My Top 3 Exercise “Playlist”!


I often get asked what my favorite exercises are, and while there are too many great exercises out there to choose from, if I had to narrow down my favorites, these would make the top 3 list!

Thanks to my friend and Humane League Atlanta Office Director, Chris Guinn, for the topic idea BTW!

1. Deadlift:

In my opinion this is hands down the best exercise you can do. It requires a lot of coordinated muscular effort to perform properly, is fantastic for strengthing the entire backside of the body and torso (i.e. core), and requires no special equipment – just a bar and a bunch of iron plates. In addition the deadlift is a very safe lift to perform as missing a deadlift has far fewer potential dangers than missing a squat or bench press. Plus there is just something raw and awesome about ripping a heavy barbell off the ground!


2. Pull-Up:

The pull-up is king of the upper body exercises as far as I’m concerned. I see way more people opting for the easier to perform lat pulldown. Pulldowns will not give you the same mid- and upper-back development as the pull-up. If you want to jack up your pull-up numbers here’s a simple plan. Test your max number of reps. Now do a set of half your max in-between sets of all your other exercises in your workout. If you can only do 4 pull-ups in a row, do a set of 2 between sets of all your other exercises. If you have 20 sets of exercises in your training session, you will end up knocking out 40 pull-ups throughout your workout. Do this for a few weeks then retest your max, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

3. Kettlebell Clean and Press:

The kettlebell clean and press can be performed with 1 or 2 kettlebells and is one of the biggest “bang for your buck” kettlebell exercises you can do, as it works almost every muscle in the entire body. Kettlebells are a great addition to any strength and conditioning or fitness program and can be used almost anywhere. Sometimes I drag a kettlebell or two to the park and do a lighter weight conditioning workout outside if I want to get out of the gym for a bit. Kettlebells are great to keep at your house too in case you can’t get to the gym and need an efficient and effective full-body workout.


Photo credit Dani Taylor.

While these are the exercises that made my top 3 list, I certainly wouldn’t neglect exercises like full squats, various presses and pulls, and direct abdominal work; but putting a lot of hard work into my top 3 favorites will provide huge improvements in functional strength.

Stay Strong AND Healthy!


My Vegan Journey Part 2: Regaining My Strength

Vegan Fitness Journey 2

“Being part of Team Plantbuilt is a huge honor as it allows me to be part of a much larger group of athletes who share a common goal, to show that you can be strong, athletic and build muscle on a vegan diet plan and most importantly to support animal welfare.”

In my last blog I talked about the dramatic changes in health I experienced when I switched to a plant-based diet. After getting healthy, I started getting that competitive itch again, only this time my motivation was different. I wanted to see how I could stack up to my old competition results as a vegan with much less body-weight.

Prior to going vegan I achieved personal bests in the following powerlifts: 450 lb. squat, 315 lb. bench press, and a 463 lb. deadlift; and in kettlebell sport, my event is the long cycle (or clean & jerk of two kettlebells for 10 minutes without setting the bells down for as many reps as you can perform), I had personal bests of 71 reps in training and 65 reps in competition with two 20kg (44lb.) kettlebells. All of these were achieved at a body weight of about 220 lbs.

I had competed in powerlifting from 2005 to 2007 and kettlebell sport from 2008 to 2009.

I decided to try my first competitions in 2013 and 2014 by competing at the Punch Gym Sarasota Kettlebell Sport Championships. I hit all-time personal bests of 72 reps in training and 67 reps in competition weighing under 187 lbs. In addition I won my individual division as well as the overall title in the long cycle competition both years.


Winning my division and best lifter overall in the long cycle event at the 2013 Punch Gym Sarasota Kettlebell Sport Championship!

Halfway through my training cycle for the 2014 Florida kettlebell meet I was contacted by my friend Giacomo Marchese. Giacomo is an amateur natural bodybuilder and co-founder of Team Plantbuilt, an all-vegan team of strength and physique athletes. In 2014 they were recruiting members in sports other than bodybuilding. Since the event they were competing at did not have kettlebell sport, I had the choice of powerlifting or CrossFit. Due to my history in powerlifting, even though it was 7 years prior, I agreed to join Plantbuilt to be part of their first ever powerlifting team in 2014. I had exactly 12 weeks to prepare following the Florida kettlebell sport meet. Due to the limited prep time and a nagging shoulder injury I opted to compete in the deadlift-only division instead of the full meet.

Powerlifting is a total of your best squat, bench press and deadlift done in a single competition. They usually offer single lift events in the bench press and deadlift at meets as well.

Even though I hadn’t pulled a heavy deadlift in training since late 2007 I managed to make a 425 lb. deadlift during my training for the 2014 Naturally Fit Games powerlifting competition and weighing in at 193 lbs. I made a 402 lb. deadlift at the competition, just 61 lbs. under my best all time lift and now at a much lighter bodyweight.


Representing Team Plantbuilt in the deadlift-only division at the Naturally Fit Games 2015 Simply Fit Open Powerlifting Championship!

For 2015 the Naturally Fit Games added kettlebell sport to their event line-up and I switched back to training for that event. Unfortunately about 10 weeks out from the event, which was just held on June 6, my shoulder injury started to come back and I made the last minute decision to compete in the deadlift again and with only 9 weeks of training managed to lift a personal best of 407 lbs. in the 198 lb. weight class, just like 2014 I weighed in at 193 lbs. Unfortunately my 407 lb. lift was turned down by two of the three judges, even though I lifted it, whether or not my knees were fully locked out was questioned by the judges so two of the three turned it down and I only received official credit for my 385 lb. second attempt. I had numerous other lifters tell me they couldn’t see anything wrong with the lift, so if it was a technicality it was a minor one but regardless, it felt great!

Being part of Team Plantbuilt is a huge honor as it allows me to be part of a much larger group of athletes who share a common goal, to show that you can be strong, athletic and build muscle on a vegan diet plan and most importantly to support animal welfare. The money we raise as a team through our fundraising events goes to support animal welfare organizations and vegan outreach.


I can‘t be serious all the time! Getting at posing lesson with my friend and teammate, physique competitor Erin Fergus during at training session at Bonebreaker Barbell in Austin, TX – the most hardcore vegan gym on the planet! Can’t build muscle on plants? Erin disagrees!

Looking forward I plan to continue to compete and represent Plantbuilt with my goal of ultimately exceeding my best powerlifts from my days as an omnivorous lifter. As a collective, all of the vegan athletes on Plantbuilt are proof that you can not only thrive, but you you can kick butt athletically as a vegan, just look at the numerous top 3 placings and overall wins our athletes are racking up every year!


Team Plantbuilt 2015! A bunch of bodybuilders, powerlifters, CrossFitters, and kettlebell sport lifters who are vegan for the animals. The only thing we kill is the stage!

If you would like to learn more about Team Plantbuilt and our mission, visit us on the web at and follow us on social media. Since our 2015 event just happened updates are rolling in daily on Plantbuilt, and our individual athlete social media pages.

I hope my personal experience in regaining both my health and my strength shows you that you can build strength, muscle, and most importantly your health by adopting a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle. I wish you nothing but success as you begin, or continue, your journey on the plant-based path!

For the Animals,

Brooks Running Company: Environmentally Conscious & Employee Friendly!

Brooks Running Company Eco-Friendly


For any of you who are avid runners such as myself, you may know that it is not easy to find a great running shoe, much less vegan running shoe, that can support the wear and tear hitting the pavement can put on your knees and feet.

Even more challenging is finding a brand that is also environmentally conscious… well I found one! Actually I know this brand well from back in my days of executive recruiting and they are awesome! Brooks Running Company is based in Seattle, Washington and not only are they conscious of the environment but they also treat their employees like gold and invest a lot of time and energy into really creating an exceptional running shoe. There is not another brand that I can think of that focuses specifically on running like Brooks does and their customers are usually loyal for a lifetime! They offer a great variety, with plenty of bold or neutral designs to choose from. They not only sell shoes, but additionally apparel and gear all designed specifically for runners. I am certainly a fan and if you don’t have a brand you love when it comes to running yet, I highly suggest you check them out. They are sold across various retailers all over the U.S. and you can also shop online.


Workouts For A Cut, Beach Body

Cut-Upper-Body of a fit man

Are you looking to get cut for that beach body this summer?

Do you want to shed a little more belly fat to be the envy on the beach? Doing this and also improving muscle definition can be frustrating at times. So here are some good helpful pointers to switch up that boring split routine.

First, vary your repetition range. The human body’s ability to adapt to stressors is quick and efficient. So every week you should change it up. General hypertrophy (muscle growth) is best between 8 and 12 repetitions, between 2 and 4 sets.

Cut-Beach-BodyMoving on, you should keep rest periods short. Or, in some cases non existent. Meaning, superset muscle groups! The superset system uses two exercises performed in rapid succession. This features the use of compound sets, or tri-sets. Compound sets involve use of two exercises for antagonist muscles. For example performing a set of bench presses followed by cable rows (chest/back). Working opposing muscles allow for better recovery before the start of a new set.

Tri-sets use three exercises in rapid succession for the same muscle group or body part. For example, a chest tri-set might be an incline dumbbell press, a cable fly and pushups all in succession. The superset system is beneficial for muscle hypertophy and endurance. Also, you work harder, so fat will be burned more efficiently, break through plateaus, maximizing muscle recruitment, and it’s a great way to save time!

Also, there are circuit training systems which involves a series of exercises performed one after the other with minimal rest. Typical sets consist of 1-3 and 8-15 repetitions with 15-60 seconds rest in between exercises. A good way to add intensity to your workout is to ditch those machines. Go with multi-joint exercises and/or free weights (e.g. the deadlift, clean and press, thrusters, bent over rows, and squats.)

Also, if you want to get cut up cardio is still a big factor. Instead of a consistent pace however, go with high intensity intervals. For example, sprinting for 30 seconds then jogging slowly for 60 seconds. You can always adjust this different ways so have fun with it. It’s also another good way to make cardio a lot less boring!

Hello all you Sexy Fit Vegans!

Kirsten Going Vegan Story

“After 11 years of being a vegetarian I watched a documentary called Vegucated and I realized I could no longer stick my head in the sand.”

Hello everyone!                         IMG_1672

I have done a couple of posts here already but I thought I would formally introduce myself and share my story with you all.  My name is Kirsten Mitchell and I am thrilled to be part of the Sexy Fit Vegan family.  I am a 44 year old mother of two, and while I am neither a chef nor a fitness professional I am very passionate about both food and exercise.

I became a vegetarian in 2002 but was hesitant to switch to vegan because I was uneducated regarding the horrors of the dairy industry and I believed that I needed dairy for protein.  After 11 years of being a vegetarian I watched a documentary called Vegucated and I realized I could no longer stick my head in the sand.  If I truly considered myself an animal lover (which I do) then vegan was the only way to go.  Along with this dietary change also came a change in my activity. For many years I had been a runner…running 5 days a week and racing often (from a mile to the marathon) and while I was physically fit, my body was just not looking the way I wanted it to.  So at around the the same time I put down the dairy, I picked up the weights.  Magic happened! Now after two years of being vegan I am stronger and in the best shape of my life.  And more importantly, I feel great!  I truly believe that a vegan diet and a balanced exercise schedule that includes cardio, strength training, balance and stretching is the fountain of youth!

IMG_0936-22013 vs today

Now my passion is creating protein forward recipes that can fuel the athlete in all of us.  It is very easy to become a junk food vegan (believe me, I had a phase where my major food group was Oreos) so it is my hope that I will be able to give you all some helpful exercise tips and recipes to add to your Vegan repertoire.  You can also find me on Instagram @veganfueledfitness.

Thank you Ella for this opportunity and I look forward to spreading the vegan love:)



5 Tips for Beach-Ready Abs

Sexy Abs

Summer is creeping up on us quickly… Time to take action for beach-ready abs!

As featured on PeTA’s “Living” blog

Who doesn’t want a beautifully sculpted stomach? As a fitness trainer and nutrition coach, I hear it from my clients all the time: “How do I get rid of this,” they ask, as they grab and pinch belly fat, “and get abs like yours?” Well, I have compiled a list of what it takes to achieve the toned tummy that you are longing for. If it were easy, everyone would have a shot at the cover of Fitness Magazine! Although it’s not “easy,” it is definitely doable … and YOU CAN DO IT! Just take the following steps:

Soda Makes You Fat1. Cut “empty calories” from your diet. Your first thought might be that you don’t want to “deprive” yourself of the soda and chips that you love so much. But here’s the deal: You are actually depriving yourself by eating them! What I mean is that you are filling up on foods that are missing the nutrients that your body needs to survive and thrive. Make this a habit, and your body will actually go into starvation mode and hold onto your body fat. By replacing the empty calories with nutrient-dense ones, your body gets what it wants and allows fat to be eliminated. Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying never splurge, but even when you splurge, you can do it without filling up on empty calories! For example, I make delicious popcorn with coconut oil for movie nights. And when I get a sweet tooth, one of my favorite treats is coconut-milk ice cream. Give it some time, and you will never miss that chemical, fake buttered popcorn or Ben & Jerry’s! All my top healthy vegan swaps can be found in the 60-page “How To Go Vegan Beginner’s Guide!

Jog for summer ready abs2. Make time for cardio workouts. Cardio workouts (in which you elevate your heart rate for more than 30 minutes) are important for two main reasons. First, it’s how to keep your heart beating strong, which keeps you alive and able to live life to the fullest for years and years to come! And second, cardio burns fat. Pretty simple! Do your cardio!



Exercises involving core 3. Choose exercises that involve “core strength.” Your core basically encompasses your body from your chest to your butt. Increasing your core strength means not only sculpting a sexy, toned midsection but also strengthening your body in such a way that will improve your posture, give you stability, and prevent injuries. If you focus only on your abs, you will set yourself up for bad posture, back problems, and injuries. Most exercise machines take your core out of the exercise by acting as a stabilizer, which is neither functional nor efficient. Instead of using the leg-press machine, for example, do squats. Instead of using a chest-press machine, do pushups. You can add weight to your back to make it more challenging. Get creative! Have fun with it! Flip tires.  Also, do dumbbell rows from a plank position so that you work your back and core at the same time.


Stay hydrated with Water4. Stay Hydrated. 
Water retention leaves us puffy and bloated—not so helpful when your goal is a flat stomach! The most effective ways to prevent water retention are to stay hydrated with plenty of water throughout the day, keep your sodium intake low (especially iodized salt found in processed foods—I use either Celtic or Himalayan sea salt at home), stay away from junk food, eat whole foods with lots of fiber, and exercise.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods5. Eat anti-infla
mmatory foods daily. Chronic inflammation can be one of the main underlying causes of illness and premature aging. It can also cause weight gain and swelling, which is why it’s included on this list. But the truth of the matter is that reducing inflammation in your body can literally save your life. The good news is that there are some simple ways to prevent and treat inflammation. Eating foods with anti-inflammatory properties, while eliminating inflammation-causing foods is first and foremost. Eating fiber-rich, nutrient-dense vegan whole foods will give you the perfect anti-inflammatory diet. Processed food, refined sugar, and saturated and trans fats cause inflammation. Regular exercise is also helpful in reducing inflammation, as are avoiding allergens (such as dairy products, gluten, and peanuts for some people) and managing stress. Check out the “How to Create Your Own Super Food Shake” to learn more about easily incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your daily routine!

New Sexy Fit Vegan Contributor!

Matthew Washington vegan athlete
‘Hey everyone! I wanna say i’m very excited to be a part of the sexy fit vegan team!  I’ve never been a part of a blog before so this is definitely a new, fun experience. I’m a certified personal trainer of over 4 years, with certs in nutrition and sports performance.  I became vegan a little over seven years ago.  After a rough period of life, losing my sister to ovarian cancer.  I was also in an extremely unhealthy spot in my life. Smoking a pack a day. Drinking. Also eating the worst foods possible.  Yes, i ate mcdonalds….every day. I gradually became 60 pounds overweight.  One day i woke up and was tired of the life i was living.  I quit smoking cold turkey. Started to pick up running. I knew i needed to change my diet, i noticed a few features on vegan athletes and what they did, and how they were doing it.  I was completely fascinated and researched as much as i could, and when i felt i was ready, i became vegan.  My weight dropped drastically, my energy was amazing, and my recovery was great. Eventually after i got certified as a trainer i lifted weights more religiously, and got my weight up, lean muscle of course. No fat 😉 .  Of course over the years you get everything from,
“Oh, you’re vegan? How’s that work? I think that’s cool but i could never give up cheese.”
To the more extreme,
“Are you kidding me bro? Where do you get your protein?! Soy lowers your testosterone!”
Granted, there are many myths regarding plant based lifestyles that i will love to get into at later times.  Also, i’d love to share good programs for building strength and muscle on a plant based diet. As well as certain nutrients/minerals/vitamins you should and shouldn’t worry about. The fitness and nutrition world is a confusing one.  Full of contradictions, myths and empty promises for fast and easy results.  Like every goal in life, they don’t come overnight. And neither does health and fitness.  it’s a journey, not a diet, but a lifestyle. And i’m very excited to help!’

Vegan Fitness: Ode to Jumprope

Ella Magers with Jump Rope

I’d like to give a big shout out to one of my best friends for vegan fitness, Jump Rope!

This morning as I used you, I realized that all I do is use you, and never do I thank you. So… Thank you! Thank you for all that you are and all that you do for me. You are so small that I can take you & use you anywhere! You will never get boring because there are endless tricks I can learn with you. You’re fun!
To me, you’re invaluable, yet the stores only value you at a few dollars. You’re quite simple, yet you can bring out strong emotions in people. Crossfitters especially seem to either hate you or love you. Adults in general are intimidated by you, yet kids will play with you with joy for hours!
You bring out the best in me Jumprope, and I will forever be grateful for your place in my life!
p.s. I also couldn’t be more thankful for our home together, Sobekick Gym.. The place where we can always kick ass together!

Ella Magers Jump Rope

Top 5 Exercises for a Better Sex Life

Kissing couple portrait

Good sex is a workout in and of itself! By doing certain exercises outside the bedroom however, you can build strength and stamina that will make good sex, GREAT sex!

SquatsSexy Fit Vegan Squat

If you know me, you know how crazy I am about squats! Not only will they tone your legs and butt, but they will also give you the muscle endurance you need for certain sexual positions so you can add more variety to your play. Heavy weights are not necessary to achieve this… Adding 100 squats, 3 times per week with 5-10 lb weights to your exercise routine will do the trick!

Sexy Fit Vegan Plank on BallPlank On Hands

This exercise engages your core and helps with shoulder stability and endurance. Planks also help increase strength in your forearms and wrists, all of which can add to your performance between the sheets! Beginners, definitely start on the floor! For my advanced peeps try it on a stability ball to increase your challenge! The goal is to hold your plank for 90 seconds. Even if you start at just 20 seconds, it’s ok! Just go as long as you can, stop the clock when you need to take a little break, and then get right back in position until you have gone 90 seconds total. You will see that doing them consistently, 4-5 times per week will have you able to reach the 90-second goal sooner than you think! 

Ab WheelSexy Fit Vegan Ab Wheel

I LOVE this product! It’s very challenging for the beginner however, and correct form is absolutely essential to prevent lower back injury. Beginners, start on your knees (advanced, work your way up to your feet!) and pull your belly button in tight, rounding your back. As you slowly allow the wheel to roll out in front of you, keep your tummy tucked and do NOT allow your back to flatten and arch. You may only go a foot or two to start. Then, you basically want to do a “crunch” in order to use your abs to pull the wheel back toward you. Do NOT pull with your shoulders! Do only 10-12 repetitions at first because as your ab muscles tire quickly you are more likely to strain your back. Add 3 sets of 12 repetitions to your workout 2-3 times a week and see a difference in no time!

Up-Dog Push-Ups

Sexy Fit Vegan Woman In Upward Facing Dog Pose In Yoga, Silhouette ViewThis is another one of my favorites! Done right, it challenges your triceps and core, plus you get the bonus of a hamstring and calf stretch… Awesome! Start in “downward dog” position like in yoga. Keeping your hips high, bend at your elbows, keeping them close to your body as you make your way into “upward dog.” From there, simply pull your belly button up toward your spine and press back into downward dog. Repeat. This WILL challenge you, but don’t be discouraged. Just do the very best you can, with the fullest range of motion possible, and your push-ups will improve quickly… along with your bedroom performance!


Yes it’s true.. if you are a woman, this tiny little movement is still considered an exercise and it WILL benefit both you and your lover! You perform kegels by contracting and relaxing the muscles in your pelvic floor. As a result you will notice a higher level of sexual satisfaction including stronger orgasms. All you have to do is tighten your pelvic muscles (like you do when you need to pee and have to hold it in), pause for about 5 seconds, relax and then repeat. Just 5 minutes a day is all it takes. And no excuses… you can do it practically any time and anywhere- even as you read this- and you will be the only one who knows!

woman spa