From Disordered Eating to Plant-Empowered Living: Part 1

Kick Disordered Eating Out

The time to share my journey from disordered eating to plant-empowered living has come! 

Part 1: Intro

I’m ready to come clean…

Disordered Eating Vegan

What you are about to read is Part 1 (an introduction) to the multi-part “coming out” series I am going to be sharing with you over the next few weeks. I will be telling you parts of my journey that I’ve never shared openly before. I’m thrilled that I am in a place in life where I’m able and willing to get REAL and RAW, which means being transparent about the struggles that have made me who I am today!

Up until recently, I put A LOT of pressure on myself to be the shining example of a fit, healthy (physically and emotionally) vegan. It’s been my mission to bring veganism into the mainstream for over 20 years, and up until recently, the misinformation about plant-based nutrition, and the stereotypes about vegans in general, were so intense I purposefully made it my job to focus on only positives.

I’ve been vegan 22 years (vegetarian 30 years), and in large part, when I got sick or didn’t feel well, people were quick to blame it on my vegan diet. As ridiculous as that is, (I mean really, how many omnivores get sick and don’t feel well sometimes… ummm… everyone!), I did everything in my power not to give people any reason to associate anything negative with being vegan. I felt this is what I needed to do to help the most people become motivated and inspired to make the transition to a vegan lifestyle.I felt my own personal struggles were irrelevant, since they had nothing to do with me being vegan, and everything to do with my mental and emotional health.

Well, times have changed, and so have I!

Jump ahead to 2016 for a moment (don’t worry, I will be sharing all the juicy details about my years of disordered eating shortly)…

Last year I began a new chapter in my life and career. I created and launched my first online coaching program, making it possible to coach people all over the world through a structured process for transitioning to a fit vegan lifestyle. This was also exciting for me because it was an opportunity to finally put my counseling skills (from my Master’s in Social Work) to use. The program is holistic in that we work on nutrition, fitness, and emotional health together, since each affects the others.

The program also gave me a great deal of insight into the issues people face on their journeys to simply be healthy and happy. One such issue includes different types of disordered eating. The diet mentality, and the pressure society puts on us to have the “perfect body”, is so ingrained in our culture, that most of us have totally lost touch with our innate ability to eat without trying to follow self-imposed “rules” that dictate what, when, and how much food we consume. If you really stop and think about this concept, it’s mind blowing!

Countless people, who understand logically that diets don’t work, feel totally lost without a “diet” to follow. Most are also fearful that they will lose control of the shape of their bodies without self-imposed dietary rules. They are scared of “getting fat” and/or losing muscle. These fears are heightened when switching to eating plants exclusively since this usually means more carbs and less protein (in this carb-phobic protein-obsessed world in which we live)!

Disordered eating story

These disordered eating issues are certainly not exclusive to omnivores. Although I’ve been plant-exclusive for my entire teenage and adult life, I too have struggled with disordered eating and an impaired body image. I could truly relate to these people I was coaching.

It has been a long, agonizing journey for me to come to terms with, and work through, my disordered eating issues. At one point in my twenties I played the, “how lean can I get” game, in a subconscious attempt to gain control of my life. I am strong and lean at 120ish pounds, so can you imagine what I was like at 99 pounds? Looking back at photos is quite terrifying to me now.

In fact, as healthy as I am now, I consider myself in recovery still, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I continue to feel I’m “recovering” for the rest of my life. To me, this simply means I am empowered to continue to practice existing and new tools for emotional growth to which there is no ceiling. It also means I couldn’t be more excited to be launching my new Plant-Empowered Coaching Program. Here the focus is learning to eat consciously, mindfully, and intuitively as part of building a PLANT-strong body, heart, and mind.

My purpose for sharing my story, and putting my heart into this coaching program, is to empower people with similar disordered eating issues to “come out” and get the help they need to become PLANT-Empowered too!

I invite you to stay tuned for Part 2 of my story. I dive into what went on behind closed doors all the years I was drowning in my own diet hell…

Top 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Bones on a Vegan Diet


For ages the dairy industry did a killer (pun intended) job preventing people from thinking you cannot strengthen your bones on a vegan diet.

We heard it all the time growing up, “Finish your milk! You need it to grow strong bones.” And if you’re like me, I had to come up with ways to choke it down. I found that if I followed these steps I managed to get the job done. First I held my nose tight. Then I chugged the entire glass without breathing. Next, before taking a breath, I chased it with another drink like orange juice. Only then could I release my nose without gagging.

Well, times have changed and the cat is out of the bag. Dairy actually has been shown to have the opposite effect on bones than the USDA has led us to believe is true. Those on a plant-based diet actually have less of a risk for developing osteoporosis than dairy-drinkers.

So to help jump start you into a bone-healthy vegan diet plan, Kei Nishida gives us 5 awesome ways to promote strong bones with plant-based eating… Here they are:

Tofu and Soy ProductsTofu Tempeh Soy

Aside from calcium, protein is one of the most important ingredients in building strong bones and overall healthiness. Consider soy especially in forms like tofu which is high in protein and has so many other beneficial nutrients. With 10 grams of protein per serving as well as tons of calcium, tofu is a great way to fill your daily protein needs and keep your bones strong. This goes for other soy products like soy milk, too, with beans in general being a great way to eat your protein.


Mushrooms are packed with tons of great vitamins and minerals, many of which support bone health. While you can’t go wrong when choosing to add mushrooms to your food, whether they’re raw or cooked, one of the best varieties to use when looking to strengthen your bones is the shiitake mushroom.

Shiitake have the highest concentration of copper of any mushroom species, an essential element in creating the enzymes that help our bones, skin, joints, and blood vessels stay healthy and repair themselves. In fact, one serving of shiitake mushrooms provides about 65% of your daily recommended amount of copper while also being high in zinc, another key ingredient in building regulating your bones.

Broccolibroccoli for strong bones

As one of the best dark leafy greens you can eat, it’s no surprise broccoli is loaded with vitamins and minerals that assist in bone growth. A major source of vitamin K, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, eating broccoli is one of the best things you can do if you want healthy bones, teeth, and nails.

Vitamin K, especially, is important for bone health, as more and more research begins to suggest it may play a more crucial role in building strong bones than even calcium. Given that a single cup of broccoli supplies almost 300% of your daily recommended amount of vitamin K, it would be a good idea to eat plenty of it to ensure your bones stay in peak condition. It can also help prevent and treat bone diseases like osteoporosis, making it great for those looking to rebuild bone strength in addition to those preserving it.


While it’s probably not your first choice when thinking of plants to increase the strength of your bones, the stinging nettle is a great source for tons of different nutrients related to bone health. Stinging nettles are natural sources of calcium and magnesium, key ingredients in healthy bone construction and bone metabolism regulation. Other key nutrients include boron and silica, as well as vitamins C, D, and K.

There are many ways to ingest it, too. Properly prepared stinging nettles can be a component in thick and hearty soups, fresh salads (after steaming), or potentially even used in teas. Just be careful when handling them raw, as their tiny needles can prick you and cause skin irritation.

Green-Tea-for strong bones

Japanese Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks and flavors in Japan, and for good reason. Among its many health benefits include bone strengthening. Japanese green tea, as opposed to other types of tea, is especially good for bone health due to not being fermented or oxidized, as well as its high levels of polyphenols that help to reduce inflammation and bone breakdown, as well as normalize bone mineral makeup and assist with calcium uptake. It can also help to activate enzymes responsible for bone growth, overall making Japanese green tea one of the best bone strengtheners available.

As recommended by Doctor David B. Samadi, drinking three cups of green tea a day can help significantly reduce the likelihood of bone breaks and other injuries, as well as treat the symptoms of and potentially prevent the onset of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. If you happen to be worried about the caffeine content of green tea (as high amounts of caffeine can lessen bone density), there are decaffeinated green teas available for purchase.

Final Thoughts

These are only a few of the many plant-based bone strengtheners available for vegan consumers. If you want to ensure your body is running at maximum efficiency while keeping your bones healthy and strong, try any or all of these recommended items and see the results for yourself.


How To Rid Your Life of Excuses and Take Your Power Back


Life happens and there are a million reasons (a.k.a excuses) we come up with to talk ourselves out of getting in our workout or preparing a healthy lunch to take to work…

Good news! There’s a simple tool that can help you take control of your excuses. A tool that empowers you to take action and do what’s necessary to reach all your goals in life. I call it, “Owning Your Schedule.”

In the following video I explain the concept of “owning your schedule” and how you can flip the switch and turn your excuses into empowerment! This is a tool my clients learn and practice as part of my VEGANS TASTE BETTER® 8-Week Plant Empowered Coaching Program.

For anyone wanting to make a lifestyle transformation, understanding and implementing the “Owning Your Schedule” tool sets the stage for lasting change.

To Recap…

Do you use any of these common excuses?

  • I don’t have time…
  • I can’t give up my favorite foods, what would I eat…
  • It’s too hard…
  • I crave cheese too much…
  • I don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable when we go out to eat…

Check out how you can turn those common excuses into empowering statements!Client Owns Her Schedule and Becomes Empowered

  • I don’t have time…
    • I’m going to make time because I’m making my health my top priority.
  • I can’t give up my favorite foods, what would I eat…
    • I’m giving myself the opportunity to discover new foods that I’ve never tried before… How exciting!
  • It’s too hard…
    • I’m taking on this challenge because I’m strong and determined.
  • I crave cheese too much…
    • I’m so lucky that there are so many cheese alternatives to try!
  • I don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable when we go out to eat…
    • I’m happy to give others the opportunity to open their minds to eating in a way that could save their lives and help them feel good about making compassionate choices.

Now it’s your turn to put the “owning your schedule” tool to work like my client did during her time in the VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ 8-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program!


Let’s do this!

Green Tea’s Fat Burning Abilities: Analyzing Facts vs. Fiction

Green-Tea-for strong bones

You’ve probably heard that green tea burns fat.

If you’ve ever wondered if the fat burning benefits of green tea are real, you’re in the right place!

As green tea has grown in popularity in Western culture, more and more health benefits of this amazing drink have been confirmed to be true. These include brain boosting properties and lowered disease risks. But one of the most popular health benefits being touted for green tea is its fat burning ability. In this article, we will separate fact from fiction regarding this popular beverage.


While green tea does not have superpowers abilities of melting fat off your body, there are scientific reasons behind why this drink does, in fact, support weight loss and fat burning.

Green Tea Increases Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis is the production of heat inside your body. This process increases the energy (calories) expended by your body. The increase of energy results in more fat oxidation, which means your body is burning up fat for the purpose of energy. This effect is not only beneficial for weight loss, but it’s also useful for regulating already healthy weight levels.

Green Tea Contains Caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most studied stimulants in existence. It increases your Epinephrine blood levels – this sends signals to your brain to break down fat cells, making them available as energy for your body. It also increases your metabolism, meaning that your bodily processes require a bit more energy. The result is more fat being burned and used by your body.

Green Tea Has Very Low Calories

Think before you reach for that honey or sugar the next time you drink your green tea. Without additives, green tea only has about 2 calories per cup. This makes it a great alternative to plain water because you’re getting the antioxidant and flavanol benefits of green tea that water does not have. Also, it adds a nice taste. When you pass on the sweetener, the fat burning properties of green tea can really shine.

EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)

EGCG is one of the many touted antioxidants, or catechins, found in green tea. EGCG is known to boost metabolism through increased fat oxidation, which is literally the ‘burning’ of fat.

Appetite Suppressant

The easiest way to lose weight? Consume less food. But that’s easier said than done for most of us. Catechins (like EGCG mentioned above) have metabolism increasing benefits. On top of that, they’ve also been shown in studies to have some appetite suppressant benefits. These appetite suppressant benefits are likely related to the increased fat burning that occurs after consuming green tea.

Increases Visceral Fat Burning

We humans have two types of fat in our bodies – subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous is the kind that builds up under our skin – think of the fat in our legs, arms, etc. The other kind – which is also the more dangerous kind – is known as visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat stored in our belly, and around our organs. Visceral fat is linked to all sorts of health problems, like inflammation and insulin resistance, as well as increased cholesterol. Studies have shown that a significant portion of the fat burned after drinking green tea is visceral fat. This is great news, especially for those trying to lose weight while fighting off diseases and inflammation.Green-Tea-for-Fat-Burning-and-Health


Although there are many scientifically proven benefits, green tea is not a miracle cure. Here are a few of the common misconceptions regarding green tea.

If You Drink Green Tea, You Will Lose Weight

If only it were so simple. While green tea has many aspects that are beneficial to weight loss, it will not fix a bad diet or other poor lifestyle choices. You can’t expect to lose weight if you drink the occasional green tea but still sit around all the time, while eating pizzas and burgers. Green tea alone will not make you lose weight. But, combined with a healthy diet and consistent exercise/activity, green tea can definitely assist your efforts.

Green Tea Burns Fat

The problem with the phrase ‘burns fat’ is that many people take it too literally. When we hear ‘Green tea burns fat,’ some people think that simply drinking it will cause your body to start burning away fat. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Green tea naturally enhances the ‘fat burning’ process, if other conditions are met.

Choosing To Drink Green Tea Over Taking Tea Supplements

Green Tea Matcha For Fat BurningThanks to a Western diet full of processed, chemically altered foods, and other generally nasty stuff found in our food, many people turn to supplements as a way to consume whatever vitamin or mineral they are lacking in. With the rise of popularity in drinking green tea, it’s no surprise green tea supplements have become popular too. Specifically, ‘green tea extracts’.

But is taking green tea supplements just as effective as drinking green tea? Scientists aren’t so sure. The main reason that real, fresh-brewed green tea is preferred over supplement form is synergy. Of course, these green tea supplements do have a few beneficial ingredients. But hardly any contain all of the antioxidants, catechins, and other helpful ingredients that real tea does.

More and more studies show that these ingredients work best when taken together – they work synergistically to increase each other’s effectiveness. Not only does this help with the weight loss, it also helps increase the cancer and disease fighting benefits of green tea.

Bottom Line

Green tea is a proven health booster and should be an integral part of any well-balanced diet. But it’s important to remember that green tea alone is not a miracle fat-burning or weight loss drug. On the other hand, if combined with smart lifestyle choices like a good diet and exercise plan, it can go a long way towards helping you reach your goals.

Fit Vegan Program Makes Going Vegan FUN!

It’s here… the VEGANS TASTE BETTER 8-Weeks to a Plant-Empowered Life, designed to help people create a fun, fit vegan lifestyle that is practical, balanced, and FUN!

I Bet You’ll Agree With Me When I Say,

“I want it all! I want a strong, lean, healthy body. I want to enjoy the food I eat. I want preparing meals to be quick and easy. I want a great social life and wholesome relationships. I want to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and cocktails when I go out with friends.  I want to love my workouts. I want to feel energized and empowered. I want to have a fit vegan lifestyle. I want to love my life!”

Here’s My Take..

We CAN have it all! A fun, fit vegan lifestyle does NOT involve counting calories or giving up the glass of wine you enjoy with dinner or cocktails with friends. Why? Because a “lifestyle” by definition is SUSTAINABLE! Who wants to count calories, count macros, or be fearful of a night out with your friends because you don’t want to “fall off” a diet you’re on? No way!

The Bottom Line…

You CAN have a strong, healthy, sexy body eating and exercising in a way that’s enjoyable and practical. You CAN gain lean muscle, get stronger (physically AND mentally), and have more energy than you’ve ever imagined on a plant-based diet. You CAN stay true to your values of compassion for animals and concern for the environment with a fit vegan lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed or deprived.

I’m living proof, as are my clients!

Here’s The Deal…Vegan Fitness Plant-Empowered Promo

After 22 years as a fit vegan, and 14 years as a vegan fitness expert, I’m psyched to be rolling out the VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ 8 Weeks to a Plant-Empowered Life coaching program to guide people with a structured, step-by-step process for making the transition to a healthy, fit vegan lifestyle that works for them. I introduced my 6-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program in 2016, and after having over 30 people complete the program, I decided to do a revamp to make it even MORE comprehensive, holistic, and FUN!

I Can’t Emphasize Enough…

Why more holistic? I can’t stress enough the importance of several key factors for successfully transitioning to a fun, fit vegan lifestyle

  1. Developing an empowered mindset
  2. Improving emotional health
  3. Focusing on adding healthy foods to your plate (as opposed to focusing on the foods you’re taking away)
  4. Finding balance in your life
  5. Making your own health and happiness top priority

My newly revamped vegan fitness lifestyle program emphasizes gaining not just knowledge, but also the tools you need for optimizing your mental and emotional well-being. Without mental and emotional health, all the knowledge in the world will not create a lasting fit vegan lifestyle transformation!

Is This You?

My coaching program is designed to help people who know that adopting a plant-based diet with the right exercise routine, if done right, is the way to go for a strong, healthy body (and compassionate way of life) BUT they don’t seem to have the all the tools they need to pull off the transformation on their own.

Why? Because of one, or a combination of several reasons. Can you relate?

  1. They lack knowledge of what a well-balanced, healthy vegan diet plan looks like.
  2. They are addicted to sugar, processed foods, and/or animal products.
  3. They fear losing muscle, strength, and other gains they’ve made in the gym on their previous dietary routine.
  4. They lack the knowledge of how to exercise in a way that’s in line with their goals AND is enjoyable.
  5. They lack the motivation/mindset to stay consistent with the changes they want to make to their habits long enough for it to become a lifestyle.

What Exactly Do You Need To Succeed?

In order to discover if my program is a good fit, I always ask potential clients the question, “What do you need to be able to get on the right track and STAY there so that your new habits become your new fit vegan lifestyle?”

What’s your answer? Is it one or more of the following?

  1. Education about what a well-balanced healthy vegan diet looks like and/or what sustainable fitness routine will help you achieve lasting results.
  2. Accountability/having others to answer to when you either fulfill or fall short of your commitments.
  3. Guidance and support to help you get on a plant-based nutrition and exercise plan that works for YOU so that it is sustainable.
  4. Gaining mindset tools that will facilitate their ability to overcome life challenges and feel in control of the decisions they make about what they put in their bodies and how they move through the world. (Becoming empowered!)

The Real Story…

I have to say that selfishly, I am LOVING guiding people through the 8 weeks of my VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ plant-empowered coaching program. Why? Because I’ve set the process up to be do-able and enjoyable. Seeing clients through such an empowering experience is priceless for both me and them.

Judy is one of the most recent “graduates” of this vegan fitness program, and here’s what she had to say…

I contacted Ella, the “sexy fit vegan” a while back because I just was not feeling well and was very dissatisfied with my diet and body. I have never been crazy about eating meat and just like Ella, I am a true animal lover. With compassion especially for dogs.

Ella was extremely sincere and patient with me and adapted very easily to my schedule. Basically she made herself very available for me as I needed to start her plant-empowered program. 
She never hesitated to share her knowledge, resources, and experiences with me. Her enthusiasm is contagious!
Ella gave me all the tools that I required to help me attain a fit, vegan lifestyle. As the program is nearing the end for me, I feel AMAZING and I am loving the lifestyle.
I have taken a new lease on life and feel energized, recharged and I can honestly say that this lifestyle works!
Thank you Ella for not pressuring me and for all of your encouragement, support and understanding of my own schedule. 
I give Ella my highest recommendation as a great accomplished coach to help anyone interested in a fit, vegan lifestyle that truly works. I am thrilled that I had the great fortune of finding her.
 As part of the program, we have an awesome secret Facebook group just for program members… Check out what Lilly said after just 3 weeks in the program. I do not allow people to weigh themselves during the program by the way (which is why Lilly is showing her loose pants instead of talking about pounds). Why? Because I require the focus to be on THE PROCESS of gaining the vegan fitness tools you need for a LIFETIME of health and happiness. Weight loss will simply be a side effect of learning those tools!vegan fitness program testimonial by Lilly
I’m thrilled to say I’ve got tons of success stories to share! Feel free to check out more HERE.

That’s Not All…

I’m offering FREE one-on-one consultations (what I like to call discovery sessions) for anyone who may be a good fit to work with me. I have a strict policy that I will only accept people into my program who are a good match and who I believe will finish the 8 weeks THRILLED with the success they’ve had and the confidence they’ve gained to continue with their newly created fun, fit vegan lifestyle. So, in order to make that determination, I speak with every potential client myself.

Let’s Do This!

If you think you may be a good fit for the VEGANS TASTE BETTER™ 8 Weeks to a Plant-Empowered Life coaching program, I’d love to speak with you! Simply apply for your free discovery session with me HERE today.

Looking forward to connecting with you!


Top 5 Superfoods and Their Beauty Benefits


There is a well-known saying ‘you are what you eat’, and luckily, more and more people are turning to healthy (not to mention cruelty free, vegetarian and vegan) nutrition, eating more superfoods, and reaping the beauty benefits.superfood-to-make-you-beautiful

It does not only do wonders for your overall fitness and health, but healthy nutrition also has amazing benefits when it comes to beauty. The saying that beauty comes from within has never been more true and evident.

Healthy body, glowing skin – what is there not to love? And this could all be yours if you just include the following five superfoods into your daily nutrition. Once you go super, you will never look back.

Leaves for Life

By going green, we do not only mean recycling and being careful with your waste, but literally taking the green route when it comes to your nutrition. From green tea to spinach, any green foliage will do. Antioxidants and fatty acids found in green foods can help you hydrate and protect your skin from free-radicals and harmful molecules, reduce skin inflammation and slow the aging process by stimulating collagen production.
Speaking of green, let us not forget about algae, especially spirulina, which helps with detoxification, cleaning and cell renewal, and combats acne on top of everything else.

The Greenest of Them All

plants-that-are-good-for-beautyLet us talk about the wonder that is matcha. Matcha is a finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea. In terms of its antioxidant and nutritional content, it holds the equivalent of ten cups of regular green tea. Apart from this, matcha contains chlorophyll, catechins, vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, protein and calcium. All of these serve as powerful tools in skincare.

The best part – it transcends nutrition and has become an active ingredient of organic skincare products used by many cosmetics powerhouses. It is amazing how cosmetics and skincare companies have realized the value of natural ingredients and are catering to the needs of those who wish to look beautiful, but who are also conscious about the environment and mindful of the ingredients they allow to touch their face.

Very Berryblueberries-for-beauty

Sure, you have heard of the amazing health benefits of blueberries, but are you familiar with goji berries? First off, these amazing berries are loaded with vitamin C that has antioxidant properties, which is especially important when combating premature skin-aging. Aside from vitamin C, this magical exotic berry is also important because of the fatty acids it contains, helping the skin be hydrated and rejuvenated.

Therefore, the next time you make a killer smoothie, be sure to hunt down this berry and pop it into your blender, but also look for skin products, especially natural anti-aging creams, that contain this berriest of all the berries out there.

Bring on the SeedSuper-Seeds-for-Beauty

We realize that flax seeds, chia seeds and seeds in general are great for our metabolism and the well-being of our digestive flora, but did you know that they work wonders for the well-being and hydration of your skin as well? These little things are loaded with omega 3 – healthy fatty acids that guarantee full hydration and incredible silkiness of your skin.


Nut About Coconut (Oil)coconuts-for-beauty

So, in case you were wondering, no, they are not just a great part of your nutrition, but they are amazing for skincare. We suggest you go browsing for your next chia-based skin elixir or oil now.

Coconut oil has taken the beauty and health world by storm seemingly overnight, and everyone is jumping on the coconut bandwagon for a great reason. It is not only great for food preparation, thanks to its numerous advantages over many other conventional oils, but the craze for it in the beauty community is almost unbelievable. It serves as a great natural substitute for body lotions, and it can be used as a hair mask to get that extra silk and shine you have been coveting.
Aside from that, it is a gentle yet powerful, not to mention nutritive makeup remover as well as lip balm, and it has at least twenty useful beauty roles.

Now that you are all caught up with this super trend, which one of these gifts of nature are you going to put to the test first?

A New Twist on Resolutions for 2017

Ahhh, 2017! A new year is well underway. Many of us are filled with new hopes, new dreams, and new goals as we vow to attack this new year with more gusto and resolve than the years in the past.

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, eat healthier, and become more fit. Gyms are packed at the start of a new year as weight loss products hit a spike in sales. Everything is going so great as the excitement of getting to the new you electrifies the air…and then February comes. So what happens? What is the thing that makes so many of us fail so soon into the beginning of our goal to being healthier and more fit?

One thing I see over and over again is that the majority of people set a really hard generalized goal and after the first few moments of not being perfect, resolve themselves to being a failure and slide quietly back into their comfort zone of the way things were. There is nothing wrong with a hard goal. However, when you fail to specifically set the little steps required to reach that big goal, you set yourself up for a very very hard struggle. Wanting to lose 30 lbs is fantastic. That’s a hard goal. No one ever declared losing 30 lbs was an easy task. In order to get to the bottom of those 30lbs, you must map out a road to get you there. Part of that road MUST be leaving room for you to mess up.

There are many ways to go about losing weight. While there are some tactics that I strongly disagree with, like counting calories and measuring food, oh and starving yourself…that one is always a no no, I’m going to focus on the part of the journey so many people forget about when they first begin. Messing up. Not being perfect. Feeling like you are starting over and over again. When beginning a lifestyle change, or setting out on any goal, you MUST remember to give yourself permission to mess up, because at some point you will fall down.

Giving yourself permission to occasionally fail is not saying you should go about your goal half-assed. In fact, any goal you have I strongly encourage you to have a burning passion for. The more passion you have, the more energy and hard work you will commit to it. Get to the root of what gives you that passion. Why do you want to lose weight? To have a better sex life in your marriage? To feel more comfortable in your clothes? To have more energy to keep up with your crazy energy bound kids? To be more confident to walk into a room of strangers? To feel just plain better because you are tired of feeling sick and tired? All of the above? Determine in the beginning what makes you passionate about this goal, mark it in big bold letters high in the sky, set yourself on fire, and go!Picture

Now, as you roll onward with your fiery heart and banner set ablaze with determination, prepare yourself to fall down. Many, if not all, people fall their way to success. That multi-billion dollar owner of that cool thing you just saw on TV had about 50-100 previous cool ideas that was thought to be a success. That incredibly toned fitness model that you most likely could bounce a coin off her round little booty did skip the gym on one or more occasion and has been known to total a bag of tortilla chips from time to time. My incredibly handsome hardworking husband who started an new company that flourished in the first year worked his ass off, got discouraged on several occasions, and went months without getting any returns on leads. What is the common factor here? A burning passion coupled with permission to fail.

Failure doesn’t need to be a negative word if you don’t make it one. Failure is one of the most fantastic learning tools we have. In falling down, you learn how what not to do in order to avoid falling down again. This one may take a few spins around the merry-go-round, and thats ok. This is where open mindedness comes into play. If at first you don’t succeed and try try again is giving you a massive migraine, well try a different approach.

I thought for years tirelessly counting every last calorie that went into my body was the only way I could be thin. I tried, failed, tried again, failed again, got sick of trying, binged, tried, binged some more, tried again. After beating myself in the head for a few years (my stubbornness beaming through) I finally let go of the fact that this method was not working. In fact it was creating more damage by igniting obsessive compulsive behaviors. I finally let go and went down a different road. The passion was still there. I burned with the need to be healthy, feel good about myself, and not struggle with food (insert head slap for thinking counting every calories would get me to not struggle with food). However, I allowed myself to fall. I picked my butt back up, sometimes faster and stronger than others, and refused to lose site of the goal. I reworked some things, fine tuning methods as I went.

So many people fall, maybe get up a few more times, fall again, and quit. Giving yourself permission to fall from time to time is honoring the fact that you are human. It’s investing empathetic energy back into yourself for a change. This whole thing to better health is a journey. People often forget that the journey never ends. There is the journey to losing the weight. Then there is the journey to learning to maintain the weight. Then there is the journey to breaking those extra pesky small habits with food that are unhealthy. Then there is the journey to loving yourself and feeling comfortable in your own skin. All of these things are tightly interwoven into each other without end. To make the most out of your journey, honor and respect your imperfections as a human being and embrace the event of falling down when it happens, so you can quickly pick yourself back up again.

Much love!

Plant-Empowered Lifestyle Transformations in Progress!


Excited to Let You All Know My New 6-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program is Transforming Lives!

Hi Everyone!

I couldn’t be more thrilled to let you all know that my new 6-week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program is doing what it was designed to do… change lives!

In case you’re unfamiliar, I created this special program because the time had come for me to take all of my experience and knowledge and put it in a structured program to help people make total lifestyle transformations.  The program provides you with the information, and more importantly the tools you need to make positive, permanent changes in the way you think, eat, and move.

With the right information, presented step-by-step, you’re able to build a solid base of knowledge and then take that knowledge and apply it to YOUR LIFE in a way that works for YOU with the help of my coaching and support.

It’s my passion to coach people who are truly ready to commit to bettering their lives, so if you’re ready to take your body and life to a whole new level, I’m offering a free phone consultation! Learn more about the program and book your session with me HERE.

What Do YOU Need to Take YOUR Health, Nutrition, and Fitness to the Next Level?

I want to share with you some of the ways my clients in the 6-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program are transforming their lives without counting a single calorie!

So let’s take a look at some of the ways the Program is helping people develop healthy, positive habits that turn into the lifestyle they desire:


How would it change your life if you were to be truly help accountable for the commitments you make to improve your food and fitness choices every day? For most of us, having someone who cares to hold us accountable to what we say we’re going to do is a game changer.  Check out the text I received just the other day…

>If you’re ready to finally get on the path to a healthy lifestyle you love, apply here and let’s chat.    


These days it’s easy to feel so overwhelmed with all the conflicting information coming at us from all angles about what, when, and how we should eat and exercise. The 6-Week Plant Powered Coaching Program provides a structured, proven process to gain the knowledge you need to make the right food and fitness choices for YOU. The Program coaches you through the process of applying the information to your life, in a way that is in line with YOUR goals! Check it out…

Apply Here For a Free 45-minute strategy session  


It can be intimidating to try new ways of eating and exercising, especially when you lack the knowledge and experience. The 6-Week Plant Powered Coaching Program provides you with opportunities to take on new challenges that will help you get the strong, healthy body you are striving for…

>If you’re ready to feel confident about your food and fitness choices, apply here and let’s chat. 


Every action we take is a result of our feelings, which are caused by our thoughts. Getting to the root of what’s causing us to continue unhealthy actions is key when it comes to transforming our lifestyles. The 6-Week Plant-Empowered Coaching Program provides you with the guidance you need to create a new mind set that is in line with your goals…

With courage, commitment and the right tactics, I know you can create a lifestyle you feel proud of, and it’s my life’s work to help you do just that! So if you are tired of spinning your wheels, feeling confused and defeated about how you’re eating and training, let’s talk. It’s time for action!

>Apply Here For a Free, One-On-One 45-minute Strategy Session  

Looking forward to speaking with you!


The Blessings Yoga Brought Me


Yoga classes often begin with setting a personal intention. This practice, especially during my cancer treatments, was so important, helping me to focus on the present moment and my desire for health and healing.

Hi! I’m Ella’s mom. Knowing the blessings yoga has brought me over the last several years, Ella asked me to write about my experience with my practice, so here I go! I am 68 years old, and my fitness routine consists of daily cardio on an elliptical machine and either a yoga or Pilates class. In my 30’s and 40’s I did lots of high impact aerobics, kickboxing, and weight training. I loved it! In my early 60’s I experienced some health issues – colon cancer and severe arthritis in my hip. High impact aerobics was no longer a viable option for me. I slowly began to incorporate yoga and Pilates into my fitness routine and found that there were so many benefits.

Yoga classes often begin with setting a personal intention. This practice, especially during my cancer treatments, was so important, helping me to focus on the present moment and my desire for health and healing. At the end of each class, there is at least a moment of having a quiet mind and peaceful heart, and the knowledge that I can take that with me off my mat and into the day.

Yoga works your body, your mind, and your spirit. The benefits for my body, my mind, and my spirit have been awesome, and I am so grateful. I like using my own body weight to improve my strength and flexibility. I like the ongoing challenge of accepting where I am at any given moment, not judging, and just being in the present moment. 

It is all hard work but work I am always glad I have done. There are times when I may be tempted to skip a class, but I I have a schedule for the week, and go to class without thinking about whether or not I want to go – I go because it is what I do (just like brushing my teeth). I know it is good for me. I have never been sorry that I went to a class.

I am currently 5 years cancer free. As I began to recover from my cancer, the arthritis in my hip began to be debilitating. After lots of physical therapy and cortisone injections, I finally had a hip replacement a year ago. For three months after the surgery, I followed my doctors instructions and basically, did nothing, giving all of the soft tissues involved, time to heal. After that, I resumed my regular yoga and Pilates classes. I really feel that these classes are better than any of the physical therapy I have done.

I know that this work is good for all of me. It just feels right and I plan to continue making this practice a part of my life.


Introduction to Qigong Part 2: Applications and Styles.


Now that we understand what qigong and qi actually are (if you have not read part one, do so HERE), we can begin to explore the various applications and styles of qigong.


There are three primary reasons people practise qigong; medical, health, and to enhance martial arts training.

Medical qigong is one of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with the focus on the practitioner helping their patient to correct imbalances and energy blockages through regulation of their qi. This enables the body to strengthen and regulate the internal organs, the nervous system and the immune system, relieve pain, regulate hormones, and strengthen and release deep-seated emotions and stress. (Click here for more on medical qigong.)

Martial qigong was most likely developed after the monks of the Shaolin Temple began practising the early forms of qigong attributed to Bodhidharma (Da Mo), the Yi Jin Jing (Muscle Tendon Changing Classic) and Xi Sui Jing (Marrow Cleansing Classic), were developed. Through the practise of these qigong forms the monks found that not only could they improve their health, they could increase the power of their martial art techniques. Since the origination of these two early qigong forms, many martial arts styles have developed their own qigong sets and many martial styles have been developed on qigong theory. (Click here for more on medical and martial qigong.)

Using qigong as a form of exercise for health and longevity is probably the most popular of the applications of qigong. The coupling of slow movements matched to natural breathing patterns allows for the practitioner to become totally engaged in the present moment which makes qigong a sort of moving meditation. This allows qigong to become an excellent form of holistic exercise developing the mind, body, and spirit.

There are thousands of styles of qigong exercise practised worldwide. Some of the styles I have been exposed to or practised are:

  • Zhan Zhuang Qigong
  • Little Nine Heaven Qigong Form
  • Chi Lel Qigong
  • Lamas Qigong
  • Dayan (Wild Goose) Qigong
  • Tai Chi Qigong 13 Form
  • Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi 18 Form
  • Baduanjin (Eight Pieces of Brocade)
  • Yi Jin Jing (Muscle Tendon Changing Classic)
  • Xi Sui Jing (Marrow Cleansing Classic)
  • Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing (Muscle Tendon Changing / Marrow Cleansing Classic)
  • Tai Gong By The Sea
  • Yin Yang Tai Gong


My Shifu, Master Shi Deru, teaching his Tai Gong form to his students of the Shaolin Institute at our annual Qi Retreat in 2012. (Photo by Tom Kreutzer)


The author practicing standing meditation. (Photo by Ben Kretz)


Shifu Shi Deru connecting with Universal qi! (Photo by Tom Kreutzer)

What is the right style for you? Choose what application you are most attracted to. If you are interested in martial arts or are currently practising a martial art and want to add qigong, find a martial arts teacher who teaches qigong. The Yi Jin Jing is a great addition to martial arts practice. If your interest is in medical qigong due to a chronic illness or disease, you will need to find a specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help you. If you are strictly interested in improving your health, a simple qigong form such as the Baduanjin would be a good choice. Do some research and ask around. Try a few different teachers until you find one that resonates well with you.

Regardless of the style of qigong you select to practise, all qigong styles share three common attributes:

  1. Regulation of the posture of relaxation.
  2. Regulation of the mind.
  3. Regulation of the breathing.

Personally, to compliment my Yang and Chen style Taiji practice, I have to come to favor the Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing forms, as well as the Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing. I also find a lot of benefit in the Baduanjin and have learned a couple different ways to practise that form as well. I am very fortunate to have found a teacher of authentic Shaolin martial arts to learn from. My teacher (or Shifu), Shi Deru, is a 31st generation master from the Shaolin Temple in China and was a direct disciple of the last real spiritual Abbot of the temple, grandmaster Shi Suxi.


The author practicing walking qigong in his favorite environment! (Photo by Tom Kreutzer)

I think it is more important to find a form, learn to perform it well, and practise it consistently then to learn many different forms that you never master nor practise with any regularity.

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” – Bruce Lee

In part 3 of this blog series we will look at how to set up our qigong practice as well as other methods that enhance qigong.

In Health,
