How to Shift from Scarcity-Mode to a Life of Abundance and Freedom

Today’s mindset topic, abundance vs. scarcity, is one that has impacted my own life, as it has Stephanie’s, countless of our clients, as I’m guessing it has YOU too!


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

We play a little game at the beginning of this episode and ask you to play along too! Stephanie says a word, and I say the first thing that pops into my head, and invite you to do the same. The words are

  1. Comfort Zone
  2. Money
  3. Success
  4. Sharing
  5. Focus

I won’t spoil the fun by giving away my answers, but what I can tell you, is that my answers would have been a lot different four or five years ago. 

I’ve learned so much about inviting abundance into my life, and in this episode I share my personal story about the moment EVERYTHING changed for me… the moment I made a decision from a place of abundance despite all my fears that came from living with a scarcity mindset my entire life. (I was potty-trained in an out house after all due to lack of indoor plumbing!)

The late Steven Covey coined the terms Scarcity Mindset and Abundance Mindset, and just so we are all on the same page, people who operate from a scarcity mindset believe that there is never enough.  They really see life as having a finite amount of everything…money, success, love, recognition. It’s as if life were a pie, and if the person sitting beside them gets the biggest slice, then they simply won’t get dessert. They therefore cling to everything they have, afraid that at some point they are going to come up short.

When you have a scarcity mindset, thoughts and actions come from a place of lack When it’s time to make decisions, fear and paranoia set in, making it very difficult to make life decisions that will lead to self-growth and abundance.  When you are living in scarcity mode, you create feelings of jealousy, stress, and anxiety because you are constantly comparing yourself to those around you and living in the fear of the unknown.

Stephanie also lived with a scarcity mindset most of her life. Don’t get me wrong by the way, we both have thoughts based on fears and scarcity at times to this day, we’re just able to recognize tham and work through them!)

Stephanie shares about how her scarcity mindset led her to some of the most costly decisions of her life, not to mention years of unhappiness

Fear of scarcity causes us to have tunnel vision… looking only at what is right in front of you for fear of there not being another option. You eat the chocolate cake because there may never be another chance to eat the chocolate cake. You settle for a less than ideal relationship because you may not have another chance to love.  You choose the quick fix diet program rather than the long-term investment in your health and wellness.

We then talked about the flip side… the abundance mindset. An abundance mindset is one that flows out of a deep sense of personal worth and security.  It is a belief that there is more than enough for everyone, and this where life becomes full and we are able to dream and think big.  Abundance creates freedom.

Stephanie then gives you three ways to start you on your road to developing an abundance mindset.

The first is to focus on what you have.  There is no quicker path away from scarcity than gratitude.  When you focus on the things that you are most grateful for in your life, you naturally pull yourself out of the scarcity mindset.  To show gratitude is to appreciate, and to appreciate literally means to increase in value. This actually creates the abundance.

Next, Look for the opportunity in life’s circumstances.  When we are thrown curveballs in life, the temptation is to come at it from a scarcity perspective. “Why is this happening to me?”  or “Why don’t I ever get ahead?”  

There is another way to look at these circumstances however, and that’s to identify where the opportunity lies.  What can I learn from this? This leads directly to abundance by producing growth and development.  

I think we can look at all that is going on in the world right now, and discover that there are opportunities to be found.  

For example, though COVID is a terrible virus that has caused much destruction and death, we can choose to look for those opportunities such as a slower pace of life and even a very chance for many to revisit the benefits of a healthy vegan lifestyle. The virus has also inspired many people, including my own boyfriend, to start their own online businesses.

We can also look at the horrific events that have sparked powerful protests across the country and world, as allowing us an opportunity to have very difficult conversations about racism, and begin working collectively to change the systemic injustices that have oppressed people of color throughout history.

Finally, develop the belief that you are enough.  This can be the most challenging, but also the most impactful when moving from scarcity to abundance.  So many of us struggle with our self-worth. The belief that we are not enough comes from a very deeply ingrained system that we are generally not conscious of.  We challenge you to bring the subconscious programming keeping you in self-defeating thought patterns into your awareness.  

When you find yourself comparing yourself to others or questioning if you are deserving, take a step back and view these thoughts with compassion and curiosity, then challenge them.  Explore the feelings of unworthiness that are attached to these beliefs.  

We won’t sugar coat this… Changing these deeply-ingrained core beliefs takes work. It requires an investment in yourself.  For you to turn your scarcity to abundance, you must suspend your belief system for just a bit, and make that investment in your own development. 

I share the stories of incredible clients like Dawn, who got the courage to not only invest in her growth by working with us, but afterward, by operating from abundance, a whole new career path opened up and she is happier, more fulfilled, and definitely wealthier financially.

We’ve had many clients actually get the courage to launch their own businesses, when they would have likely stayed in the security of the jobs they dreaded going to each day until they retired.

We’re not talking about voodoo magic here… It’s really about putting yourself in a position so that you are ready to receive, which has nothing to do with materialism or another person. It all begins with the belief that you’re worthy, and that everything you want and need are available to you.

We’d love to hear about your experience listening to this episode, and how helpful you found it to be (or not to be)! Email [email protected]. I read and reply to every email myself because your feedback is so incredibly valuable… This podcast is for YOU!


Vegan Life Coach AcademyEpisode 4 | Episode 7


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Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Disordered Eating: Up Close & Personal (Episode 10)

Today’s topic is something many of you, our listeners, vegan and vegan-curious alike, have expressed is a struggle… disordered eating. 


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

First, please know you’re not alone in your struggle. In fact, statistics show 50-70% of Americans demonstrate a problematic relationship with food. Stephanie and I agree that well over 70% of our clients would say they find themselves in some really disordered eating cycles. 

People are often surprised to discover that I hid my tumultuous relationship with food for well over a decade. I briefly tell my story in this episode. 

We also discuss the difference between disordered eating and an eating disorder. An eating disorder is a diagnosis, and Stephanie describes how she believes her eating disorder really grew out of some very early disordered eating patterns. 

Stephanie started restricting her food as early as 9 years old.  She internalized a lot of messages that she was receiving.  She was a girl that was tall and big for her age, hitting puberty very early, and she heard people’s well-intentioned words as truth… that something was wrong with her. 

By the time she was 14, she was actively in binging and purging cycles, meeting the criteria for Bulimia. These cycles lasted until she got to the point where her life was completely unmanageable, and treatment was a necessity.

Disordered eating does have some of the same markers as an eating disorder, like anxiety about eating certain food groups, obsessive calorie counting, a rigid approach to exercise or eating patterns, and this is a big one… a self-worth based highly or even exclusively on body size or weight.

It’s important to recognize that just because someone’s patterns aren’t as extreme as a full-blown, diagnosable eating disorder, doesn’t mean that disordered eating isn’t problematic. We see this so often with our clients and the people that come to us regularly. They are locked in cycles that keep them stuck, and keep them locked inside these patterns of thinking and living out their limiting beliefs.

Our bodies are our vessel to experience the world.  Spending years and years hating our bodies, preoccupied with counting calories and macros and minutes exercised limits our ability to live the life we really want.  We are too preoccupied with these things to actually design lives that we love, BUT we don’t have to stay in that place.  We don’t have to continue living locked into these disordered eating cycles.

Stephanie encourages you, if you think you are struggling with disordered eating, to ask yourself some hard questions and look at the quality of your life and price you are paying for being so preoccupied with these thoughts and patterns that are not serving you. 

If what we talk about in this episode resonates with you in some way, we want you to get out a pen and paper and really think about your answers to some really hard questions about your relationship with food. 

Do you use food or food restriction as a way to cope with life’s uncomfortable and negative emotions? 

Are you lonely or feel disconnected from others because you restrict your social life based on gatherings that involve food or a rigid and inflexible exercise routine? 

How uncomfortable are you with food and your body? 

Do you find negative thoughts about food and your body take up a lot of your time or cause you to fall into an anxiety loop? 

If so, it’s time to ask yourself one more question:  How much more time are you willing to waste before you find freedom from this?

The word “freedom” is the number one word clients who we’ve helped build a healthy relationship with food and their bodies use. People like Erin, who literally carried around a scale in her purse to restaurants trying to stick with the plan her trainer gave her, and she still couldn’t lose those last 10 pounds (until she worked with us)!

Then there’s Valerie, who counted every morsel and chose a travel bag of chips over an apple so she’d know the exact numbers. And don’t get me wrong… She lost 100 pounds, but when she came to us she was terrified at gaining it back because she knew HOW she was losing the weight was unhealthy and unsustainable. And guess what… She is now free, healthy, and happier than ever a year later, eating vegan and eating intuitively!

We’ve worked with 18 years olds up to 70 year olds. It’s amazing to be able to help teenagers like April (we’ve changed her name to protect privacy) who was 18 and had her whole life ahead of her. It’s equally as gratifying to work with people who are later in their lives, to break free from the prison of disordered eating for basically the first time in their lives. We helped them master their mindset with our SECS (episodes 4 & 7) and everything else in their lives started falling into place, and new opportunities began to open for them. 

This all leads back to our mindset. Believe it or not, disordered eating has very little to do with food.  Disordered eating patterns are really about questioning our ability to base our worth on something other than outward appearance or even that we are worthy at all. 

Disordered eating is based in our relationships with our bodies, which are mentally and emotionally very complex, but healing those relationship really starts with becoming incredibly aware of how we speak to ourselves. 

Getting relentless with our thoughts, really challenging that inner critic, is the first step in the healing process. We’ve got to tell that inner critic that we’re on to her!

The Self Empowerment Coaching System is really useful in challenging those thoughts and seeing them for what they are.

Challenging those thoughts, not letting them pass without a solid examination, approaching them with compassion and curiosity, that’s the way to freedom from these disordered eating patterns.

Stephanie wraps things up with one strategy you can use to start making powerful shifts. It will likely feel very artificial, but try it anyway.  Write a letter to yourself and outline what your life would look like if you were free of all of the preoccupation with, and negative patterns of, disordered eating.  Then tell yourself why you love yourself, saying, “I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere until we have this figured out.”  Then, write out your commitments to healing, exactly what you are going to do to fight for your freedom from the pain, self-doubt, and anxiety.  

It’s incredibly important to keep commitments to yourself if you are serious about being free from these destructive patterns and creating a healthy relationship with food.  One of those commitments might be writing out some affirmations to say every day. One could be to take some time to simply do the above exercise, ask yourself some really hard questions, and do some journaling around the subject.

We’d love to hear about your experience listening to this episode, and how helpful you found it to be (or not to be)! Email [email protected]. I read and reply to every email myself because your feedback is so incredibly valuable… This podcast is for YOU!


Episode 4 | Episode 7


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Backstage Pass to a Real-Life Coaching Session

Are you wondering what it is like to get coached by Stephanie and I? Well, today you get to find out! This is our very first real-life coaching session we’re sharing here on the Vegan Life Coach Podcast, and we couldn’t be more excited for this special episode. And you get a backstage pass. 

Coaching sessions are something we want to feature here on the podcast, and this means you could be on the show with us too. If you’d like to be featured in a real-life coaching session on the podcast, fill out the application form below. The session is free, but it will take some courage because we’ll be sharing it with all of our listeners. Keep in mind however, that vulnerability is something that we talk about a lot, as you’ll hear in this episode with our guest, Andrea. 

Andrea submitted a form for the real-life coaching session and outlined some of the things that she was interested in. She is an entrepreneur. She has her swimming instruction business, that she and her husband run together. Andrea has recently had a significant weight loss after going completely whole food and now plant-based. 

She and Stephanie had a fantastic connection. So I think that you all are going to fall in love with her like we did, because she has such an intensity about her that is intriguing and engaging.

Stephanie and Andrea began the conversation discussing supplements and food. But to come right down to it, Andrea has a lot more going on underneath all of that. And don’t we all? The food, the supplements, and the exercise, are actually the easy part. True transformation is all about that mindset work, and getting to the core beliefs that keep us stuck in self-sabotaging cycles.

If you haven’t listened to episode four and seven yet, we recommend you go back and listen to those prior to checking out this one because you’ll get so much more out of this real-life coaching session after listening to those episodes too. 

We’d love to hear about your experience listening to this episode, and how helpful you found it to be (or not to be)! Email [email protected]. I read and reply to every email myself because your feedback is so incredibly valuable… This podcast is for YOU!



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Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Finding Passion & Purpose Through the Process with Chad Weller

Chad Weller Guest Interview

Our special guest today on the podcast is former professional athlete, high Performance Life Coach, motivational speaker, and my long-time friend Chad Weller. 

In today’s episode we discuss Chad’s story of how he became a vegan. You may be surprised to know it all started with a bet… but it didn’t end there. Chad has been a vegan for 25 years! 

Chad’s choice to not eat meat empowered him right from the start, and he noticed quickly how much better he felt and how his body performed. But his journey wasn’t an easy one, as he had to overcome many misperceptions as a young male vegan. We discuss several of those in this episode.

Chad opens up about his addiction to drugs and alcohol and how his recovery played such a pivotal role in finding his purpose and passion. I asked him how listeners could find their passion & purpose. He said, “If you’re searching for it, it is within you. It’s a matter of turning down the noise and tapping into your truth, power, and strength.” 

Chad knows quite a bit about tapping into inner strength, as he ran ultra marathons professionally. And for Chad, running the ultra marathons wasn’t about achieving certain times or accolades but more about connection on a spiritual level.  This connection helped him stop focusing on the results, disconnect from the outer noise, and focus inward. 

If you’re looking to start running Chad shared these tips: 

  1. Get proper shoes,
  2. Focus on the things you like about running. Not on the things you don’t. 
  3. Give it time
  4. Just start, even just 1 mile or 2

Though running was a passion, Chad discovered his purpose when he became a High Performance Life Coach. Like running ultra marathons, Chad found running a career & business, isn’t about the results, it’s about the process. Chad enjoys each and every day because he chooses to, and because he has fallen in love with the process. 

Chad is currently working on a book, and his upcoming podcast.


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The Self-Empowerment Coaching System: How to Reprogram Your Mind (Ep 7: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

You are going to want to stop multitasking, because in today’s training we’re explaining a tool we call the Self-Empowerment Coaching System, or SECS for short (and yes, we like to pronounce it “sex”)!


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The Self-Empowerment Coaching System is the tool that we base all of our mindset work on… And our mindset work translates into lifestyle work. Everything we do, every decision we make; from what we put in our mouth, to how we move our bodies, to the decisions we make: like the decision to go fully vegan, or anything that we want in our lives. All of this is a mindset.

This is what we train our clients on, so that it eventually becomes their operating system. This is what we use to reprogram our subconscious… All of those negative programs that are not serving us.

If you haven’t listened to episode 4, go back and listen to it first, as that episode lays the ground work for the concepts we discuss. 

Here is how SECS works: It all starts with your circumstance. Your circumstance is something that is out of your immediate control. The facts about the situation. This is subjective, not objective. It rained yesterday. I had no immediate control over that. 

What we do have control over is how you react or respond to the situation. What happens is that our circumstance triggers thoughts based on our core beliefs, which all come from the subconscious. We often don’t even notice the core beliefs that are driving our thoughts. We don’t stop and say, “Oh this is my reaction, and these are my thoughts that are based on the core belief that I am not good enough… that I am not worthy.”

Circumstances trigger our thoughts. And those thoughts are based on our subconscious programming, our core beliefs about who we are and what we’re capable of. Our thoughts then evoke our emotions, and emotions are what most of us notice first, because we actually feel emotions in our bodies. 

These emotions, that come from our subconscious programming, are often trapped in our bodies, and we carry them around. In fact it’s often trapped emotion that causes us physical pain and disease. Our mind, body, and emotions are all deeply connected.

Chronic stress means illness. Stubborn body fat can also be caused by stress and the core beliefs that aren’t serving us. So it’s not all about what we put in our mouths. The stress and the core beliefs have a lot to do with how our bodies run physically. 

From these emotions and thoughts, there are two paths we can take.

The first path we can take is to go right into action, as if you’re running on autopilot. Autopilot mode means we are not using conscious thoughts. This is the path we take because it’s how we’ve been programmed. 

Our actions then determine our outcomes or results. Think about these actions that we take based on the core beliefs. If they’re based on these core beliefs that aren’t serving us, we’re going to engage in self-sabotaging actions or behaviors. We all do it to some degree, some more than others. 

The second path we can take is what we call the Power Pause. Instead of going right into autopilot mode, we take a step back and pause. We get really present, connect with our conscious mind, and become the observer of our thoughts and feelings like we talked about in episode four. Then we can approach ourselves with curiosity and compassion.

When we approach ourselves with curiosity and compassion we can go into detective mode and start to figure some things out. We take a deep dive into whether or not the thoughts we’re having are going to serve us or not, and if those thoughts are going to serve us, then we continue on as we were. 

If we determine the thoughts are not serving us, we then have the opportunity, by being present and conscious, to choose new thoughts that will get us into the action that is in line with our values, our goals, and our vision of what success is.

Notice I didn’t say take action based on your new emotions. This is an important distinction that I want to make because even though thoughts evoke our emotions, having a new thought won’t necessarily change our emotions right away, because they are so ingrained. 

Your emotions might not change right away, but you can change. Just because you have a belief about who you are and what your limits are, it doesn’t make the belief true. 

The exciting part of this is, regardless of your emotions, you can then take intentional action based on your conscious thoughts that you’ve decided are the ones that are going to serve you.

The more thoughts we have that are serving us, the more our energy starts to shift and change. So until we’ve got these new vibrations, we’re sending out new energy into the universe, and that attracts back the energy that we’re putting out. 

That is how this all this works together. The Self Empowerment Coaching System is one big awesome cycle that we have control over, that we’ve been taught our whole lives that we have no control over.

In the episode we also give you a specific example to illustrate the system in use. And if it still sounds confusing, don’t worry! The SECS is the foundation for all the coaching and teaching we do so you’ll be learning it over and over in different ways throughout the Vegan Life Coach Podcast.


Learn more about the Plant-Empowered Coaching Program and book your consultation HERE today.


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The Healing Power of Food with Allison Melody


Each one of us has our own unique vegan story, and today’s guest, Allison Melody, will leave you with chills, and inspire you to look differently at the food on your plate. 

Allison shares her powerful story of how she lost both her parents to cancer and set out on her journey to a vegan lifestyle as she learned the healing power of food.

I am grateful to have eco-entrepreneur and my good friend Allison Melody on The Vegan Life Podcast. Allison is the host of Food Heals, and she’s also a film producer, international speaker, and published author.

Allison’s mission is to spread the plant-based message as much as she can. So no husband, child, or loved one has to experience the pain of losing a loved one to cancer. She believes the body is designed to heal itself, and that the plant-based diet can reverse and prevent disease. 

One of the questions I ask Allison in this episode is, “At what point did you know that you were ready to be vulnerable and share your story with the world?” Her answer may surprise you.

“The more real and authentic we are, the more people can relate to us and feel inspired to change. The more vulnerable we can be, the more impact that we can have. I realize that if I want to have an impact, I have to put it all out there.” 

We also discuss the importance of healing your body from stress and trauma, and how the healing power of food can only go so far. If we hold on to anger, stress, or grief,  our bodies are unable to heal. Allison explains how she works on being conscious of the harmful emotions that don’t serve her, doing her best to release those emotions.

Do you want to know her favorite way to let things go? Try Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off! Allison cranks up the music and lets loose, by physically, and literally, shaking it off. 

This episode rounds out with Allison’s advice to those listeners on the vegan path, and are wanting to create a career out of their passion. She says with the right commitment, mindset, and desire to serve others, success is inevitable. Allison also gives some great advice about mindset surrounding charging for your services.

Allison felt a responsibility to offer up a positive voice in the midst of our current situation with COVID 19. She has many amazing resources such as; podcast interviews, on her show Food Heals. As well as, on her website, so be sure to check those all out in the links below. 



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Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

From Tragedy to Enlightenment with Bodybuilder Champion & Vegan Geoff Palmer


Some stories are so powerful and extraordinary they must be shared. And today’s podcast guest is no exception… Vegan Geoff Palmer takes us on his journey from tragedy to enlightenment.

vegan bodybuider

A veteran vegan of 35 years, Geoff Palmer, is natural bodybuilding and physique masters champion. He’s the owner of Clean Machine, plant-based fitness nutrition, vegan patent holder, and NEXTY winner for best supplement of the year in 2016 and 2018.

Geoff is also an author, national lecturer, and was selected number 40 of the top 100 most influential vegans by plant-based news.

Geoff created the first 100% vegan bodybuilding competition in the world. And on top of that, his company, Clean Machine, donates 10% of sales every quarter to organizations that promote a plant based lifestyle. 

His accomplishments are impressive. But it is the incredible story of his journey from tragedy to enlightenment that will leave listeners inspired. 

Geoff-Palmer vegan fitnessIncluding, how & why Geoff became a vegan 35 years ago. The life events and tremendous amount of suffering that sent him looking for change.  And how from that experience, Geoff gave away his possessions, traveled to 48 countries, and the journey that led him to where he is today. 

While his story is sure to inspire, it is Geoff and my discussion about the importance of being open to the world around you, and how to release patterns in your life that hold you back that will empower you to take action in your life.

We also discuss benefits of supplements, including why they are beneficial to our diets. As well as,  the part that permaculture, biodynamic farming, and veganic farming play in it.

This is a conversation not to be missed. 

Be sure to stick around for the light-hearted, and fun, Sprint Round at the end of the episode where I ask Geoff five questions and Geoff answers with whatever comes to mind. 

Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better then when you know better, do better.” Geoff Palmer helps people both know better and then know how to do better. 


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Ep #4: The Secret for Transforming Your Body & Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle you Love

transforming with vegan lifestyle

Are you tired of all the claims out there promising you transformation as you seek help on your path to adopting a healthy vegan lifestyle? (I know I am!)

The word “transformation” is often thrown around by personal trainers making promises about helping people achieve the lean, fit body they’ve always wanted. What these trainers are really talking about however, is change. 

We see the before and after images of the clients, following a strict diet and insane workout regiment, having made significant changes to their bodies.

What we DON’T see are images 6 months, a year, 5 years later, when 80+% of those people have gained all the weight back and then some. Their body changed, and then it changed back.

Transformation only happens when the ROOT issue as to WHY we’re not eating, exercising, and living in the ways that will bring us health and happiness is addressed.

Hence, this week’s Vegan Life Coach Podcast episode!

Get ready to learn the key to TRUE TRANSFORMATION in this empowering episode, which will help you on your path to a healthy, happy, and fulfilling vegan lifestyle you love. 

We keep it real and raw, and dig deep while leaving plenty of room for you to laugh and play with us on this and every episode.

We want you to be intimately involved in ways that will help you absorb the vegan-friendly transformational tools we teach and apply them to your life

Head on over to our Podcast page, where you can leave us a voice message with the questions you want answered (all things vegan, fitness, and mindset related), grab the awesome gift we have for you, AND even apply to be coached, live, on an upcoming episode!

Sending lots of love and high vibes your way.💚


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Subscribe to Ella’s Soul-Aligned Sunday Newsletter HERE.

Take the NEW FREE Self-Assessment to explore your relationship with food, exercise, and your body, and receive valuable, personalized insights and resources from Ella herself!

Check out Ella’s website HERE and learn about current coaching opportunities HERE.


Access a rough transcript of the episode HERE.

Ep #3: Hogs & Kisses Farm Animal Sanctuary

farm animal sanctuary

Learn the fascinating story about how Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary founder Anne Molina went from living as an omnivore, to not only embracing a fully vegan lifestyle, but also making the decision to dedicate her life to caring for rescued farm animals!

The relationships we, as humans, form with animals is far from limited to pets! Anne’s inspirational journey will not only help you on your path to a healthy, fit vegan lifestyle, but it will also fill your heart with love and joy.

Ever heard of a “micro farm animal sanctuary”?

Anne fills us in on the growing trend for people to create their own, small sanctuaries on their own land, where they can care for a smaller number of rescued animals. Cows, pigs and goats need plenty of land to roam, so many people are opening up micro sanctuaries with smaller animals, like rabbits and chickens, who can live happily on a smaller plot of land.

One theme for this episode is, “Live in possibility,” which is how we (I’m on the board for Hogs and Kisses Farm Sanctuary) are helping finding a permanent home for the 11 pigs we talk about on the show (what a story they have)… And that home could turn out to be Hogs & Kisses!

Make sure to also visit the Podcast web page to pick up our gift to you, send us a voice message with your questions, and apply to be coached on the show!

Sending lots of love and high vibes your way.💚


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  • Want to help the 11 piggies we talked about on the show? Contact me directly: [email protected]
  • Learn more about the Plant-Empowered Coaching Program we reference HERE 
  •  Send us a voice message with your questions, apply to be coached live on the show, and pick up the gift we have waiting for you HERE


Access a rough transcript of the episode HERE.

Ep #2: Vegan Meal Planning is Out… Try Meal MAPPING

Vegan Meal Planning vs Meal Mapping

Do you find that vegan meal planning and prepping can seem daunting and exhausting?

In this episode we show you a way to make vegan easy with the concept of what we call “meal mapping.”

Personally, I find traditional meal planning tedious, time-consuming, and unsustainable, and I don’t even have human kids to take into consideration (my fur baby is easy to meal prep for ;)).

My co-host, Stephanie has a family with three children however, and she has mastered a system we’ve labeled, “meal mapping.” She breaks this system down, step by step on this episode. You’ll finish listening with a new sense of empowerment around your ability to consistently make healthy meals, without spending hours and hours researching, grocery shopping, or cooking.

Wherever you are on your path to a healthy vegan lifestyle, we’ve got your back with this practical and applicable episode!

Make sure to also visit the Podcast web page to pick up our gift to you!

Sending lots of love and high vibes your way!💚


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  • How to shift your method of vegan meal planning to what we call, “meal mapping,” which is much more flexible, takes less time, is less overwhelming, and makes vegan easy!


  • Web page to pick up our gift to you, to send us a voice message with your questions, and to apply to be coached live on the show
  • Sencha Shot: Japanese Green Tea (Ella’s fave)
  • Support the show without spending an extra dime by shopping from our Amazon link HERE (bookmark the page and know every time you shop, you are helping us continue to bring you valuable content without ads)!


Access a rough transcript of the episode HERE.