A Quick, Easy Vegan Recipe For Pre-Training Calories


Fueling your body with healthy, nutrient dense, plant-based calories before an intense training session helps me get the most out of my workout…

One thing I am not however, is a gourmet chef! I don’t spend all day in the kitchen experimenting with food. I like things quick and easy. However, one cannot live on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches alone. Believe me, I’ve tried!

I need nutrient and calorie dense meals to fuel my heavy training sessions, otherwise I’ll end up eating Oreos all day.

Next time you need a calorie dense, nutrient packed meal try this recipe I got from my friend, registered dietitian, Matt Ruscigno.

1. Mash 3 bananas

2. Stir in 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

3. Add one medium diced apple

Mix it all together and go!


Don’t let looks fool you, it tastes great!







Nutrition Information

Calories: 598

Fat: 17.5 grams

Carbohydrates: 112 grams

Fiber: 15.5 grams

Protein: 12.5 grams

I hope you enjoy this simple and tasty recipe and be sure to let me know after you’ve tried it!

Stay Strong AND Healthy!



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Scott is a trainer, author, strength & internal martial arts enthusiast, and a powerlifter on Team Plantbuilt. He owns a private training center in Atlanta, GA where he trains, and offers online consulting services, for clients ranging from high level athletes to motivated fitness enthusiasts. He is vegan for the animals and has a very simple philosophy - eat plants, lift iron, meditate.

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