Acceptance vs Resistance (EP 64: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

In this insightful episode, we answer the questions many people have when we say, “Accepting your body as it is right now is a prerequisite for transforming it…”


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

“How can I accept something I want to change?”

“If I accept my body as it is, how will I ever lose weight?”

We’re talking about resistance vs acceptance, and how making this powerful shift is key for achieving all of your personal and professional goals and dreams.

Carl Yung said, “We must ACCEPT what we want to change.” We’re telling you why and showing you HOW in episode 64 of the Vegan Life Coach Podcast!

Show Notes:

  • Defining Resistance: The refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument
    • When we resist, we are firmly holding to what we want the truth to be. It is arguing with reality. When we spend our energy wishing something was different, we are wasting our time…wasting that energy.
      • Examples: 
        • Hitting the snooze button
        • Comparing yourself to others, wishing you had their legs,          personality, money, etc.
        • Getting angry about the traffic jam making you late for work
        • Worrying about things that are out of your control
        • Ignoring or distracting from negative emotions (eg a Netflix binge with a pint of coconut milk ice cream)
    • Resistance doesn’t change reality; It only makes it harder.
    • Humans are built for resistance. Our bodies and minds love homeostasis. So, overriding that can be difficult and is likely why we keep ourselves in that state, even though it causes us so much suffering. If I could choose a superpower, it would be Acceptance because it is simple but NOT easy.
  • Defining Acceptance:  Act of taking or receiving something offered; willingness to tolerate a difficult or unpleasant situation.
    • What acceptance is NOT:  
      • Giving Up
      • Condoning
      • Liking or Enjoying
    • What acceptance is:
      • Active: It is a practice. It is a choice to allow reality to flow.
      • Understanding that reality just is and that there is a way through it if you don’t like it.
      • An important part of mindfulness:  The mind is fully engaged in what is, what is happening, and what we are doing and moving through without judgment of ourselves or the situation.
    • Why is acceptance important in the change process?
      • Carl Jung: We must ACCEPT what we want to change.  
      • Accepting reality allows us to look at it honestly and make a plan based on reality and NOT on what we wish reality was.
      • Acceptance empowers us to make the next move.
    • How do we move from resistance to acceptance?
      • “Accept then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you’ve chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” –Eckhart Tolle
      • Ask yourself some questions:
        • What is the impact of resistance in this situation?
        • Am I engaging in the behaviour of resistance?  Arguing with reality: Wishing, worrying, comparing, refusing
        • Am I feeling the resistance through my emotions?  Anger, resentment, anxiety
        • What if I act as if I chose this situation?  How would that change things for me?
        • How would this change if I allowed reality to be exactly what it is in this moment?
      • Practical Strategies:
        • Take a pause when you find yourself engaged in resistance:  Compassion and Curiosity
        • Self-Empowerment Coaching system with a desired outcome of acceptance
        • Journaling
        • Mantra:  I accept reality as it is.  Resistance is futile.  I can only change what I accept.


Episode 7 (Self-Empowerment Coaching System)

Episode 59 (Client Panel)


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A Hog’s Tale (EP 63: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

The barn doors to Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary (a 501c3 non-profit organization) have opened and WOW, what a journey it’s been for founder Anne Molina, James Aubrey (Board member), and me (also on the Board)!


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

In this fascinating and heartwarming episode, we tell you the story of how we transported 3 unexpectedly large farm pigs from New York to their forever home in Virginia. 

We share all the challenges we faced, that we can laugh about now that Dolly, Grace, and Imposter are roaming happily in the pasture at Hogs & Kisses.

Join us as we take you on the thrilling journey with us, and learn some fascinating pig facts along the way!


Please help by donating any amount on the Hogs & Kisses website


Take Our New Going Vegan Quiz HERE!  

Grab the valuable gift we have for you HERE.

Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary Website

Mic the Vegan (EP 62: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

With over 377,000 YouTube subscribers, Mic the Vegan is known for debunking the myths that perpetuate harmful dietary and lifestyle behaviors – all with a drop of humor that only he thinks is funny.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

In case you’re curious… Mic is short for microphone and Mike/Michael, not Mick! And it’s true that his beard doesn’t match his hair naturally (he asks you to please not hate). 

Mic the Vegan is not a doctor, but he is currently studying Public Health at the Master’s level and is a pro at digging into the most unbiased research on plant-based nutrition and feeding it to us in bite-size chunks.

We had a blast chatting about everything from his most controversial videos, to how to discern which research to trust, to building tiny homes… With a lot of laughs along the way!



Mic the Vegan YouTube Channel

Mic the Vegan Website

Mic’s Whole Food Vegan Cookbook

Support Mic HERE so he can keep making regular videos loaded with Science!


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Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

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Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary Website

Coachability: The Secret to Your Success (EP 61: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Are you coachable?


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

In Episode 61 of The Vegan Life Coach Podcast, we dive into the topic of coachability… What it means, why it’s important, and how to embody it. 

Determining the coachability of potential 6-Week Intuitive Food & Fitness Coaching Program clients is a vital step in the application process. We ONLY work with people we’re confident are ready and able to be coached to their freedom. 

We work with a maximum of only 12 clients, so we encourage you to take bold action in the direction of a healthy vegan lifestyle, plant-strong body and mind, confidence, and a sense of freedom you never knew possible.


Episode 59: Way Beyond Weight Loss (with a 3-client panel)

Book a Discovery Session with Ella

VEGAN MADE EASY: The 5-Step Master Plan for Losing Weight with a Plant-Based “Live-et”



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Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.

Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary Website

Q&A: Overeating (EP 30: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Episode #30 starts out with fun conversation and celebrations, and then we move into the topic of overeating.



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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

At Vegan Life Coach Academy, we have #ThirstyThursday Power Hour Q&A every week. Members grab their fresh juice, smoothie, or Clean Machine’s BCAAs (lemonade is my favorite), and join me for a Facebook Live event.

We have a blast sharing celebrations, playing plant food trivia, announce upcoming happenings, and I answer questions that members have submitted. 

Recently, we had two questions come in about portion control and overeating… A common struggle for a ton of our podcast listeners as well, hence why we decided to also answer the questions on this episode!

Here they are:

Question #1: I really appreciate the mindfulness and intuitive eating. I think that’s how I was before becoming vegan and now I struggle with portions. Sometimes I’m hungry in 30 minutes and then I feel like I overeat too often. I feel uncomfortably stuffed. What’s going on?

Question #2: Why do you (referring to me) only eat half a can of chickpeas for a meal versus a whole can? Is it because half a can fills you up? How do we know we are not overeating?

Check out this week’s full episode to hear our answers!

We’d love to hear your feedback and questions in our Empowered Life Group on Facebook (free), and of course in Vegan Life Coach Academy for our Academy members. 


Vegan Life Coach Academy

Clean Machine and Other Recommended Products 

Episode #3: Hogs & Kisses Farm Animal Sanctuary

Episode 7 (Self-Empowerment Coaching System)


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A New Approach to Goal-Setting (EP 29: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

When people set a goal, the reason they set that goal is usually because they are unhappy with where they currently are.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

People often believe that happiness is on the other side of reaching certain goals. “Once I reach that goal of losing 20 pounds, then I’ll be happy,” or, “When I get that promotion, then I’ll be happy.”  

Setting goals in the traditional way comes from a place of scarcity and unfulfillment. In this episode we offer a different perspective on goals… The idea that goals are fantastic tools for progressing on our life’s journey in a positive and powerful way, but only when they come from a place of abundance and acceptance.

On last week’s episode we discussed how happiness is not created in the past or found in the future. Happiness is within all of us right now. It’s a matter of developing the tools that you need to unlock or unleash the joy that you’re capable of in this very moment. And that’s a powerful thing. So, what can goals set from a place of abundance do for us?

Goals set from a place of abundance can empower us, motivate us, and create self-confidence. They can help us align our actions with our values.

 On the other hand, when we set goals from a place of scarcity, we may feel shameful, not good enough as we are right now. 

Goals coming from a place of scarcity can cause us to compare ourselves to others, which can in turn, bring on anxiety. We can start judging ourselves and feel a sense of disappointment, thinking, “I’m not good enough,” and “What I have is not enough”.  

No matter what, goal-setting brings up obstacles, fears, and limiting beliefs, right?  We start to think about all the things that are standing in our way. The Self-Empowerment Coaching System we’re always talking about, is a tool that will allow you to deal with these feelings and thoughts and recognize the opportunity for growth in any given situation.

Without the self-coaching tools, goals can actually get you stuck… Stuck in your own head, stuck in your fears, and/or stuck in your limiting beliefs. 

Stephanie told me about a realization she had after watching a post I did from Santa Marta, Columbia, in which I talked about doing a handstand on some rocks. She shared with me the thoughts and feelings that came up for her when she saw my post. 

Stephanie’s immediate reaction was to start to compare herself to me. She was able, however, to take a step back, become the observer, and look at the situation in a different light. She realized that doing a handstand is not a goal of hers. It’s not something that she is wanting to work towards. Doing a handstand is not something that’s in her vision of what a successful, happy life looks like for her. And that’s okay.

We all have different goals. We have different visions of what success means to us. Stephanie knew that she had reached the place where she could see my post and appreciate the skill and strength it takes to do a handstand, without diminishing her own growth or feelings of success. She was able to start appreciating her own body and her own accomplishments. 

To practice the goal-setting process from a place of abundance, I encourage you to do this exercise: Take out a piece of paper and make a list of 6 things that you want to accomplish, whether that’s in the next month, the next year, or in five years. Don’t worry about the timeframe, just make a list of six things that you want, big or small. They should be things that you want and believe you can, with the right steps, accomplish.

Now I want you to pick one of the things that you listed and fine tune it. Make it into a measurable goal with a timeframe. 

Now, see what emotions come up. Do you have limiting beliefs that come up surrounding the goal? Are you feeling some doubt or fear that you could fail? These are all normal emotions that can come up when we set goals. That doesn’t mean you’re coming from a place of scarcity though. It means that it’s time to utilize the self-coaching tools so you can coach yourself through the fears and self-doubt.

Write down your limiting thoughts on your paper. Observe the emotions that come. Now take a moment to transport yourself mentally to the place where the goal has already been accomplished. Visualize that reality.

Now look back at the thoughts you wrote down and address them from a place of the goal having already been achieved. Again, transport yourself to the place where that goal is already achieved. You’ve achieved that goal, and now you’re looking back on yourself now and looking at those thoughts and how you addressed them. What would you tell yourself now that you’ve already completed and achieved that goal?

The next step is to create an action plan. Again, put yourself in that place where you’ve already achieved that goal. Tell yourself how you got there. How did you achieve that goal? 

What were the big steps that you took? For each big step, break it down into actionable tasks. Take yourself through the process of reaching and achieving and completing that goal from the place of already having completed it.

You may be pretty blown away with the wisdom you have.  Everything is “figure-outable.” We just have to believe in ourselves!

We’d love to hear your goals in our Empowered Life Group on Facebook (free), and of course in Vegan Life Coach Academy for our Academy members. 


Vegan Life Coach Academy

Episode 7 (Self-Empowerment Coaching System)


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The Search for Happiness (EP 28: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

All to often we think, “I’ll be happy when…”


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

There is a misconception that we can find happiness outside of ourselves… That happiness is waiting for us in the future when we have accomplished certain things, or have met certain goals.

The truth of the matter is that that we have to be in charge of our own happiness. Happiness doesn’t happen to us or for us. Happiness is not a future state. If we tie our happiness to a certain weight, to a way that we want to look, or the goals we wish to accomplish, we give away the inherent power we all have to CHOOSE happiness NOW.

If you say to yourself, “I’ll be happy when I’ve lost 20 pounds, or when I’ve successfully ran a marathon, or found the man of my dreams,” you will always be chasing happiness.

There’s a quote, and I’m not sure who to credit it to, but it goes something like, “Beware of destination addiction or preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”

Here’s the deal though: You really have to be willing to dig in. Even when you get to the place where you think, “I should be seeing some results by now,”

By digging in, and practicing the Self-Empowerment Coaching System (episodes 4 and 7) we teach at Vegan Life Coach Academy, you will be shocked to discover things you didn’t know you didn’t know.

If you embrace the idea that happiness is NOW, and that you are worth learning to love yourself before you lose a pound, then you’ve really earned the golden ticket.

We’re not saying that loving yourself now means you have to stay the way that you are physically. We’re saying that learning to shift your mindset away from a place of depravity and restriction, which is ultimately a place of punishment, is key. The diet culture has taught us to punish ourselves, despite the fact that restriction leads us to sabotage our results over and over again.

When you come from a place of love however, the outcome is completely different. From a place of love you choose to go for that run because you care about strengthening your body and want to be healthy and fit. You reach for the fruits and veggies because you love yourself enough to provide your body with the best nutrition. You buy the highest quality supplement that you know makes your body sing because you value your healthy, and it may be a little pricier than you’d like, but you know that that is sourced from a place that’s pure, and you make the decision out of love for yourself and your body.

Developing unconditional love for yourself is a game changer. It takes work to get to the place where you love yourself so much you’re dangerous, as Brene Brown says. And the work is well worth the outcome, which is that your body trusts you enough to get to the place where it’s supposed to be…

It is from a place of self-love that the excess weight, excess fat that you’re carrying is going to melt off, just like the excess weight that you’re carrying emotionally is going to disappear. You’re going to be learning to deal with your inner critic head on, and then you will be making healthy choices out of love for your body, not as punishment.

You are worth this fight. You are worth being, “all in,” committed to this process because ultimately, where this process is going to take you, is a place of complete and total freedom. It’s going to give you the opportunity to choose happiness in the moment, because you know it’s available to you right here, right now. .


Vegan Life Coach Academy

Episode 4

Episode 7


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Overcoming Overwhelm (EP 27: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

When we get to a state of overwhelm, it goes beyond being busy. It’s when you get to the point where you are being controlled by your thoughts and it feels like life is happening TO you. It can be debilitating!


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

In this episode we look at some actual steps you can take to prevent or reverse becoming overwhelmed…

1- Start giving yourself permission to say “NO” (Stop saying yes to shit you don’t want to do)! 

Remember our training on people-pleasing? When saying, “yes” will take you into a state of overwhelm, you must learn to say no. Consequences are worse than if you say, “it’s easier if I just do it then if I say no”… Leads to resentment, overwhelm, being pissy to people you care about (“taking it out” on family). And when you’ve said yes to more things than you can handle, the quality of what you’re doing declines… a lot of things get accomplished half-assed.

And remember where people-pleasing is rooted… In a lack of self-worth (feel guilty when put yourself first).

2- Eliminate unhelpful, self-imposed rules for yourself.

“Rules” which are different than commitments. Rules are inflexible. They do not take into  consideration changes in circumstances. Part of the “all or nothing” mindset. Rules like, I have to attend every one of my daughter’s swim meets. Well that’s an awesome thing to want to do, and you certainly can make the commitment to attend your daughter’s swim meets, but maybe you’re studying for an important exam and you have to choose between studying and giving yourself a shot at an A, or going to your daughter’s 3rd swim meet of the week. Well maybe you ask her dad to be there this time so you can stay out of overwhelm. 

3- Prioritize Self-Care

How do you recharge (this looks different for everyone)? Down time, being alone, being around positive people (extrovert), reading, working out, sexy, meditation, going out on dates, bubble bath, etc.) Pick 1 thing you can do this week to take better care of yourself (addition to your morning or nighttime routine) that will make the biggest difference and make the commitment!

4- Prevent unimportant things that feel urgent distract you from what’s actually important.

Often times things are presented in such a way that they feel urgent. And when something feels urgent, we tend to automatically bump it to the top of our priority lists. Boss, friends, family/kids, can bring the drama and that’s when we let their drama override our other commitments (usually the ones we make to ourselves).

How to prevent: Run it through the test – Eliminate, Delegate, Postpone

  1. Can you eliminate the task all together?
  2. Can you delegate the task to someone else?
  3. Can you postpone the task to revisit later (different from procrastinating)?
  4. Create solid systems to help you stay out of overwhelm through organization. Personally Trello has been the tool that is saving me (before that it way sticky notes and to-do lists that did not give me a system and made it so things often had to get to the place of urgency in order for them to take priority. Set up systems for even the simplest tasks like taking out the garbage, walking the dog, laundry… figure out what you can delegate. 
  5. First thing to schedule into your week is planning time to organize your upcoming week, figure out what might overwhelm you, and creating a plan. 

5- Ask for help! Or at least accept people’s offers!

An unwillingness to do this has to do with a lack of self-worth or inflated ego. When you choose to stay in overwhelm, you’re choosing to play the victim (I said this to myself on Sunday!) Accept and be grateful. Think about it as giving others an opportunity to give… and when people give, they get back. And you know you’ll pass the favor along when you’re in a position to do so. 



Vegan Life Coach Academy


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Practical Tips for Busy People to Eat More Whole Foods (EP 26: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Christin McKamey is the owner of, a site dedicated to whole food, plant-based recipes with a strong focus on the world of produce.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Christin creates delicious veggie-focused plant-based recipes (with many oil-free and gluten-free options), as well as offering tips and tools to help others live and maintain a plant-powered lifestyle.

She has a Plant-Based Nutrition certification from e-Cornell, a certification from the Forks Over Knives Rouxbe Cooking School, and has also attended Vegan Fusion plant-based cooking classes. Christin lives in Royal Oak, Michigan with her husband and cat, Chloe.

Here is a summary of what was discussed in this podcast episode:

  • Batch Cooking Tips– things I do to ensure success for the week. Note: I don’t always do this, but when I do, I do find I make healthier choices.
    • Grocery shopping on Saturday, prepping a couple hours on Sunday
    • Things I do during prepping:
      • Wash, dry and chop vegetables; place in airtight, sealed containers.
      • Chop veggies that are versatile in many dishes, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, and onions.
      • Soak nuts and seeds if required.
      • Marinate tempeh or tofu.
      • Make a couple of versatile dips or dressings that will last in the refrigerator for a few days.
      • Freeze grains- portion into 1 or 2 cup portions and freeze in freezer bags or containers.
    • Decide a few ways you can make multiple dishes with the same ingredients. I love making what I call multi-way bowls (see more info below), soups, salads, tacos, chili, etc. You can also do a stir-fry or a salad bar.


  • Time Saving Techniques
    • Always read recipes once or twice to make sure you have everything before going to the grocery store. Some recipes might be missing an ingredient in the ingredients list that is listed in the directions instead.
    • Plan your route at the grocery store. Once you create your shopping list, put things in order of where they are located in the store.
    • Stock your kitchen with simple bulk ingredients to use in a pinch, such as all types of grains, dried beans, pasta, spaghetti sauce, frozen and canned vegetables.  Think of a few meals you can make for dinner throughout the week and how you can use some of those same ingredients in other recipes.
    • Add veggies to everything! I try to make sure every meal I have, has at least 2 (and most of the time many more) veggies. Onions, peppers, and mushrooms are very versatile.
    • Don’t like veggies? Try a new vegetable every week (or month).
    • Batch cooking can save a ton of time! Chop veggies or prepare grains in advance. Make variations of salads with different toppings, etc. Freeze scraps of veggies and make homemade veggie broth. Pick one day for grocery shopping, another for prepping. Setting aside 90 minutes-2 hours per week is all you need to save yourself tons of time during the week.
    • Make double or triple the amount the recipe calls for. You can enjoy it for at least a couple meals, or have a healthy lunch the next day. Pack away your lunch immediately after dinner and you’ll be all set.
    • Experiment with one-pot meal recipes. It makes life a lot easier when you only have one pan to wash. These types of dishes also tend to freeze and reheat well. You can even label with cooking instructions to make it easier for you or your family to reheat.
    • Easy smoothie prep: add fruit, veggies, etc. to a blender and put in the fridge the night before. In the morning, all you have to do is take out the blender, add liquid, and blend.
    • Serve your dinner in large glass containers (instead of serving bowls) so you can go straight from the table to the fridge. Less dishes.

And lastly, she has included 2 PDF’s to share…

  1. Time-Saving Techniques- tips for saving time and making healthy choices in your kitchen.
  2. Multi-Way Bowl– an easy option for meal ideas, and so versatile! Start with a grain. Add a protein if you want (lentils, tofu, seitan, beans, etc.). Add vegetables. And then top with a sauce. Add some toppings (nuts, seeds, etc.) Enjoy!



Vegan Life Coach Academy

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10 Tips for Transitioning That Will Save Your Relationships (EP 25: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

 If going vegan has put a strain on your current relationships or you want to avoid ruining your relationships as you transition to a vegan lifestyle these ten power tips are sure to help. 


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Going vegan and obtaining the support of friends and family is a common struggle for many who make the choice to live a vegan lifestyle. On last week’s episode Stephanie shared her story of going vegan and broke down the 5 stages that family and friends go through. 

Today Stephanie is giving 10 tips for transitioning that will save your relationships. If going vegan has put a strain on your current relationships or you want to avoid ruining your relationships as you transition to a vegan lifestyle  these ten power tips are sure to help. 

Stephanie discuss these tips in depth in this episode: 

  1. Define your boundaries.  Once Stephanie committed to veganism, she decided she was no longer going to or cook meat. 
  2. Talk about going vegan and answer questions.  Stephanie decided to use a lot of I-statements to demonstrate that she was taking responsibility for her own choices. Often times talking about veganism can challenge the way people see themselves as ethical, whole, compassionate human beings. So she plans ahead for these moments when she will be asked questions.
  3. Have a sense of humor. Because Stephanie is able to laugh at herself she believes that really rebunks that stereotype of the angry, raging vegan. And thus laughing about these things becomes easier for my family and for my relationships. Most vegans will be the victims of malicious jokes, Stepahnie says, but generally the people in our lives are really just poking fun.
  4. Get educated about nutrition for yourself and your kids. And this is the right spot for you. This program was the foundation for Stepahnie’s nutritional metamorphosis for my family. There are tons of great cookbooks and resources out there. Getting educated about nutrition is not only good for you. It’s good for your kids. And it’s good for that mom guilt too. When Stephanie knows that what she’s putting in front of her kids is nutritionally sound, then she knows that without a shadow of a doubt that mom guilt can not creep in. And if it does, she can challenge it at every level.
  5. Keep it simple. Especially if you’re cooking for a family. When Stephanie’s family got curious, she  started with breakfast smoothies. Now everyone gets a smoothie for breakfast. 
  6. Stop preparing two completely different meals. You are not a restaurant.  When Stephanie went vegan she started preparing one dish and it was always a vegan main dish. She was okay with them adding animal protein to the side themselves. but she stopped saying she was going to prepare what everybody’s dish was. She wasn’t a short order cook. 
  7. Veganize your favorite dishes. Stephanie suggests exploring new dishes with familiar flavors. One of her families favorites? Stir-frys, and mexican food. 
  8. Honor other people’s gestures and be flexible without compromising your values. Stephanie says to be appreciative of the steps that people take that might help you feel included and comfortable. Make a really big deal out of it. The one gesture Stephanie does that has never failed her? Telling her friends and family how much she loves to cook and offering to bring whatever they’d like her too. 
  9. Connect with other vegan families. Stephanie has a a great Facebook community in her local area that has meetups and suggest finding on in your local area to connect with others who are like-minded and whose beliefs are similar. 
  10. Promote vegan role models, especially if you have kids. Stephanie sees the importance to introduce her children to people that they can look up to in all aspects of their lives. 

We hope these 10 tips are useful for you and your family. We encourage you to take an honest account of where you are in your own journey and where your loved ones might be in theirs. Accept where you’re powerless and challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening because that’s really where your power is in your own response to what’s going on around you. Use these tips as you transition to navigate the tough terrain of relationships with family and friends. 



Vegan Life Coach Academy


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Have a question you’d like us to answer, or feedback you’d like to give us (we love hearing from you!)? Leave us a voice (or written) message HERE.

Interested in receiving a free coaching session to air on an upcoming episode? Apply HERE.