From Disordered Eating to Plant-Empowered Living Part 5


We ended part 4 with the question, “If you were so passionate about animal rights Ella, why weren’t you out there taking action and protesting?”

To answer, we have to take it back to my middle and high school years. As I kept uncovering the reality of abuse taking place behind the closed doors of not only factory farms, but also science labs, zoos, and circuses, I found more and more ways to speak out for the rights of animals. As I learned the horrific practices of the fur industry, and the merciless methods for testing the safety of laundry detergent, shampoo, and mascara, I set out on a mission to expose the systemic savagery to the masses. [If you haven’t read parts 14 of my journey, start from the beginning of my journey from disordered eating to plant-empowered living.]

Ella and Max

You see, in my young mind, I thought that surely if people only knew what was taking place, they would “see the light” and stop supporting the brutality in the name of a meal, a coat, lipstick, or an evening of entertainment. With that logic in mind, I became heavily involved in the animal rights scene. In fact, I was a leader for our local animal rights group. Before I had a license to drive I was organizing protests and leafletting all over town. I was tireless in my quest to be a voice for the voiceless.

What blows my mind today is thinking about the actions I took despite being a painfully shy person. To give you an idea, when I was five years old, my parents would role play with me so that I could practice saying hello to people they introduced me to (my natural reaction was to run and hide). Yet when it came to standing up for my belief in the rights of animals I was fearless.

I didn’t hesitate to organize demonstrations on the streets of Chapel Hill where I would sit inside tiny cages, displaying the cramped conditions of chickens. Chickens who had so little room to move that their feet would grow around the wires of the cage, and whose beaks were chopped off without anesthesia so that they wouldn’t peck each other to death from the stress of their conditions. I never had a second thought about standing on the side of the road, holding signs and chanting in protest of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. I led campaigns urging L’Oreal and Revlon to stop testing on animals (I would wear anti-L’Oreal buttons to middle school every day and passed out pamphlets to all my classmates and teachers). I traveled to Pennsylvania for an annual pigeon shoot event, where we ran out into the line of fire in the fields in protest of the mass killing.

Bill Rosenberg Award

Bill Rosenberg Award for Animal Liberation

So my answer to the question, “Why weren’t you out there taking action and protesting?”… I was! In fact I even won the Bill Rosenberg Award when I was 16. This award is given each year by the Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM) to “people under the age of 18 who have made outstanding contributions to farm animal liberation.”

Now I don’t want you to get the idea that I was this young animal rights activist who missed out on her childhood. As a kid I was a competitive swimmer and gymnast and had a great group of athletic friends

Ella Magersas a Teen

I was also your typical teenager in many ways. I went through the awkward adolescent phase like most everyone.  I dyed my hair, dark, gave my parents one-word answers, broke curfew, drank Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, and went to math class high (what can I say… math was right after lunch!) I met this drug dealer who gave me his brand new, decked out red Jeep Wrangler to drive around for over a year on the condition that I would pick him up and “drive him around” on occasion. (I was sure I could fool the authorities by playing dumb if we ever got stopped.)

Ella Prom

When I quit the volleyball team in 10th grade my relationship with my mom disintegrated with my new pothead status. Before I tell you more about that though, it will help if I give you a little background about my family…I was born in Pittsboro, NC and spent the first four years of my life living in a little log cabin in the woods. I was even potty trained in an outhouse, can you believe it?

My mom was the director of a preschool and my dad was a self-employed stone mason. My older sister, ten years my elder, suffered from mental illness and began self-medicating with drugs when she was just 10 years old. I have few memories of her during my youth, as she spent quite a bit of time in hospitals when she was not running away from home.

When my mom got pregnant with my younger sister, my parents decided it was time to move to Chapel Hill for the quality school system. My dad got a stable job at UNC and I got a real working toilet! I couldn’t be more thankful to have been blessed with two of the most loving, supportive parents imaginable. I mean seriously, when I said, “I’m never eating animals again” at the age of seven for example, they didn’t try to talk me out of it even once they realized it was not a “phase”, that I really wasn’t going to ever eat meat again. Big time parenting brownie points!

Young Ella Magers

My parents divorced when I was fourteen. They held their marriage together as long as they could. I was SO ready for them to separate at that point. For a period of time they tried to figure out how to turn our attic into a separate room with a separate entrance for my dad. Needless to say, it was a relief when we all sat down for “the talk”. Not to say it wasn’t tough. Divorce is never easy, but it was clearly the right move.

Family of Ella Magers

Getting back to the collapse of my relationship with my mom… She was understandably intolerant to drug use in her home due to the struggles of my sister. Being a teenager, I was sure I was immune to addiction and was convinced I could party without negative consequences. Being the strong-willed, determined individual I’ve always been, when my mom gave me the ultimatum of stopping using or leaving her house, I bet you can guess what I chose.Rebel Ella

Moving in with my dad gave me more freedom. He was apt to give me the benefit of the doubt in most situations which worked out for a while. I did not appreciate my dad back then as I do today. Eventually though, I grew up a bit, missed my mom, put my big girl panties on to work things out and move back in. A new beginning that eventually led to the place we’re in today, where I can honestly say my mom is my best friend. And as for my dad, I not only appreciate him today, but I’m also inspired by him and his journey down the path of embodying zen principles to the extent that he now volunteers teaching meditation to death row inmates!

I strongly believe that the strong foundation of unconditional love from my parents and my extreme devotion to animal liberation has saved me from spiraling out of control countless times over the years…

How so? Find out in Part 6!

Top 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Bones on a Vegan Diet


For ages the dairy industry did a killer (pun intended) job preventing people from thinking you cannot strengthen your bones on a vegan diet.

We heard it all the time growing up, “Finish your milk! You need it to grow strong bones.” And if you’re like me, I had to come up with ways to choke it down. I found that if I followed these steps I managed to get the job done. First I held my nose tight. Then I chugged the entire glass without breathing. Next, before taking a breath, I chased it with another drink like orange juice. Only then could I release my nose without gagging.

Well, times have changed and the cat is out of the bag. Dairy actually has been shown to have the opposite effect on bones than the USDA has led us to believe is true. Those on a plant-based diet actually have less of a risk for developing osteoporosis than dairy-drinkers.

So to help jump start you into a bone-healthy vegan diet plan, Kei Nishida gives us 5 awesome ways to promote strong bones with plant-based eating… Here they are:

Tofu and Soy ProductsTofu Tempeh Soy

Aside from calcium, protein is one of the most important ingredients in building strong bones and overall healthiness. Consider soy especially in forms like tofu which is high in protein and has so many other beneficial nutrients. With 10 grams of protein per serving as well as tons of calcium, tofu is a great way to fill your daily protein needs and keep your bones strong. This goes for other soy products like soy milk, too, with beans in general being a great way to eat your protein.


Mushrooms are packed with tons of great vitamins and minerals, many of which support bone health. While you can’t go wrong when choosing to add mushrooms to your food, whether they’re raw or cooked, one of the best varieties to use when looking to strengthen your bones is the shiitake mushroom.

Shiitake have the highest concentration of copper of any mushroom species, an essential element in creating the enzymes that help our bones, skin, joints, and blood vessels stay healthy and repair themselves. In fact, one serving of shiitake mushrooms provides about 65% of your daily recommended amount of copper while also being high in zinc, another key ingredient in building regulating your bones.

Broccolibroccoli for strong bones

As one of the best dark leafy greens you can eat, it’s no surprise broccoli is loaded with vitamins and minerals that assist in bone growth. A major source of vitamin K, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, eating broccoli is one of the best things you can do if you want healthy bones, teeth, and nails.

Vitamin K, especially, is important for bone health, as more and more research begins to suggest it may play a more crucial role in building strong bones than even calcium. Given that a single cup of broccoli supplies almost 300% of your daily recommended amount of vitamin K, it would be a good idea to eat plenty of it to ensure your bones stay in peak condition. It can also help prevent and treat bone diseases like osteoporosis, making it great for those looking to rebuild bone strength in addition to those preserving it.


While it’s probably not your first choice when thinking of plants to increase the strength of your bones, the stinging nettle is a great source for tons of different nutrients related to bone health. Stinging nettles are natural sources of calcium and magnesium, key ingredients in healthy bone construction and bone metabolism regulation. Other key nutrients include boron and silica, as well as vitamins C, D, and K.

There are many ways to ingest it, too. Properly prepared stinging nettles can be a component in thick and hearty soups, fresh salads (after steaming), or potentially even used in teas. Just be careful when handling them raw, as their tiny needles can prick you and cause skin irritation.

Green-Tea-for strong bones

Japanese Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks and flavors in Japan, and for good reason. Among its many health benefits include bone strengthening. Japanese green tea, as opposed to other types of tea, is especially good for bone health due to not being fermented or oxidized, as well as its high levels of polyphenols that help to reduce inflammation and bone breakdown, as well as normalize bone mineral makeup and assist with calcium uptake. It can also help to activate enzymes responsible for bone growth, overall making Japanese green tea one of the best bone strengtheners available.

As recommended by Doctor David B. Samadi, drinking three cups of green tea a day can help significantly reduce the likelihood of bone breaks and other injuries, as well as treat the symptoms of and potentially prevent the onset of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. If you happen to be worried about the caffeine content of green tea (as high amounts of caffeine can lessen bone density), there are decaffeinated green teas available for purchase.

Final Thoughts

These are only a few of the many plant-based bone strengtheners available for vegan consumers. If you want to ensure your body is running at maximum efficiency while keeping your bones healthy and strong, try any or all of these recommended items and see the results for yourself.


How To Rid Your Life of Excuses and Take Your Power Back


Life happens and there are a million reasons (a.k.a excuses) we come up with to talk ourselves out of getting in our workout or preparing a healthy lunch to take to work…

Good news! There’s a simple tool that can help you take control of your excuses. A tool that empowers you to take action and do what’s necessary to reach all your goals in life. I call it, “Owning Your Schedule.”

In the following video I explain the concept of “owning your schedule” and how you can flip the switch and turn your excuses into empowerment! This is a tool my clients learn and practice as part of my VEGANS TASTE BETTER® 8-Week Plant Empowered Coaching Program.

For anyone wanting to make a lifestyle transformation, understanding and implementing the “Owning Your Schedule” tool sets the stage for lasting change.

To Recap…

Do you use any of these common excuses?

  • I don’t have time…
  • I can’t give up my favorite foods, what would I eat…
  • It’s too hard…
  • I crave cheese too much…
  • I don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable when we go out to eat…

Check out how you can turn those common excuses into empowering statements!Client Owns Her Schedule and Becomes Empowered

  • I don’t have time…
    • I’m going to make time because I’m making my health my top priority.
  • I can’t give up my favorite foods, what would I eat…
    • I’m giving myself the opportunity to discover new foods that I’ve never tried before… How exciting!
  • It’s too hard…
    • I’m taking on this challenge because I’m strong and determined.
  • I crave cheese too much…
    • I’m so lucky that there are so many cheese alternatives to try!
  • I don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable when we go out to eat…
    • I’m happy to give others the opportunity to open their minds to eating in a way that could save their lives and help them feel good about making compassionate choices.

Now it’s your turn to put the “owning your schedule” tool to work like my client did during her time in the VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ 8-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program!


Let’s do this!

How Do You Get Protein On a Vegan Diet?

If you haven’t gotten it already, be prepared to hear, “How do you get protein on a vegan diet?” when you inform someone that you are vegan or making the transition.

It’s a reasonable question (many people still do not know the answer) and its helpful to have an “elevator pitch” of sorts prepared in response.

So check this out… I‘m in the line at Whole Foods, and the lady behind me asks, “Wow, I want to know what you do to have legs like that!” I reply, “Well thank you! Besides kickboxing & the variety of workouts I do, I am vegan and eat a plant exclusive diet which keeps me in the best possible shape!”

The lady immediately asks, “But you have great muscle definition… Being vegan, how do you get protein?” My answer, “Its simple! I get plenty of the top quality protein found in vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, peas, beans, quinoa, and other whole grains. By cutting out animal products that are harmful to our health (not to mention animals and the environment), I am full of energy and look and feel my best!”

The point of this silly little story is that it’s important not only to learn about plant-based nutrition for yourself, but also to help spread the word and let other people know how you get protein from plants. Its a good deed to say the least, and necessary to spread awareness and ultimately save people’s (and animal’s) lives!

What’s the problem with high protein diets?

Think about this… How many people do you know personally who have died specifically from a lack of protein? For most Americans, the number is ZERO! 

Now think… How many people do you know who have died from heart disease, stroke, or complications from obesity? Probably dozens right?! These diseases are linked to excess animal protein.

One of the main reasons diets high in animal protein can be detrimental is that high protein diets are generally low in fiber.

Some benefits of fiber include:Protein on a Vegan Diet

  • Blood sugar control
  • Heart health
  • Stroke prevention
  • Weight loss and management
  • Skin health
  • Diverticulitis prevention
  • Hemorrhoid prevention
  • IBS relief
  • Gallstones and kidney stone prevention

What is the recommended protein intake for overall health?

I teach clients how to eat intuitively out of love and respect for themselves, animals, and the Planet, which means we don’t count calories or track macros in the Plant-Empowered Coaching Program.

That being said, it can be helpful to have a general idea about protein intake at the beginning, when you’re working on getting into a food routine that is in line with your values and your goals.

The RDA (recommended daily allowance) of protein in grams can be calculated using the following equation:

Body weight (lbs.) x .36

Using the formula, a 140 pound person requires 50.4 grams of protein per day to be healthy.

If you’re wanting to gain lean muscle however (I’m NOT talking to the level of bodybuilding here), you may want to intermittently up that number. The following equation may work:

Body weight (lbs.) x .5

In this case, a 140 lb person should consume 70 grams of protein per day.

That all being said, every BODY is different. Some people build lean muscle quicker and easier than others. Some people need more protein than others to feel their best. This is why we focus on intuitive eating in the Plant-Empowered Coaching Program.

How do you meet your protein requirements on a vegan diet?

It’s easier than you may think to take in plenty of protein on plants alone! Here comes you’re proof…

Let’s take a look at a day’s sample vegan meal plan:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal (1 C cooked oatmeal, 1 C flax milk, 1 TBSP hemp seeds, 7 walnuts
  • Snack Post-Workout: Powerootz Nutritional Superfood Shake (12 oz unsweetened nut milk, 1 serving nutritional powder)
  • Midday: Salad (1 C spinach, ½ a tomato, ½ C garbanzo beans, ½ C lentils, ½ an avocado, 3 TBSP unhulled sesame seeds
  • Dinner: Sushi Restaurant (1 C edamame, 1 vegetable roll with brown rice)

Can you guess how many grams of protein this sample vegan meal plan contains?

85 grams of plant protein! And just FYI, this menu provides 110% RDA of iron, 100% RDA of calcium, and 161% RDA of fiber… Not bad eh?

How do you get “complete protein” on a vegan diet?

One myth is that you need to eat all the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) at the same meal. You don’t! As long as you get all 9 essential amino acids over the course of the day you’re good to go. This chart references what plants, when combined, give you complete protein:

complete protein from plants infographic

Basically, and this is what I tell all my clients, as long as you’re eating a wide variety of plant foods (vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains) you will be getting your requirement for all 9 essential amino acids on a daily basis. (Read more about vegan nutrition as a whole if you want to know more about creating a balanced vegan diet plan.)

What are some quick and convenient ways to supplement extra protein?

If you want to get extra protein so that you can build more lean muscle, but you don’t think you can do it with whole foods alone every day, a high quality plant-based protein powder can be used to supplement.

Powerootz Superfood Nutritional Shake is honestly the only protein powder I actually enjoy. When Lisa Hunt, the founder, sent me out samples over a year ago I fell in love immediately. I’m super picky with any sort of powders but she truly got the formula right with her products. My absolute favorite flavor is Peanut Butter Bliss, but the Vanilla and Cacao Mania (both of which are also raw) are also great. 

I am now affiliated with Powerootz, so if you place an order, be sure to use the code “ELLA” at checkout for 10% off!

There are vegan protein bars, like the 22 Days Protein Bar and Cliff Builder Bars, some of which are more whole foods based than others so make sure you read the ingredients carefully for added junk.

Image result for master amino acid patternThere’s also a product I started to use just recently that has made a noticeable difference in my performance while working out. I’m always skeptical with all types of supplements, but after doing the research, and listening to the doctor who formulated it speak, I am convinced it’s the “real deal.”

The product is called “MAP® (Master Amino Acid Profile). These tablets are composed of a unique pattern of amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form that’s absorbed quickly (23 min) and effectively. This supplement contains zero inactive ingredients and is great for optimizing muscle endurance, mass, strength, and improve/speed muscle recovery. I am not affiliated with this product, but like I said, I believe in it so I’m sharing it with you. MAP is available on Amazon among other online retailers.

Personal Note

In case you haven’t read my bio, I’d like to share that I’ve been vegan for 24 of my 39 years, and vegetarian for 32 years (since I was 7). This means I’ve built my physique on plant protein. I consider myself a walking vegan muscle experiment and the results are proof that you DO NOT need animal protein to build a muscular, strong body.

In 2007 I competed in the FAME World Championships and took 1st place in the bikini division, 2nd in the fitness model and fitness categories. Competing is definitely not “my thing” but I’m so glad I went through with a competition to show the world that a vegan diet plan is the way to go for a strong, lean, healthy body!


So there you have it… pretty much everything you need to know to put together a vegan meal plan with plenty of protein! 

Also, I invite you to receive dozens of free training videos that will help you on your journey… Simply click HERE for access.

Fit Vegan Program Makes Going Vegan FUN!

It’s here… the VEGANS TASTE BETTER 8-Weeks to a Plant-Empowered Life, designed to help people create a fun, fit vegan lifestyle that is practical, balanced, and FUN!

I Bet You’ll Agree With Me When I Say,

“I want it all! I want a strong, lean, healthy body. I want to enjoy the food I eat. I want preparing meals to be quick and easy. I want a great social life and wholesome relationships. I want to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and cocktails when I go out with friends.  I want to love my workouts. I want to feel energized and empowered. I want to have a fit vegan lifestyle. I want to love my life!”

Here’s My Take..

We CAN have it all! A fun, fit vegan lifestyle does NOT involve counting calories or giving up the glass of wine you enjoy with dinner or cocktails with friends. Why? Because a “lifestyle” by definition is SUSTAINABLE! Who wants to count calories, count macros, or be fearful of a night out with your friends because you don’t want to “fall off” a diet you’re on? No way!

The Bottom Line…

You CAN have a strong, healthy, sexy body eating and exercising in a way that’s enjoyable and practical. You CAN gain lean muscle, get stronger (physically AND mentally), and have more energy than you’ve ever imagined on a plant-based diet. You CAN stay true to your values of compassion for animals and concern for the environment with a fit vegan lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed or deprived.

I’m living proof, as are my clients!

Here’s The Deal…Vegan Fitness Plant-Empowered Promo

After 22 years as a fit vegan, and 14 years as a vegan fitness expert, I’m psyched to be rolling out the VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ 8 Weeks to a Plant-Empowered Life coaching program to guide people with a structured, step-by-step process for making the transition to a healthy, fit vegan lifestyle that works for them. I introduced my 6-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program in 2016, and after having over 30 people complete the program, I decided to do a revamp to make it even MORE comprehensive, holistic, and FUN!

I Can’t Emphasize Enough…

Why more holistic? I can’t stress enough the importance of several key factors for successfully transitioning to a fun, fit vegan lifestyle

  1. Developing an empowered mindset
  2. Improving emotional health
  3. Focusing on adding healthy foods to your plate (as opposed to focusing on the foods you’re taking away)
  4. Finding balance in your life
  5. Making your own health and happiness top priority

My newly revamped vegan fitness lifestyle program emphasizes gaining not just knowledge, but also the tools you need for optimizing your mental and emotional well-being. Without mental and emotional health, all the knowledge in the world will not create a lasting fit vegan lifestyle transformation!

Is This You?

My coaching program is designed to help people who know that adopting a plant-based diet with the right exercise routine, if done right, is the way to go for a strong, healthy body (and compassionate way of life) BUT they don’t seem to have the all the tools they need to pull off the transformation on their own.

Why? Because of one, or a combination of several reasons. Can you relate?

  1. They lack knowledge of what a well-balanced, healthy vegan diet plan looks like.
  2. They are addicted to sugar, processed foods, and/or animal products.
  3. They fear losing muscle, strength, and other gains they’ve made in the gym on their previous dietary routine.
  4. They lack the knowledge of how to exercise in a way that’s in line with their goals AND is enjoyable.
  5. They lack the motivation/mindset to stay consistent with the changes they want to make to their habits long enough for it to become a lifestyle.

What Exactly Do You Need To Succeed?

In order to discover if my program is a good fit, I always ask potential clients the question, “What do you need to be able to get on the right track and STAY there so that your new habits become your new fit vegan lifestyle?”

What’s your answer? Is it one or more of the following?

  1. Education about what a well-balanced healthy vegan diet looks like and/or what sustainable fitness routine will help you achieve lasting results.
  2. Accountability/having others to answer to when you either fulfill or fall short of your commitments.
  3. Guidance and support to help you get on a plant-based nutrition and exercise plan that works for YOU so that it is sustainable.
  4. Gaining mindset tools that will facilitate their ability to overcome life challenges and feel in control of the decisions they make about what they put in their bodies and how they move through the world. (Becoming empowered!)

The Real Story…

I have to say that selfishly, I am LOVING guiding people through the 8 weeks of my VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ plant-empowered coaching program. Why? Because I’ve set the process up to be do-able and enjoyable. Seeing clients through such an empowering experience is priceless for both me and them.

Judy is one of the most recent “graduates” of this vegan fitness program, and here’s what she had to say…

I contacted Ella, the “sexy fit vegan” a while back because I just was not feeling well and was very dissatisfied with my diet and body. I have never been crazy about eating meat and just like Ella, I am a true animal lover. With compassion especially for dogs.

Ella was extremely sincere and patient with me and adapted very easily to my schedule. Basically she made herself very available for me as I needed to start her plant-empowered program. 
She never hesitated to share her knowledge, resources, and experiences with me. Her enthusiasm is contagious!
Ella gave me all the tools that I required to help me attain a fit, vegan lifestyle. As the program is nearing the end for me, I feel AMAZING and I am loving the lifestyle.
I have taken a new lease on life and feel energized, recharged and I can honestly say that this lifestyle works!
Thank you Ella for not pressuring me and for all of your encouragement, support and understanding of my own schedule. 
I give Ella my highest recommendation as a great accomplished coach to help anyone interested in a fit, vegan lifestyle that truly works. I am thrilled that I had the great fortune of finding her.
 As part of the program, we have an awesome secret Facebook group just for program members… Check out what Lilly said after just 3 weeks in the program. I do not allow people to weigh themselves during the program by the way (which is why Lilly is showing her loose pants instead of talking about pounds). Why? Because I require the focus to be on THE PROCESS of gaining the vegan fitness tools you need for a LIFETIME of health and happiness. Weight loss will simply be a side effect of learning those tools!vegan fitness program testimonial by Lilly
I’m thrilled to say I’ve got tons of success stories to share! Feel free to check out more HERE.

That’s Not All…

I’m offering FREE one-on-one consultations (what I like to call discovery sessions) for anyone who may be a good fit to work with me. I have a strict policy that I will only accept people into my program who are a good match and who I believe will finish the 8 weeks THRILLED with the success they’ve had and the confidence they’ve gained to continue with their newly created fun, fit vegan lifestyle. So, in order to make that determination, I speak with every potential client myself.

Let’s Do This!

If you think you may be a good fit for the VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ 8 Weeks to a Plant-Empowered Life coaching program, I’d love to speak with you! Simply apply for your free discovery session with me HERE today.

Looking forward to connecting with you!


Why We Went Vegan: Inspiring Documentary!

I was recently honored to be included in an inspiring new documentary featuring 31 (one for every day of January 2017) Miami locals telling their stories about why they went vegan!

Planted in Miami is a podcast I’ve been a guest on, that’s about conscious living in the Magic City (Miami) where they interview inspiring locals who are pushing the city forward through their actions.

The founders, Jeanette and Alex, are two of the most positive, energetic, generous, and mindful people I know. I’m so excited to present their series to you. 

You can see Jeanette and Alex’s intro, and my feature below. Check out the rest of the vegans featured on YouTube as well. Everyone has such different experiences leading them down the path of veganism. Each is motivating and inspiring in their own way. Check them out!

Listen to, connect with, and contact Planted in Miami!

Download on iTunes, Stitcher, and GooglePlay Music.


Email: [email protected]

Seed Food and Wine (Vegan) Festival 2016

seed-food-and-wine vegan festival

We’re weeks away from my favorite vegan event of the year, the Seed Food and Wine Festival!

Here we go again… the Seed Food and Wine Festival in Miami, FL is right around the corner (November 2-6), and I couldn’t be more excited! This is the third year and I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the talent team all three years.

In case you don’t know about this incredible vegan festival let me fill you in…

“Seed Food and Wine is not just a festival, we are a movement, a community of ideas and passionate people committed to elevating the conversation around plant-based foods, sustainability, conscious living and the welfare of animals.”

I consider the Seed Food and Wine Miami & Miami Beach the premiere plant based food and wine festival in the country.  The festival is a week-long adventure, where you sip, savor and experience conscious, sustainable plant-based living.

All activities were carefully crafted to take guests through a one-of-a-kind journey from cooking demonstrations, wine tastings, celebrity chef dinners, craft beer and spirits tastings, a bad ass veggie burger battle, fitness to body care, workshops, yoga, urban gardening, a 5k run, kids day and more. SFWF’s line-up features something for everyone and showcases the beauty of the tropical paradise that is Miami and her beaches. 

ella-magers_seed_summit_vegan festival

This year I’m hosting the 5k run as well as giving a talk called, “Burpees and Benjamins” at the Seed Summit:

Burpees and Benjamins: Creating a Successful Online Wellness Business

Learn what it takes to turn your passion for wellness into a successful internet-based business. 
Whether you’re a fitness instructor, nutrition counselor, life coach, or wellness expert of any kind, building a business based online allows you to work with clients all over the world and gives you the freedom to take your work with you wherever you go. With an online wellness business, the sky is the limit!

The summit involves two days of workshops and panels designed for content creators, bloggers, entrepreneurs and influencers in conscious, sustainable and vegan living. There will be 20 workshops and panels over the two days covering everything from social media trends, crowd-funding, getting published, food styling, building your brand, the future of brand ambassadors and social influencers, copyright law, photo retouching 101 and more.

And guess what… You and all my friends are receiving a $75 discount to the Seed Summit! Click HERE for tickets.

There is something for EVERYONE at this festival, whether you’re already vegan or not. It’s totally mainstream! I hope to see you there.

Get your tickets for most events HERE (many of the events sell out quickly)!

*Interested in transforming your lifestyle? Learn more about my 6-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program and sign up for a free strategy session with me HERE.

7 Life-Changing Tips for Transitioning to a Vegan Diet Plan


There are no shortcuts when it comes to reaching your health and fitness goals by transitioning to a SUSTAINABLE (key word) balanced vegan lifestyle… But don’t worry – it’s totally doable!

There’s a structured process you can embark on to successfully transform your lifestyle and it’s all about gaining the tools you need, one by one, to eat and move according to your goals. It’s about finding the balance YOU need to be healthy and happy for a lifetime. This looks different for each and every one of us!

So forget the cookie cutter diet and exercise plans that lead to the yo-yo cycle so many of us get trapped in. Do the work it takes to create a sustainable lifestyle for yourself! Here are my top 7 tips for doing just that…

vegan humor

1. Think of Your Transition as A Fun Journey of Exploration!

The process of ditching old habits as you develop new ones takes work and can feel overwhelming. However, if you go into your transformation with a mindset of having fun with finding new foods to explore, and even adding in some humor to the process, it won’t seem so daunting! 

2. Set yourself up for success with a solid plan of action.

Everyone is unique in how they will be most successful transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, and for most people, attempting to turn vegan overnight is unsustainable. Creating a plan of action is therefore a must. Depending on where you are in the process, you may choose, for example, to eliminate an animal product every week until you have eliminated animal products from your diet all together. Or maybe start with eating vegan 3 days per week for the first month, 4 for the second month, etc. until you’re eating vegan 7 days a week.

It’s essential that you also choose a plant food to replace the animal product you are giving up every week. Legumes, such a lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are fantastic meat substitutes, as they are packed with protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. That way, you can consistently introduce new vegan food into your diet, adding a variety of nutrients, textures, and flavors to your eating routines. Variety is a key component of a healthy, vegan meal plan.

3. Become comfortable reading nutritional labels.

In order to maintain a healthy vegan diet, it’s important to become proficient at reading food nutrition labels so you can shop with confidence. The first thing to tell yourself when you pick a packaged food from the shelf is, “Skip the marketing and go right for the facts.” Phrases like, “All Natural,” “Sugar Free,” “Low Fat,” and “Gluten Free” are marketing ploys to convince you to buy something without reading the nutrition facts.

Go straight to the ingredient list to first make sure it has no animal products or bi-products. Second, ask yourself, “Is the first ingredient one that I want to put in my body? What about the second and third?” Generally, the fewer ingredients the healthier the item is. Look for whole food ingredients like “dates” or “sesame seeds.”  If you can’t even pronounce an ingredient or it sounds like a chemistry experiment, chances are it’s not good for you! If the ingredients pass the test, you can take a look at the serving size (very important), calories, fat, sugar, sodium, and protein content, keeping in mind that not all calories are created equal.Forks Over Knives Plant-Based Documentary

4. Watch a documentary at least once a month to stay motivated.

Films like What the Health, Forks Over Knives, Earthlings, Cowspiracy, and Food Inc. will help educate you and remind you of the reasons you are making the transition to a vegan lifestyle. Being continually reminded of all the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle will keep you motivated to continue on your path until your new habits become second nature. We don’t want the “out of sight, out of mind,” principle to take over!

5. Create a support system for yourself.

Family, friends, and coworkers can play a significant role in either helping or hindering you on your journey. Have a heart-to-heart with the people you care about in your life. They care about you too! If you request their support, explaining that you’ve made a commitment to transitioning to a healthier, more compassionate lifestyle, chances are they will become your cheerleaders. They can provide an environment that reduces temptation to return to old habits. The other part of your support system can include vegan-veterans in your community, Facebook groups (such as our Empowered Vegan Life tribe), and other social media outlets. Set out to connect with people and groups that provide you with helpful insight and camaraderie.

6. Stay stocked with vegan staples.

Come up with a list of staple ingredients, super foods, and healthy snacks to keep your kitchen stocked at all times so that you never get into the common, “I’m starving and don’t have anything healthy to eat” situation. Shakes and smoothies are a great go-to snack, so keep ingredients for your favorite recipes on hand, such as plant-based milk, berries (frozen is fine), dates, hemp seeds, flax meal, and spinach. Fresh fruit, leafy greens, raw veggies, hummus, nut butter, and quinoa are also great staples to consider for healthy, quick, simple snacks and meals.b12-supplement

7. Take a B-12 supplement.

B-12 is the one nutrient that a modern, plant-based diet inherently lacks. B-12 is formed from a bacteria found in soil. We used to get enough of the vitamin by simply handling vegetables we grew from gardens before our land was stripped of it’s nutrients. Now, however, with the pressure washing and sanitizing process we perform on plants, we don’t have easy access to B-12 except through supplements. Luckily it’s easy to get all the B-12 you need with an inexpensive supplement. Many vegan foods, such as nut milks, are also fortified with B-12, among other important nutrients. It’s best to include a supplement in your routine though, to be safe.   

There you go! I encourage you to take this information and start applying it to your life one step at a time so you don’t become overwhelmed.

If you are looking for a transformational program to take you through a proven process for reaching your life goals, make sure to check out our 6-Month Plant-Empowered Coaching Program!

The Power of Accountability

accountability for health

When I ask a client, “What would be most helpful to jump start you into the healthy, active lifestyle you desire,” the answer is often, “accountability.”

Does this resonate with you?

As a coach, it’s exciting to see people through the process of gaining the tools they need to successfully transform their lives. One such tool is the ability to hold yourself accountable to the commitments you make.

The problem is that most of us have had the habit of putting everyone else first (especially us women). Is this you? We fill our schedules with commitments to other people, which we will do anything to keep, including breaking our own commitments to ourselves! Doesn’t this seem silly when you really think about it?

Time to change this pattern of letting ourselves down! In the six weeks of my program, I work with my clients to chip away at these old habits that aren’t serving them. I’m there to hold clients accountable to their commitments, because that’s often what it takes to learn how to do it for themselves.

It’s a process that takes practice, but wow, how thrilling is it when the practice pays off and you find yourself healthier, happier, and more confident then you’ve ever been before?! What an elated feeling it is when, because you’re in such a great place, you’re actually able to be there for others in a much more meaningful way!

Just listen to this 60 second clip from a client during a group coaching call as she talks about the power of accountability…

>If you’re ready to jump start your new lifestyle with the help of added accountability, book a meeting with me here.

My Vegan Story


Every vegan has an interesting story of when and why they became vegan, myself included! Here is mine…


Rewind to three years ago, the Summer of 2012.  No, I didn’t wake up and know I wanted to be vegan, I wasn’t even positive what being vegan meant. What I did know was that I didn’t like the way I felt. I was always tired and felt sluggish. You know that low energy feeling, both physically and mentally. I certainly didn’t like the way I looked either. I was about 15 pounds over the weight I wanted to be (not knowing at that time how little the actual number on the scale matters). I realized that the way I felt was probably a consequence of the way I was eating. The relationship the body has with food is unbelievable. I wasn’t eating all that clean, consuming a lot of sweets, snacking, and eating bad carbs. I knew I wanted to feel better and look better but wasn’t sure how to start the transition to a healthier lifestyle. Then I was introduced to the Beach Body Ultimate Reset.

The Ultimate Reset is a 3 week detox. Okay, okay, okay I know people go running for the hills when they hear that word. I swore to myself that I would never touch a detox either. I thought they were all unhealthy, all those master cleanses, juice thingies and such. This one is DIFFERENT. You DO NOT starve. It’s 21 days and each week there is a different phase. Reclaim. Release. Restore. You have 3 meals a day plus optional and additional snacks. The recipes are fabulous and by week 2 you are eating completely vegan. I was so excited during this time in my life, I remember it like it was yesterday. The amount of energy and mental clarity I had over those 21 days felt unreal. I was going to bed before midnight and up without an alarm clock. My body was becoming in tune with itself naturally. I couldn’t believe it was because of the foods I was eating. This was when I realized the TRUE power food has over the body. I was cleaning and organizing my whole condo and cooking all my meals. Learning and trying new foods too. I had never had beets or roasted vegetables and wow are they good!

To this day I still make some of the Reset meals like the Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup. So good especially for parties and holidays. The foods were tasty and not bland. (Interestingly, when I saw the recipes in Ella’s Six Weeks To Sexy Abs Meal Plan, they were along the same lines as the Reset meals so I’m psyched to try them now!) Once I completed the Reset I didn’t know what to do next. I knew I loved the feeling I had when I was on the Reset and I was afraid of loosing that feeling if I went back to eating meat and dairy. Scared and unsure where to start I decided to gradually go back to eating my old habits. I wish now I didn’t do that. I was an ice cream girl and also liked to eat eggs in the morning, chicken for dinner, oh and I thought whey protein was good for you. Shortly after adding these foods back into my routine I found that I had indeed lost that high on life mental clarity feeling.

hello im vegan

It wasn’t until January 2013 when I committed to changing my lifestyle to a Vegan Diet. I didn’t know anyone else at the time that was vegan. Shakeology had just introduced a chocolate vegan flavor (amen) that I started drinking daily. Besides that I didn’t know what else to eat besides fruits and veggies and grains and nuts.  I was eating a lot of peanut butter (I wish it was its own food group). I hadn’t ever been a fan of tofu and I didn’t know about other soy protein sources. The STRUGGLE WAS REAL! There were A LOT of challenges to go thru to get to where I am today. I later realized it’s vital to educate yourself and surround yourself with others who are going vegan or are already vegan. This will help you tremendously instead of doing it all on your own like I did.

One challenge I faced was how strict of a vegan I was going to be.

paul farmer

At first I thought I was just strictly cutting out direct forms of meat and dairy like ice cream, yogurt, eggs, chicken, ground turkey, milk, cheese etc. I didn’t realize until I started reading labels how much dairy related products or ingredients are in other forms of snacks, processed foods, pastries etc. I would say for all of 2013 that’s where I struggled and learned about ingredients, and how far I was willing to go to change my diet to go fully vegan. So during this year I definitely cut out meat, but dairy was harder for me. I was a cheese lover too so I had the occasional pizza and thought it wasn’t so bad if I had a granola bar with milk chocolate dipping or ice cream here or there. I felt bad after eating it though knowing it wasn’t all vegan,  and then later on feeling bad physically because of the way it would make me feel on the inside and the mental guilt. I knew I couldn’t continue on and would have to completely cut these forms of dairy out too. Saying NO to ALL of it. It’s crazy how SO MANY foods like cookies and have dairy. Like cereals with frosted coated stuff that has dried milk, powered forms of milk, or butters in bars, shakes, syrups and flavorings at Starbucks. Its everywhere! This is something throughout the year I struggled on a personal level. Again I still didn’t have a foundation and found my niche in the vegan community. If I had that would have helped. Now I’m involved with international vegan awareness groups online and active in the local South Florida Miami Wellness Club, Plant Pure Nation, and fitness communities.

everyday a vegan saves

2014 was the year I ate a 100% plant-based diet. I was aware of what foods contained animal-based ingredients and avoided them. I felt in control of my body. I felt high on life. I felt good about my decision to transition to a vegan diet for the health benefits.

One question I had to answer for myself was, “How about when you are in group settings or going out to eat?” I hear it all the time, people ask me I can eat or why I cant eat that. I found it important to be patient, and no get mad. The question is usually asked because people simply don’t know. just don’t know and they want to learn. Others already have a formed opinion and will want to argue. Being in groups can be hard. Especially when choosing a place to eat. You turn into the vegan of the group, aka “ that person”. Or called the healthy one, the one that only eats rabbit food, the weird one, the different one, the boring one, I’ve heard it all. You learn to grow some tough skin and stick up for what you’re doing and why your doing it. You also learn what restaurants cook with chicken broth, oils, butters, and other animal products. You start to be aware where you can go and there ARE more options besides salad. A lot of restaurants are accommodating if you can’t find a vegan/vegetarian spot. Just tell them that you have allergies. I find saying that can make it more likely you will get what you ask for, rather then explaining the reason over and over why you are vegan. Best advice I give about this is be true to who you are and plan ahead. 🙂

Throughout 2014 and 2015 too is when I discovered there are other CHALLENGES. Remember when I was talking about those different levels of living a vegan lifestyle? Well I had come full circle back to that point again. Many vegans are vegan for health reasons, some for the animals, some for the environment, and some for all of the above. The education continued.

                                                   become vegan

**Did you know that 91% of the rain forest lost to date is destroyed due to raising livestock? And that 1 acre of the rain forest is cut down every second for this**? Did you know to feed all the livestock they eat 20 TONS of grain PER WEEK?**? Did you know that 209 lbs of meat are eaten per year per person**? Did you know that it takes 250 gallons of water to produce 1 POUND of meat?*** These startling facts go on and on….

I began to watch documentaries like Cowspiracy  and get involved with the vegan community, educating myself on how living a vegan lifestyle is more then just the diet for the way it makes me feel. I knew I had a duty to do more. Next step was to learn about products that animal test. I did not want to be a consumer that promoted products and industries that test on animals. I researched cleaning products, hygiene products, even clothes and slowly switched. This includes make-up, shampoo, soap, coats, and shoes. All our fave brands like MAC, Clinique, snf Herbal Essences animal test.

animal testing

A lot of people ask WHY are you vegan and WHERE do you get your protein. Instead of getting annoyed or frustrated I feel it is my duty to answer and educate others on the world we live in and how ONE person CAN make a difference. This means more to me now then when I started 3 years ago. Like I said, everyone has a STORY. What is yours?