Top Cream Cheese Swap

Vegan Cream Cheese

Brand: Galaxy Nutritional Foods

Product: Vegan Cream Cheese Substitute, Chive & Garlic (my favorite), & Plain

I only get this every once in a while because it is still a processed food, but of the cream cheese substitutes, this is definitely one of the healthier (if not healthiest), has the best consistency, and tastes fantastic! The chive & garlic is my favorite, but the classic plain flavor is good as well. When I need a savory treat, I spread it on rice crackers… yum!! And when I have guests I serve it with whole grain or gluten-free bagels and get nothing but compliments.

Vegan Cream Cheese

Favorite Milk Swaps

Vegan Milk

Top Milk Substitutes:

Flax Milk-VeganBrand: Good Karma

Product: Flax Milk Protein + (unsweetened)

Brand: Blue Diamond

Products: Almond-Coconut Milk Blend, Almond Milk, & Coconut Milk (all unsweetened)

almond-coconut-milkWhen it comes to store bought milk substitutes, I find that Good Karma is my favorite followed by Blue Diamond when it comes to the best flavor and consistency. It works great as a drink on its own, with cereal, in shakes, coffee or tea, and for cooking and baking. For cereal I like the almond-coconut blend, vanilla flavor best. When I cook vegan mac & cheese I use the regular flax milk milk. And when I make shakes its usually the Flax Milk Protein+ vanilla. I always get the unsweetened versions and simply add a dash of stevia if I need to sweeten it  so that it remains the low in calories per serving without any sugar!





Top 7 Sexy Fit Vegan Male Celebrities

Vegan Hollywood Celebrities

Countless celebrities, athletes, and public figures have made the switch to a plant based diet, and I predict that list will grow exponentially over the next few years!

The following is my list of the top 5 Sexy Fit Vegan™ MALE Celebrities of 2013. Until now, it seemed like females were in the majority when it came to taking the leap to a vegan diet. Now however, men are stepping into the spotlight as proudly vegan! This list is based on my latest research, and yes, there’s always a chance people will slip up, or try a different diet at some point. However, I picked 5 that seem truly devoted to maintaining a vegan lifestyle, so hopefully, they will all continue with their plant based diets for the rest of their lives!Woody Harrelson Vegan

  1. Woody Harrelsonwho was named PETA’s Sexiest Male Celebrity Vegetarian of 2012 told Esquire that it was in NY, when he was just starting out as an actor that he became vegan, “I was on a bus and some girl sees me blowing my nose. I had acne all over my face, which I’d had for years and years. And she’s like: ‘Hey, you’re lactose intolerant. If you quit dairy, all these symptoms you got will be gone in three days.’ I was like twenty-four. And I was like, No way. But three days later: gone.
  2. mac danzig vegan mma fighterMac Danzig: This well known UFC fighter told Men’s Fitness magazine that he gave up dairy first in 1999 because he thought it was causing him painful ear infections. Then, in 2004, he cut meat from his diet as well. He sets a great example, showing that athletes can excel on a vegan diet… and mixed martial arts is one of the most demanding sports on the body there is (from my own practice I certainly know the strength and energy it takes
  3. Russell Brandt: According to, this British comedian who has been vegetarian since age 14, became vegan after watching the documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011.
  4. Steve-O, yes, the Jackass guy, has been vocal about his decision to go vegan about four years ago. He talks passionately about the harmful effects and practices of factory farming as well as his health. He discusses his transition in What Came Before, a documentary about three animals who either escaped or were rescued from factory farms.
  5. Jason Mraz, the singer who recently won “Favorite Male Artist” at the People’s Choice Awards, is enthusiastically sharing how his vegan diet has changed his life on his blog. He writes, “I ride longer distances on my bike, can do more pull-ups than ever, and my brain seems to have a larger capacity for new projects, problem solving, songwriting, and fielding random questions… It also makes me a lot better in bed.” And who doesn’t want that?!!
  6. Mickey Madden, bassist for Maroon 5 told PETA in an interview, “I have a general affection for animals and a respect for all living things. And having those sparks of interest led me to do some research, and when you dig a little below the surface, what you find is really disturbing. It kind of makes veganism seem like the only option. I can’t even conceive of going back to eating animal products at all.”
  7. Thomas Dekker, star of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, says it was an experience at a pig farm when he was eight years old that turned  on to a vegan diet by age 12, according to The Vegetarian Times.

So there you have it… proof that REAL MEN EAT PLANTS!

Considering a Juice Cleanse? Top 5 Tips for Success.

Successful Juice Cleanse

A successful juice cleanse is fantastic way to pack your body full of disease-fighting nutrients, give your digestive system a break from Fresh Organic Green Smoothie With Salad, Apple, Cucumber, Pineappleprocessing heavy proteins, fats, and other foods that are taxing on your organs to digestive, clean your colon, and flush out toxins from your body.

Many people believe that if they manage to get through a juice cleanse for a few days, losing weight will automatically be an additional benefit. In fact, it may be the most motivating perceived benefit of them all! There are many things to take into consideration when it comes to doing a juice cleanse however. Here are my top 5 tips for success when it comes to detoxifying your body, losing both water weight & body fat, & improving your health:

1. Ease your way into juicing.

Does your current diet contains animal products and/or processed foods? If so, it is important to take steps to eliminate those foods, replacing them with plant based whole foods and begin a healthy vegan diet plan. As you do this, start to incorporate more and more raw foods, decreasing the amount of cooked foods, so in the days prior to beginning juicing you are eating as close to a vegan raw food diet as possible. Making your own super food shakes at this stage is a great way to ease yourself into drinking more liquids and eating less solid foods. Following your juicing period (for newbies, a 3 day cleanse may be best, although a 5 day cleanse is more effective for longer-term benefits), you will want to ease out of it, starting with the raw food diet, then incorporating some plant-based whole cooked foods. If you don’t go back to animal products and processed foods, all the health benefits will continue for a lifetime! It is the perfect time to make this choice, because you have managed to have fought off your addiction to harmful foods, so you can use the opportunity to break old habits and keep from returning to your former state of health!

2. Know what to expect on your juice cleanse.

Everybody experiences different “side effects” during a juice cleanse, especially during the first few days. Some common ones are headache, fatigue, minor skin blemishes, hunger, & irritability. These are caused by the detoxification process your body is going through. Depending on what your diet was like before, some symptoms could even be described as withdrawal from addictive food/drink products. Being prepared for this is important. During the first few days of the juice cleanse, create your schedule with these potential effects in mind. Don’t plan important work meetings or social events for example.

3. Keep your eye on the prize.

Keep telling yourself… “The results are worth it!” The results often being clear skin, positive mood, improved digestion, feeling clear-headed, losing water weight, losing body fat, improved digestion, increased energy levels, and an overall sense of well-being. (Remember though, following tip #1 is essential for gaining these benefits!)

4. Choose a juice cleanse provider wisely.

If juicing is new to you, chances are you will be choosing a cleanse from a company that sells juice cleanse packages (as opposed to making your own). There are a few things you want to look for when making your decision. First, choose a company that makes juice using a cold-press, as it has been found to transfer more of the nutrients from plant to juice. Second, make sure the juices are 100% certified organic. If not, all those fruits and veggies they use (and it takes pounds of them to make a single juice) may contain pesticides and could be genetically modified (some GMO foods are actually technically a pesticide themselves because they are created with the ability to kill insects that try to eat them!) Third, make sure the juices contain a wide variety of vegetable and fruits so you will be getting as many of the different nutrients your body need as possible. There should be plenty of green vegetables in the juices! And last, find a company that is supportive throughout your cleanse, gives you information on the ingredients and why they are combined as they are, have a knowledgable, friendly staff and someone who will be available to give you answers if you have any questions throughout the cleanse.

5. Get support.

If you can find a “cleanse-buddy” (a reliable one) it is probably the most effective way to be successful… someone to share in your experience, to hold each other accountable, bitch and moan with when it gets tough, and someone to celebrate with when you have completed it (and I don’t mean with a candy bar;)). You CAN do it on your own, but you still need to establish a support system. As I mentioned in tip 4, make sure to choose a juice provider that can be a resource to you throughout the process. Otherwise, whether it be a friend you ask to be there for you, or a group you find on a forum or social media site… whatever works best for you, but you need to have them prepped and ready to help!]

So there you go… the top juice cleanse tips and advice! You are ready to get off to a great start on your juice cleanse venture! If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you watch the documentary, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, before you begin!
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Documentary
*Juice cleansing is not recommended for everyone. It is not recommended for pregnant women & people with certain medical conditions. Seek professional advice if you are not sure if juicing is right for you.