Our Single Most Life-Transforming Tool: A Client Favorite! (EP 50: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

After having some fun with topics like being an introvert during the Pandemic and getting high off of Wim Hof’s breathing techniques, we dive into a discussion on Our Single Most Life-Transforming Tool (a client favorite).


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

The “Power Pause” is a game-changer (just ask any of our coaching clients)!

In fact, one of our clients, Dawn, was so inspired she wrote an entire blog post on this tool for the Sexy Fit Vegan blog. 

The Power Pause is meant to allow you to explore your thoughts and emotions before you take action. It allows you to respond, with intention, rather than react and immediately fall into old unhealthy patterns (aka programs).  

With this tool, you have the power to become the designer of your destiny.

The Power Pause is the key step in our Self-Empowerment Coaching System, which you can learn about in Episode 7, and hear specific examples of by listening to this episode.

We often talk about being the observer, but we don’t realize how challenging it truly is… at first. Using the power pause is how we grasp the opportunity to become the observer of our thoughts and emotions. From there, we have the power to choose new thoughts that will serve us better. We then are able to CHOOSE our actions and can choose HEALTHY behaviors, like eating a nutrient-packed meal, rather than going for the junk out of habit. 

We had a client recently asked, “Am I denying myself of what I am truly feeling.”

Taking a power pause doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be seeing rainbows and unicorns. This technique is more of an opportunity to give yourself the chance to feel your feelings and then choose what you’re going to do about it. 

What we call “the human experience” includes both positive and negative emotions. When something sad happens, feeling sad is what needs to happen (NOT feeling sad is a symptom of a sociopath after all)!

Susan David puts it so eloquently in her extraordinary TED talk. She says, “Negative emotions are our contract with life. We cannot be fully human and experience negative emotions.” 

When Shye jumped off the bed last month, l felt guilty. If I had put her steps in the right place, maybe she wouldn’t have jumped. However, instead of getting lost in guilt and spiraling downward as I used to do, a took the Power Pause, and observed the guilty feelings, and the thoughts causing them. I chose new thoughts. “It’s not my fault. Accidents happen. It is what it is.”

I let myself be sad and scared that it was happening. I even gave myself a couple days to not be on my game (have a bit of a pity party), and after that, I figured it out. 

I didn’t overeat, under-eat, over-exercise, under-exercise; I just let myself sit in those emotions and was able to make healthy choices out of love for Shye and myself. 

Society tends to shame people, especially in this “positive” culture. It’s easy to get embarrassed when things are going wrong, which spirals into shame and then turns into dysfunctional patterns, even major emotional disorders including major depression, eating disorders, and destructive anger issues. 

So, your homework is to start practicing the Power Pause in your life every day. It takes practice, and you may not remember to take the pause in the moment. 

When you DO remember, you can use it to run back through the past situation. 

Think to yourself, how could the power pause have helped me at that moment? And then replay that information to you, approaching yourself with curiosity and compassion.  

With consistent practice, over time, the Power Pause will become part of your new “operating system” and will be the key to helping you build an empowered mindset and healthy habits for the rest of your life!


Episode 7 (Self-Empowerment Coaching System)

From Bitch to BFF: The Power of the Pause in Everyday Life


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To Cheat or Not to Cheat (EP 48: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

How would you like to build a relationship with food you never need to cheat on?!


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The idea of “cheat meals” and “cheat days” is one I became familiar with as a fitness professional and bodybuilding competitor. It’s a concept that goes hand-in-hand with diet culture. 

Most of our clients and Vegan Life Coach Academy members come to us wanting to remove the stress around food. They want to be free from obsessive thoughts about food and their bodies. They long for eating to simply be an enjoyable and easy part of life… A way to fuel and nourish their bodies without spending tons of time and energy thinking about what, when, where, or how much they need to eat every day to achieve the results they desire. 

In this episode we explore how using “cheating” as related to diet promotes disordered eating and self-sabotage. We share how our clients have been able to eliminate refined sugar from their diets permanently without feeling deprived. 

We discuss how to make the powerful mindset shifts necessary to create a balanced LIFESTYLE where there are no more wagons to get on or fall off… How refreshing is that?!

(All with the SIDE EFFECT of losing excess body fat FOR GOOD.)



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What’s Love Got to Do With It (EP 44: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Let me share exactly how we came to decide the topic of “What’s Love Got to Do With It” for our latest The Vegan Life Coach Podcast episode (this is my text conversation with Stephanie)…


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Ella: The episode will be 5 days from Valentine’s Day… in case anything comes to mind related to Vday…

Stephanie: V-day is a made up holiday designed by Hallmark and Russell Stovers to make us spend money and eat candy?

E: Totally😆- so should we ignore it or challenge it?

S: Well, will we seem like the valentine equivalent of grinches or Scrooges if we challenge?

E: If we aren’t organized with our thoughts probably!

S: Maybe we could share alternative ways to celebrate…

Whether you think “Valentine’s Day is a made-up holiday designed by Hallmark and Russell Stovers to make us spend money and eat candy,” or not, most of us can agree that love is something we all want and need in our lives.

The holiday can be a source of joy or a source of stress and grief for different people at different points in their lives. If you’re single and don’t want to be, or you’ve recently had a tough break-up for example. 

The holiday can also cause strife between partners when they have different expectations for each other in terms of how it should be celebrated.

In this episode, we encourage you to try an alternative way to celebrate Valentine’s Day that could spread love to yourself and the world in more meaningful ways that bring you a deeper sense of fulfillment. Things like…

  • Donate/volunteer (e.g. Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary)
  • Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself (or write a love letter to yourself)
  • Random acts of kindness

Sending you all lots of love!


Episode on the Self-Empowerment Coaching System

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Creating Unity Among Vegans (EP 43: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

In this special episode, guest co-host Anne Molina (founder of Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary) and I discuss our mission to create healthy conversation around controversial vegan-related topics.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

As Anne was doing research and networking with other animal-lovers in Facebook groups, she witnessed turmoil within many of these communities. The discussions all too often seemed to end up as unproductive arguments driven by ridicule and harsh judgment. 

Anne and I decided to produce a series of roundtable discussions to address tough topics in productive ways. We’re calling it, “Beet Around the Barn,” and the first episode will be coming out on our Hogs & Kisses YouTube Channel within the next month. We’ll be covering subjects like, “What exactly is a vegan?” “Should vegans adopt cats?” “What about dating as a vegan?” and so much more.

Stay tuned!



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Picking Your Battles (EP 42: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

One of the most common challenges we tackle at Vegan Life Coach Academy is how to handle the people in your life who don’t “get it” when it comes to your decision to go/be vegan.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Vegan newbies are particularly vulnerable to being criticized and made fun of by the people in their lives who may feel threatened by the person’s lifestyle changes.

In this important episode, after having some fun with our “Lovin’ on the Haters” segment, we dive deep into the tools you need to navigate the critics powerfully and with grace.

After all, the best way to be an effective influencer is to inspire. And the more you can focus on your own growth, the sooner you can inspire other people as you radiate the love, strength, compassion, and confidence everyone strives for!


Vegan Life Coach Academy (Doors opening soon – for 48 hours only so get on the waitlist HERE!)

Episode #7: Reprogramming Your Mind

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Live Ultimate (the supplement I mention in the intro)


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Plant-Based Telehealth with Doctor Klaper, Marbas, & Miller (EP 36: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

You’re in for a treat today! I was extremely honored to sit down with Dr. Laurie Marbas, Dr. Michael Klaper, and Dr. Kristina Miller to talk about Plant-Based TeleHealth.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Having incredibly impressive bios is one thing (which they all do), but during this episode you’ll witness for yourself the remarkable level of expertise, professionalism, passion AND compassion that make Dr. Marbas, Dr. Miller, and Dr. Klaper extraordinary telemedicine physicians who are changing and saving lives all over the world with their work.

Plant-Based Telehealth has the mission of making Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine available to everyone who desires it. With telemedicine, Dr. Klaper, Dr. Marbas, and Dr. Miller are removing the barriers that prevent many people from accessing this type of care.

Their services are available in 47 states, and Plant-Based Telehealth is about to increase that number with the addition of 2 new doctors. These physicians work with clients around the globe as well. 

If you’ve ever tried to find a plant-based doctor you probably know that it’s very difficult, if not impossible in most places. 

Well look no further Empowered Vegan Lifers! You can head on over to their website, plantbasedtelehealth.com where you can schedule an appointment!

Dr. Laurie Marbas

One of Dr. Marbas’s favorite mantras is, “A whole food plant based diet is often more powerful than my prescription pad.”

Dr. Marbas is a double board certified family medicine and lifestyle medicine physician, who has been utilizing food as medicine since 2012. She created a new medical model combining the power of nutrient-dense foods and intensive clinical psychological therapy to treat not only food addiction but also chronic disease.

Dr. Marbas is the Managing Editor for the Plantrician Project’s International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, co-founder of Healthy Human Revolution, whose mission is to provide resources that will empower individuals with the knowledge, tools, and mindset to successfully adopt and sustain a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet.

In Colorado, when Laurie convinced a large hospital to create a lifestyle medicine program centered around a WFPB diet, the program showed resounding success.

Laurie received her dual degrees (MD and MBA) from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine and TTU School of Business. She was awarded the Texas Tech University School of Medicine Gold Headed Cane Award, a symbol for excellence in the art of medicine and the care of patients.

She wrote seven books while in medical school, six of which were in a series called “Visual Mnemonics.” These books used cartoons to help people memorize vast amounts of information—a system that helped her personally when she was a mom attending medical school. As a United States Air Force veteran, she served in the Middle East and South America. She is also a wife, mom of three grown children, host of the Healthy Human Revolution podcast, author, speaker, and avid runner.

Dr. Michael Klaper

Dr. Michael Klaper says, “Proper nutrition — through a whole food, plant-based diet — and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health and, in many cases, can make the difference between healing an illness or merely treating its symptoms.” 

Dr. Michael Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally-recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. In addition to his clinical practice and private consultations with patients, he is a passionate and devoted educator of physicians and other healthcare professionals about the importance of nutrition in clinical practice and integrative medicine.

Dr. Klaper is the author of Vegan Nutrition; Pure & Simple and has produced numerous health videos, webinars and dozens of articles for both scientific journals and the popular press. As a source of inspiration advocating plant-based diets and the end of animal cruelty worldwide, Dr. Klaper contributed to the making of two PBS television programs, Food for Thought and the award-winning movie, Diet for a New America (based on the book of the same name). Dr. Klaper teaches that “Health Comes From Healthy Living” and he is dedicated to the healing and flourishing of all living beings and our planet.

Dr. Klaper’s definition of health: “Health is having a body that moves without pain, breathes without distress and allows us to perform the activities of life with complete presence and focused energy. Then, we can love fully and enjoy our lives to the fullest.”

Dr. Michael Klaper graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1972. He served a medical internship at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada and received training in surgery, anesthesiology and orthopedics at the University of British Columbia Hospital in Vancouver. Additionally, he was trained in obstetrics at the University of California Hospital, San Francisco. Dr. Klaper is board-certified in Urgent Care Medicine.

Dr. Christina Miller

Dr. Christina Miller’s mantra is, “Together we are healthier”

Christina Miller, MD, FACEP, is double board-certified in Emergency and Integrative Medicine.  She worked for ten years in the Emergency Department and served as president of Colorado ACEP (American College of Emergency Physicians), where she advocated for the care of emergency patients and physicians. Due to her own health concerns and the overwhelming amount of chronic disease she saw every day, she radically changed her practice to lifestyle medicine and health promotion.  She studied nutritional science and has completed a fellowship in Integrative and Functional Medicine.

 In 2013, she opened her own Lifestyle Medicine practice and founded Eat and Live Healthfully website and blog. She now focuses exclusively on nutrition and lifestyle changes to get to the root cause of disease and illness, and today helps empower people to take back their health, essentially keeping people OUT of the Emergency Department.

In 2018, Dr. Miller was medical director at Aspen Valley Hospital and created their Integrative Medicine program. She was also selected to be a member of the Pitkin County Board of Health, where she helped with policy and public health concerns. In 2019, she moved to New Hampshire, where she currently works in a local clinic seeing patients, teaching classes, giving talks, and reaching out to the community. One of her favorite mantras is, “together we are healthier”.

During this interview, these three experts and I touch on many important health-related topics, and answer some of the most pressing questions we get from you, our listeners.

Be sure to check out the Plant-Based Telehealth Website for more information on their valuable services and to book your appointment today!


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Holiday Special (EP 35: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Navigating the holidays as a vegan, especially if you’re newly vegan or in the process of transitioning, can be really tough!


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

In this episode we give you some valuable tips, tools, and strategies that will help you not just survive, but truly thrive this holiday season.

I talk about how fortunate I am that most of the people I spend my holidays with are vegan at this point, especially since I will be spending the time with my immediate family and closest friends this year.

Stephanie however, has a more “blended” family, which we know is the situation most of our listeners are in.

Add on top of the stress brought on by navigating the holidays with non-vegans, this year we are adding a pandemic to the mix… Oh boy! 😉

Having the holiday season amidst Covid19 means that many of the traditions we follow year after year won’t be feasible (at least not safely).

Stephanie and I talk about the opportunity we have this year, thanks to the pandemic, to view these challenges as a “forced pause,” giving us the space to step back and take inventory.

We give our listeners some solid strategies for taking full advantage of that opportunity, including determining what traditions you actually enjoy. This is a great year to let go of the traditions that don’t serve you or your family.

I love what Stephanie says about releasing old traditions and trying something new… “Design this holiday season just like you’re designing the rest of your life!”

Listen or watch the full episode for lots of laughs in addition to the valuable discussion to help you reduce your stress and make this holiday season one to remember (in the best ways possible).

– Ella


Episode 32: Letting Go

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Practical Tips for Busy People to Eat More Whole Foods (EP 26: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Christin McKamey is the owner of VeggieChick.com, a site dedicated to whole food, plant-based recipes with a strong focus on the world of produce.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Christin creates delicious veggie-focused plant-based recipes (with many oil-free and gluten-free options), as well as offering tips and tools to help others live and maintain a plant-powered lifestyle.

She has a Plant-Based Nutrition certification from e-Cornell, a certification from the Forks Over Knives Rouxbe Cooking School, and has also attended Vegan Fusion plant-based cooking classes. Christin lives in Royal Oak, Michigan with her husband and cat, Chloe.

Here is a summary of what was discussed in this podcast episode:

  • Batch Cooking Tips– things I do to ensure success for the week. Note: I don’t always do this, but when I do, I do find I make healthier choices.
    • Grocery shopping on Saturday, prepping a couple hours on Sunday
    • Things I do during prepping:
      • Wash, dry and chop vegetables; place in airtight, sealed containers.
      • Chop veggies that are versatile in many dishes, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, and onions.
      • Soak nuts and seeds if required.
      • Marinate tempeh or tofu.
      • Make a couple of versatile dips or dressings that will last in the refrigerator for a few days.
      • Freeze grains- portion into 1 or 2 cup portions and freeze in freezer bags or containers.
    • Decide a few ways you can make multiple dishes with the same ingredients. I love making what I call multi-way bowls (see more info below), soups, salads, tacos, chili, etc. You can also do a stir-fry or a salad bar.


  • Time Saving Techniques
    • Always read recipes once or twice to make sure you have everything before going to the grocery store. Some recipes might be missing an ingredient in the ingredients list that is listed in the directions instead.
    • Plan your route at the grocery store. Once you create your shopping list, put things in order of where they are located in the store.
    • Stock your kitchen with simple bulk ingredients to use in a pinch, such as all types of grains, dried beans, pasta, spaghetti sauce, frozen and canned vegetables.  Think of a few meals you can make for dinner throughout the week and how you can use some of those same ingredients in other recipes.
    • Add veggies to everything! I try to make sure every meal I have, has at least 2 (and most of the time many more) veggies. Onions, peppers, and mushrooms are very versatile.
    • Don’t like veggies? Try a new vegetable every week (or month).
    • Batch cooking can save a ton of time! Chop veggies or prepare grains in advance. Make variations of salads with different toppings, etc. Freeze scraps of veggies and make homemade veggie broth. Pick one day for grocery shopping, another for prepping. Setting aside 90 minutes-2 hours per week is all you need to save yourself tons of time during the week.
    • Make double or triple the amount the recipe calls for. You can enjoy it for at least a couple meals, or have a healthy lunch the next day. Pack away your lunch immediately after dinner and you’ll be all set.
    • Experiment with one-pot meal recipes. It makes life a lot easier when you only have one pan to wash. These types of dishes also tend to freeze and reheat well. You can even label with cooking instructions to make it easier for you or your family to reheat.
    • Easy smoothie prep: add fruit, veggies, etc. to a blender and put in the fridge the night before. In the morning, all you have to do is take out the blender, add liquid, and blend.
    • Serve your dinner in large glass containers (instead of serving bowls) so you can go straight from the table to the fridge. Less dishes.

And lastly, she has included 2 PDF’s to share…

  1. Time-Saving Techniques- tips for saving time and making healthy choices in your kitchen.
  2. Multi-Way Bowl– an easy option for meal ideas, and so versatile! Start with a grain. Add a protein if you want (lentils, tofu, seitan, beans, etc.). Add vegetables. And then top with a sauce. Add some toppings (nuts, seeds, etc.) Enjoy!



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10 Tips for Transitioning That Will Save Your Relationships (EP 25: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

 If going vegan has put a strain on your current relationships or you want to avoid ruining your relationships as you transition to a vegan lifestyle these ten power tips are sure to help. 


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Going vegan and obtaining the support of friends and family is a common struggle for many who make the choice to live a vegan lifestyle. On last week’s episode Stephanie shared her story of going vegan and broke down the 5 stages that family and friends go through. 

Today Stephanie is giving 10 tips for transitioning that will save your relationships. If going vegan has put a strain on your current relationships or you want to avoid ruining your relationships as you transition to a vegan lifestyle  these ten power tips are sure to help. 

Stephanie discuss these tips in depth in this episode: 

  1. Define your boundaries.  Once Stephanie committed to veganism, she decided she was no longer going to or cook meat. 
  2. Talk about going vegan and answer questions.  Stephanie decided to use a lot of I-statements to demonstrate that she was taking responsibility for her own choices. Often times talking about veganism can challenge the way people see themselves as ethical, whole, compassionate human beings. So she plans ahead for these moments when she will be asked questions.
  3. Have a sense of humor. Because Stephanie is able to laugh at herself she believes that really rebunks that stereotype of the angry, raging vegan. And thus laughing about these things becomes easier for my family and for my relationships. Most vegans will be the victims of malicious jokes, Stepahnie says, but generally the people in our lives are really just poking fun.
  4. Get educated about nutrition for yourself and your kids. And this is the right spot for you. This program was the foundation for Stepahnie’s nutritional metamorphosis for my family. There are tons of great cookbooks and resources out there. Getting educated about nutrition is not only good for you. It’s good for your kids. And it’s good for that mom guilt too. When Stephanie knows that what she’s putting in front of her kids is nutritionally sound, then she knows that without a shadow of a doubt that mom guilt can not creep in. And if it does, she can challenge it at every level.
  5. Keep it simple. Especially if you’re cooking for a family. When Stephanie’s family got curious, she  started with breakfast smoothies. Now everyone gets a smoothie for breakfast. 
  6. Stop preparing two completely different meals. You are not a restaurant.  When Stephanie went vegan she started preparing one dish and it was always a vegan main dish. She was okay with them adding animal protein to the side themselves. but she stopped saying she was going to prepare what everybody’s dish was. She wasn’t a short order cook. 
  7. Veganize your favorite dishes. Stephanie suggests exploring new dishes with familiar flavors. One of her families favorites? Stir-frys, and mexican food. 
  8. Honor other people’s gestures and be flexible without compromising your values. Stephanie says to be appreciative of the steps that people take that might help you feel included and comfortable. Make a really big deal out of it. The one gesture Stephanie does that has never failed her? Telling her friends and family how much she loves to cook and offering to bring whatever they’d like her too. 
  9. Connect with other vegan families. Stephanie has a a great Facebook community in her local area that has meetups and suggest finding on in your local area to connect with others who are like-minded and whose beliefs are similar. 
  10. Promote vegan role models, especially if you have kids. Stephanie sees the importance to introduce her children to people that they can look up to in all aspects of their lives. 

We hope these 10 tips are useful for you and your family. We encourage you to take an honest account of where you are in your own journey and where your loved ones might be in theirs. Accept where you’re powerless and challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening because that’s really where your power is in your own response to what’s going on around you. Use these tips as you transition to navigate the tough terrain of relationships with family and friends. 



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Going Vegan: When Your Family or Friends Aren’t on Board (EP 24: The Vegan Life Coach Podcast)

Based on a recent survey we did with our listeners, going vegan without the support of your family or friends is a struggle that a lot of people share.


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*Links mentioned in the episode are at the bottom of this page.

Based on a recent survey we did with our listeners, going vegan without the support of your family or friends is a struggle that a lot of people share.

My story is exceptional in that I knew when I was just 7 years old that eating animals was a hard “No.” It didn’t matter to me one bit that nobody I knew was vegetarian. At 15 I fully understood the suffering of all farm animals and went fully vegan and knew my purpose in life was to save animals. My compassion for animals ran so deep that ridicule was not a deterrence. (My family followed in my footsteps and went vegetarian and then vegan as well!)

Stephanie however, represents our listeners to a much higher level. In this episode, Stephanie shares her personal story, discussing what went down each of the 4 times she attempted to make the transition to a vegan lifestyle. It took 4 attempts before it stuck, and she has dissected the reasons why, all of which are likely to resonate with others in similar positions.

In short, here are the reasons:

Attempt #1: Stephanie’s family was quick to remind her that she was raised by farmers, and that her family’s background in farming was how she was afforded a comfortable upbringing. Family guilt!

Attempt #2: Stephanie’s Insecurity as a new mom, being told by others that her children would not thrive on a plant-based diet, led her to succumb to “mom-guilt!”

Attempt #3: Stephanie’s overall lack of self-confidence caused her to give into what was comfortable and safe. She wasn’t confident in her choices, and wasn’t able to counter the criticism and ridicule from others from a place of compassion and education. 

Attempt #4 (Success!): Here are the self-realizations as to WHY Stephanie was successful…

  1. Stephanie realized that her relationships are equally important as her life choices. She concluded that other’s thoughts and feelings about her choices are not important, BUT her relationships ARE important. This is a distinction that takes a lot of self-awareness and self-confidence!
  2. Stephanie realized that she was the one changing the rules, so she was required to fuel her own progress with empathy toward the people in her life, giving up the idea of perfection in relationships. There were going to be tough conversations, and she was able to be assertive instead of aggressive.
  3. She was able to embrace a vegan lifestyle with the consideration of being the caretaker of her three kiddos. She was able to set boundaries and not succumb to handle her “mom guilt.” She had to step back and explore her conflicting feelings with, as we say in VLCA, approach her thoughts with curiosity and compassion. From that place she has been able to navigate the changing dynamics within her family.
  4. Stephanie made the transition solely about herself. She went vegan in “stealth mode,” didn’t make a big announcement until she had established her vegan lifestyle with confidence.

Once she felt good about her own journey, Stephanie started sharing her new lifestyle with her family and friends.

In doing so, she noticed that most of the time, people she told went through 5 stages. The stages, which she describes in depth in the episode are:

  1. Defiance 
  2. Resistance 
  3. Curiosity 
  4. Acceptance
  5. Embracing

On our next episode, we’ll be sharing 10 powerful tips for going vegan without ruining your relationships in the process.


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