

Humble Hedgehog Productions on Facebook

Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary

Gary Yourofsky‘s Talk

Live Ultimate (the supplement I mention in the intro)


Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Hacking Your Happy Chemicals (EP 39: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Think you can’t hack happiness? Think again!


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins are neurotransmitters in our brain that are responsible for our happiness. 

We have the power to activate these neurotransmitters in order to access happiness… We simply have to get intentional about it.

In this fun and empowering episode we help you discover the ways you can dial into your happy chemicals on a daily basis. A little effort can produce a lot of joy… We show you the way and give you plenty of personal examples!

Dopamine: Reward 

Dopamine is a motivator that gives us positive reinforcement when we achieve goals and meet our needs.

We can activate dopamine by things like…

  • Checking off an item on your to-do list (breaking big goals into smaller manageable goals is therefore helpful)
  • Self-care
  • Celebrating a win (the reason we do so much celebrating at Vegan Life Coach Academy!)
  • Feel-good music
  • Exercise

Serotonin: Mood 

Serotonin flows when you feel valued and worthy. Depression is a side effect of low serotonin production.

We can activate serotonin by things like…

  • Meditation
  • Visualization exercises (Our brain doesn’t distinguish what’s real versus imagined, so it produces serotonin in both cases)
  • Gratitude practice
  • Sunshine
  • A walk in nature
  • A massage
  • Exercise

Oxytocin: Love 

Oxytocin facilitates intimacy and helps builds healthy relationships. 

We can activate oxytocin by things like…

  • Being compassionate (living a vegan lifestyle!)
  • Playing with a dog
  • Interacting with rescued farm animals
  • Cuddling
  • Having an intimate conversation with a close friend
  • Giving a gift
  • Sex

Endorphins: > Painkiller 

Endorphins decrease pain and boost pleasure by acting on the opiate receptors in our brains.

We can activate oxytocin by things like…

  • Uncontrollable laughter 
  • Donating to a good cause
  • Exercise
  • Watching comedy
  • Dark chocolate
  • Sex


Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz HERE!  (Plus an opportunity to book a Discovery Session with Ella!)


Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

A Refreshing Take on New Year’s Resolutions (EP 38: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Here we go again… The New Year is right around the corner and it’s time to consider resolutions… How will you go about deciding on one?


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Are you fed up with making resolutions that you don’t keep? Maybe you see the tradition as pointless and you’ve given up on making one all together. You might even see resolutions as a great way to set yourself up to fail, yet again.

I get it! I haven’t made a New Year’s resolution in as long as I can remember. That doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t move into each new year with goals and dreams. In this episode Stephanie and I offer you an alternative to resolutions that will help you put a fresh spin on the yearly tradition right here, right now.


Instead of one overwhelming resolution, let’s look at making simple, manageable commitments to yourself that will lead to replacing dis-empowering thought patterns and limiting beliefs with empowering ones. In order to do this, you’ll need to start by identifying the obstacles preventing you from stepping into your power.

Instead of weight loss as a resolution for example, I encourage you to first look at the reasons you want to lose the weight. Is your reasoning based on health and longevity because you love yourself and you want to be active into old age? Or is it because you hate your body, can’t stand to be in pictures, and avoid the mirror at all costs? If your reason is the latter, there are some deeper concerns to address.

The majority of our clients come into our Coaching Programs wanting to lose weight and change the shape of their bodies. What they must accept though, is the process for changing your body starts with your mindset. Loving, accepting, and respecting yourSELF AND your body as it is right now is the prerequisite for changing it.

We’re not talking about a quick fix here. We’re talking about doing the mental and emotional work it takes to get to a place where you make decisions out of pure love for yourself… Only then does will power no longer matter… Only then can you feel confident that you will continue to make the choices that will serve you best for the rest of your life (creating a sustainable lifestyle you love).

Using weight loss as the example, a commitment you may want to make to yourself in 2021 is to look in the mirror and say, “I am perfectly imperfect and I love, accept, and respect myself as I am right now,” every day (or whatever mantra hits home).

There you have it! If you find the perspective we’ve presented here intriguing, I encourage you to learn more about how you can transform your mindset, body, and life with the 6-Week Intuitive Food & Fitness Bootcamp, starting with our new QUIZ (free) HERE.

We’d also love to see you join our Empowered Vegan Life Facebook tribe for free support as you start this incredible new chapter in your life.

I’ll end with this… Kick the excuses to the curb right here, right now. You have the power to write a new story for your life in 2019! Let’s do this!!

– Ella


Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz HERE!  (Plus an opportunity to book a Discovery Session with Ella!)


Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Moderation… What’s That? (EP 37: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Both Stephanie and I agree that the old saying, “everything in moderation,” is overrated.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

The idea, “everything in moderation” has its place, but there are also parts of our lives where it can hold us back… Sometimes we need to be “all in!” 

In episode 37 of The Vegan Life Coach Podcast we explore the intricacies of the idea that moderation is the ideal we should strive for. So many of our clients describe themselves as “all or nothing” type people, usually with a negative connotation. We discuss the ways in which you can harness such a quality to work to your benefit as well. 

When it comes to aligning our actions with our values, for example, I have some “hard no’s” in my life. Consuming animal products and biproducts… A hard no! Why? Because I care deeply about the wellbeing of animals and do everything in my power to avoid contributing to their suffering and death. 

In addition to eating exclusively plants, Stephanie mentions that she doesn’t let anything get in the way of spending quality time with her children, and getting in her “alone time” to recharge (we’re both introverts).

We also discussed trigger foods. Before healing my relationship with food, there were many foods that I was unable to eat in moderation. I couldn’t eat 1/4 cup (1 serving) of granola for example. One serving would turn into five (if you’ve ready my story, you know all about my granola addiction)!

For Stephanie, soda is a trigger food and she therefore chooses to avoid having so much as a sip.

The alternative to striving for moderation, is to live in the moment, be present, stay in our conscious mind, and make mindful choices, instead of allowing programming (aka habits and patterns) to dictate your actions.

The number one tool you can use to help you make a conscious choice, is the Power Pause. We’re talking about taking a step back to observe your thoughts… To approach yourself with curiosity and compassion, and ask yourself, “Why am I about to take this action?”

Let’s say you’re at a birthday party for example, and the cake has just been cut, and someone hands you a piece. Maybe, you would normally automatically accept the piece of cake and eat it without much thought.

The Power Pause strategy involves asking yourself, “Why am I choosing to eat this cake?” Maybe your answer is that you don’t want to be rude (aka succumbing to your people-pleasing programming). Well maybe now you realize that wanting to make everyone else comfortable at the expense of compromising your values of not eating animal products (cake is typically made with eggs and milk), is not a good reason to eat the cake, and so you make a different choice this time, and politely decline.

The power is in the conscious CHOICE. This is a strategy that will help you wrap up 2020 feeling in charge of your health and happiness, and better equipped to make a positive impact on other people, animals and the Planet in 2021 and beyond!

– Ella


Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz HERE!  (Plus an opportunity to book a Discovery Session with Ella!)

Hogs & Kisses Facebook Page

Hogs & Kisses Website (Donations Page)


Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Alcohol: A Sticky Topic? (EP 34: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

During a recent Q&A at Vegan Life Coach Academy, we got the following question… “This may be a sticky topic, so I understand if you don’t want to address it, but what are your thoughts on alcohol?”


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Can you guess the response from Stephanie and me?  

“There are no sticky topics we don’t tackle!” 

If you’re a regular listener of our podcast you know that we are far from afraid to talk about taboo topics, from sex to poop, and everything in between.😆 

In this episode, we touch on many questions people have about alcohol like…

  • How do I stop myself from over-drinking?
  • Is red wine really healthy?
  • Can I be healthy and still enjoy alcohol in moderation?
  • What are some tips to reduce weight gain if you don’t want to give up drinking all together?

We have fun on this episode, as well as weighing in on the serious side of alcohol. In fact, Stephanie’s field of expertise is addiction counseling, so she is able to weigh in professionally on the topic of addiction.

We also announce the launch of our new, 6-Week Sexy Fit Vegan Bootcamp! You can take our new quiz HERE and learn if the upcoming Bootcamp may help you get the results (short AND long-term)  you’re looking for, whether that be weight loss, long-term health, feeling energized and vibrant, gaining self-confidence, or any of the other countless benefits of a Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet and active lifestyle.

The 6-Week Sexy Fit Vegan Bootcamp is by invitation only, so if you’re serious about the possibility of joining us, you’re invited to book a Diet Discovery Call HERE. I am doing these consultations personally, 100% FREE OF CHARGE, for a short time so don’t wait… Book your session now while you’re thinking about it!

– Ella


Hogs & Kisses ThanksLiving Package:

Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz! 

Book a Consultation with Me (6-Week SFV Bootcamp):

Vegan Alcohol Finder: 


Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Emmy Award Winner Alison Argo (EP 33: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

In this powerful ThanksLiving special episode of The Vegan Life Coach Podcast, I interview six-time Emmy Award-winner Allison Argo.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Allison Argo is a producer, director, editor, and writer whose films have won six national Emmys, duPont Columbia, and over 80 awards internationally, including Genesis, Jackson Hole, NY, Banff, and dozens of awards from New Zealand to Japan.

Allison is known for her emotionally-charged and deeply personal films – in particular her intimate portraits of abused and endangered animals. 

The nearly two dozen films she’s produced, directed and written have all been broadcast by PBS and/or National Geographic and have reached audiences worldwide. 

The Last Pig continues Allison’s mission to provide a voice for those who are not heard– and to deepen understanding and respect for all beings.  

We had an intriguing discussion, starting with Allison’s path to film-making, which involved the incredible story of Ivan the Gorilla (which has a very happy ending)!

We talk about social conditioning, why we treat some animals as pets and others as food, and about the disconnects society programs into us from an early age (why are dogs accepted as pets, while pigs are considered food and sentenced to death), and so much more.

 I had the privilege of viewing Allison’s latest documentary, The Last Pig, prior to our interview. Allison’s mission for this remarkable film is to provide a voice for those who are not heard– and to deepen understanding and respect for all beings. 

The Last Pig was one of the most extraordinary films I’ve ever seen… Absolutely beautiful, and heart-wrenching at the same time.

Here is the film’s description:

In the rolling hills of Upstate New York, a farmer is in crisis: after years of raising pigs, he can no longer bear the ultimate act of betrayal. 

This award-winning film chronicles his final year on the farm, capturing in intimate detail the farmer’s personal upheaval as he questions his beliefs and the value of life.

The Last Pig is an immersive snapshot, a tale of choice, grit, and the changing landscape of animal agriculture.

The farmer’s inner reflections share his struggle to align life with values, and through the story’s simple intimacy, the farmer’s moral quandary quietly becomes our own.

I am not only blown away with Allison’s talent as a producer, but also by her authenticity, generosity, and unwavering passion for making a positive impact on the lives of all animals and the Planet.

I’m excited to now share an opportunity for you to see the streaming of The Last Pig and get access to a special, live Q&A with Allison and the Directors of the 4 animal sanctuaries who are benefiting from the ticket sales!

Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary (if you haven’t yet, you’ll definitely want to check out episode 30 with founder Anne Molina) has put together a package as part of it’s “soft launch” this week. 

The package includes a ticket to see The Last Pig as well as my latest Ebook, “Plant-Empowered: Reshape Your Body by Reconditioning Your Mind” for a minimum donation of just $10! 

$5 will be going to the other 4 sanctuaries and to help fund The Last Pig on PBS. The other $5+ will go to helping Hogs & Kisses, a 501c3 nonprofit that has been sponsoring farm pigs who are waiting for them to build what will be their forever home!

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback and answer your questions! Please share inside our Empowered Life Group on Facebook.

**And if you’re not a Vegan Life Coach Academy member yet, make sure you’re on the wait list so that you’ll be the first to know when we open our doors to new members again!



The Last Pig: Website   

Hogs & Kisses Launch Package, Including The Last Pig Tickets and Ella’s Latest Plant-Empowered Ebook!

Ticket to The Last Pig Only (No Package)

The Last Pig Streaming Event Flyer

The Last Pig Trailer



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Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Letting Go as You Grow (EP 32: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

After some fun talk about random topics, from vegan hot chocolate, to doggie dental care, to Fireball (which took me back to college years), Stephanie and I dive into the focus of today’s podcast… Letting go.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

We have #MantraMonday to start each week with intention at Vegan Life Coach Academy, and last week the mantra was all about letting go. 

Stephanie wrote…

Today, take some time to think about what you have been carrying that has simply become too heavy. It is time to let go.  Let go of expectations, self judgement, anxiety, and loneliness.  It’s time to take a deep breath and enter into this week with the intention of letting go so that there is room for your growth and the new that your efforts and the universe are bringing to you! 

There are so many different areas of our lives where there is cause to let go, so we’re breaking the subject down.

On today’s episode we focus on relationships.

Check out the thread that occurred in the comments of our VLCA #MantraMonday post (we’ve changed the names to protect our members’ privacy…  

Maria: Thank you, I’m letting go of friendships that don’t serve my best self

Lilly: Ohhhh, I’ve been here. I’ve found this to be so hard when going through it and utterly liberating afterwards! Sending you strength!

Vickie: I’ve been there too, it’s such a painful place to be and it has taken me a very long time, especially to accept how such a deep affection could be transformed into something else, comprehension, jealousy and hatred at times. I am not sure I have reached a place of forgiveness yet, but at least I don’t feel so sad anymore.

Stephanie and I dive deep into the complexities of letting go of the people in our lives who are not lifting us up. 

I share my personal experience with my own energy and perspectives shifting, and how this sparked the realization that I was no longer willing to allow other people’s negative energy bring me down.

We discuss what people can do to be empowered to let go of relationships that aren’t facilitating growth.

We’d love to hear your feedback and questions! Please share inside our Empowered Life Group on Facebook.

**And if you’re not a Vegan Life Coach Academy member yet, make sure you’re on the wait list so that you’ll be the first to know when we open our doors to new members again!



Vegan Life Coach Academy



Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Miami Girls on a Mission – Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary Update (EP 31: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

In Episode #31 of the Vegan Life Coach Podcast, Ella checks in with Anne Molina from Hogs & Kisses Sanctuary for an update.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

If you haven’t yet listened to Episode #3 The Path to Opening Hogs & Kisses Animal Sanctuary with Anne Molina. You’ll want to listen to Anne’s fascinating story in order to get some background information that this episode builds upon.

The conversation starts out with some fun catching up and reminiscing between Ella and Anne. Then Ella shares her new ultimate addiction with us. They talk briefly about the mercury retrograde and the coronavirus before jumping into the update. 

They begin with the piece of land Anne and her husband decided to purchase. Anne shares she had her eye on it for a while. She and her husband looked at other properties but in the end came back to this one because they fell in love with it. 

One of the topics Ella and Anne discuss in this episode is all the amazing people and stories that have converged to make this project possible, including the previous owner of the property, and the special way Anne’s family is honoring the past owner’s family. 

Anne and Ella describe the amazing property and some possibilities for its use, a few of which may surprise and delight you. Plus, Anne tells listeners some fun, surprising facts about pigs. (I bet you didn’t know these!)

Then Anne updates listeners on the pigs, what they’ll need to keep the animals safe on the property, and some of the other animals they plan to give a forever home to. 

Before they can put any animals on the land however, they will need someone there, on the land at all time to ensure the animal’s safety. This is where Ella shares her incredible idea (that may change) with listeners: A tiny house, on the property where she would go and stay to help out with the animals.

What’s especially cool, is that when Ella started talking to people about the idea, she could not believe the response she received from people who wanted to help and also stay and take care of the animals. 

Anne rounds out the conversation with the overall vision of the property and the hope that they can open their barn doors to their four-legged friends this Spring. 

If you’re interested in being a part of Hogs & Kisses Sanctuary and donating to bring the pigs home please contact Ella or Anne. 

[email protected]


Episode #3: Hogs & Kisses Farm Animal Sanctuary

Hogs & Kisses You Tube Channel

Hogs & Kisses Website


Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

10 Foolproof Ways to Be an Awesome Parent

During my 4.5 years of being a mother, I have noticed myself go from, “I am rocking this mom thing” to “I am screwing my child up for life” in a matter of 60 seconds.

I strive (daily) to be a good mother but this is the most challenging job I have ever had and it will be the job I am assigned to for the rest of my life… There is no retirement from parenting.  It is very stressful at times and I lose my cool more often than I like to admit.

I grew up with a screaming parent.  I had decided at a very young age that I would NEVER be that mom.  I wanted my children to feel loved and supported and for their feelings to be validated instead of shunning them for not obeying or losing my temper over their simple curiosity and comedic impulses. I wanted to be that parent who understands that children just want acceptance and hugs.  I read many books about child development and how to be calm, cool and collected at all times in this ever-changing job position.

But this morning, as I was having a screaming war with my son over brushing his teeth before school, I saw his small body trembling with anger and exhausted from the battle and I realized that I have allowed myself to lose sight of who he is… I have allowed myself to fall into patterns of behavior instead of using the tools I have learned about child-parent dynamics… I have allowed myself to be that screaming parent… and I crumbled. My beautiful boy deserves better.

So, I went back to some insights I have accumulated throughout the years to center my thoughts.  I am amazed at the calm I feel just by reading them out loud to myself. I am even more amazed that I have lost sight of so many of these thoughts for one reason or another over time.  My reality of parenting has not been jiving with my intentions and it is time for a check-in:

1)   Good parenting means taking care of yourself first.

Think of it the same as you are taught on an airplane… you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can help anyone else.  If you neglect your own body and mind, you are really neglecting your child’s, as well. We cannot give a warm drink to someone with an empty carafe. Eat well, sleep well, exercise your body and take time to breathe and you can go into situations with enough understanding and awareness to make sure everyone wins. (This is something Ella certainly drives home in the Plant-Empowered Coaching Program.)

2)   Being imperfect is absolutely perfect.  

No one is perfect!  How beautiful and freeing that statement feels.  So many children are being taught that being wrong about something holds a bad connotation.  I remember being in school and being terrified to raise my hand because I was afraid of answering incorrectly and (possibly) being ridiculed by my teachers and peers over it.  

As an adult I realize that being wrong is important to learn anything. Do we ever truly learn from being right all the time? Our own focus on perfection trickles down to our children… whether it be about grades, appearance, weight or the like. Just as it is important for adults to know and practice this idea, it is even more vital for children to be comfortable with making mistakes and with being imperfect for their own mental health.  As adults, we can reason on a different level than children, whose brains are developing well into teen-hood. They are more susceptible to allowing negative thoughts about themselves and others to take over their lives.  Teach them that there is nothing wrong with a challenge and to welcome imperfection with a smile.

3)  Being mindful is more important than being in control.

The times when I am fighting for control are the times when I have lost control completely.  When I stop to take a breath to snap out of that space, my body is shaking from anger and my son is either screaming at me or crying because I hurt his feelings.  At that point, it feels like it is too late for this fight to come to a calm conclusion. If I had just opened my eyes to look at him and asked what he needed or wanted, it would have changed the course of the entire situation. Instead, I scoop him up and hold him in my arms and apologize over and over again, allowing the guilt to run so deeply that I ache in my fingertips.

Children’s feelings are often bigger than them and it is our job as the adult to help them to understand their emotions and focus their reactions appropriately.  Next time you feel that pit of anger welling up because your child is doing the exact opposite of what you think he should do… take a breath and walk away so that you can focus on his needs and to help him to work through his feelings.

4)   Take time to play and get in touch with your inner child.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “It is a happy talent to know how to play.”  Embracing the nostalgia of what made childhood so great is all about freedom to just have fun, to be outside, to run wildly, to explore, to play a game, to sing, to dance and to, simply, take time to laugh heartily.

While our idea of fun has changed quite a bit as we have aged, I have never seen a person, at any age, with a frown on her face while doing something she loves.  Play with your kiddo as often as possible… remind yourself what it was like to be that young… embrace it and do it often. Show your mini that you are never too old to have fun.

5)   It’s okay to be late.  

Let’s face it, when you have children, being on-time for anything goes out the window.  IT’S OK! It is not the end of the world and people usually understand (and if they don’t, that’s OK, too).  I am not saying be an hour late and expect that others will let it go… but being ten minutes late is not a make-or-break situation.  Don’t stress yourself and your child out by pushing perfection here.

6)   My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.

My mother had this sign hanging on the kitchen wall for my entire childhood.  While we always had a clean home, my mother never worried if our toys were in the living room because that meant we were having fun and that was more important to her than having everything in its place at all times.

Before I had my son, I had a rigid cleaning schedule for my home. I even had a calendar to remind me what to clean and when.  I realized very quickly into parenthood that that way of being caused me more anxiety than anything else. I had to let go a bit and know that the “Cleaning Police” were not going to barge into my house and take me away if there was a little dust on the mantle. If there is a choice between spending time with your family or cleaning… choose family and enjoy every minute.

7)   My child loves me unconditionally.  

I am always amazed that, no matter how many times I “mess up” this parenting thing, my son always gives me a kiss and hug before bed. He never holds onto the anger or resents me for my reactions.  He only wants to know that I will always love him, back. He wants my approval, my guidance, my arms to hug him and for me to play with him as often as possible. Children tend to be more forgiving than adults… we should take a lesson from them.  

8)   It’s okay to give in.  

There are times when I ask myself, “Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?”  Not everything has to be something. If it doesn’t matter that much, then don’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be just to prove a point.  It’s ok to let something go and give in to your child sometimes… you will not ruin him or make him a menace to society if an argument ends with you saying, “You know what? I don’t want to fight anymore… just eat the cookie for dinner and enjoy it.”  Pick your battles.

9)   Children are always testing their wings, not you!  

More often than not, children are trying to see the extent of their own abilities.  They are not purposefully trying to piss you off… it’s not personal. They want to be strong, independent and reach their dreams whether that means wearing the same Superman shirt everyday or climbing to the highest point on the playground.  They don’t know how you feel about the situation and they usually don’t care (children are naturally egocentric… their world is the only world). It’s more about living moment to moment for them rather than whatever consequences will follow.

Take time to explain to them what can happen, or why you are angry, or how they can make better choices rather than yelling at them for not doing something the way you want them to.  They might not always agree or understand, but they will likely feel more loved and respected if you talk with them rather than at them.

10)    I am enough!

There will be plenty of times when you will doubt your abilities and feel like you can do better.  I am a firm believer that the Universe gives us what we need when we need it. Our children challenge us to be better than we’ve ever been before and the Universe would never have done that if it didn’t know that we are ready for it.  You are enough.. in fact, you are more than enough. You are an AWESOME parent!