New member!

Sheila Shlegel Vegan Nutrition Student

Hello Sexy Fit Vegan community! This is my first blog post as a Sexy Fit Vegan member. I thought a quick introduction would be nice before I jumped right in! It’s very exciting to start this new journey and be a part of such a wonderful organization that Ella started.

Just like Ella, I am very passionate about the wonderful benefits of a plant-based diet and a fit lifestyle. There is no question that many women (and men!) are frustrated with their weight and health overall. There are way too many contradictions and advertisements floating around for that quick fix remedy or pill. One of the wonderful things about Sexy Fit Vegan is the consistency of information. There are no pills or magic potions or unrealistic promises, and there certainly is no starving yourself! A whole, plant-based diet with regular physical activity has consistently shown to improve your quality of life1,2.

Including a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes offers wonderful benefits, but a healthy body is also an active body. That is one of my favorite things about Sexy Fit Vegan: the belief that a plant-based diet is most beneficial but also that a physical lifestyle is just as important! They are the yin and yang to a healthy body.

I am currently in graduate school obtaining my Master’s in Dietetics and Nutrition and so far I have learned so many things that I am eager to share with you. Many of my blog posts will be sharing current information I am learning and I will do my best to provide any empirical research to back up most of my posts, and not just something I personally believe in!

Follow my board on pinterest for a ton of healthy and delicious plant-based recipes. Thanks again Ella for having me on your team! 🙂

Until next time!

Sheila Schlegel

<3 Sheila

  1. Tuso, MD, P., H Ismail, MD, M., Ha, MD, B., & Bartolotto, MA, RD, C. (2013). Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets. The Permanente Journal, 61-66. Retrieved April, 2015, from
  1. Frank W. Booth, Ph.D., Christian K. Roberts, Ph.D., and Matthew J. Laye, Ph.D. Lack of exercise is a major cause of chronic diseases. Compr Physiol. 2012 Apr; 2(2): 1143–1211. Retrieved April 2015, from doi: 10.1002/cphy.c110025