The Power of Accountability

accountability for health

When I ask a client, “What would be most helpful to jump start you into the healthy, active lifestyle you desire,” the answer is often, “accountability.”

Does this resonate with you?

As a coach, it’s exciting to see people through the process of gaining the tools they need to successfully transform their lives. One such tool is the ability to hold yourself accountable to the commitments you make.

The problem is that most of us have had the habit of putting everyone else first (especially us women). Is this you? We fill our schedules with commitments to other people, which we will do anything to keep, including breaking our own commitments to ourselves! Doesn’t this seem silly when you really think about it?

Time to change this pattern of letting ourselves down! In the six weeks of my program, I work with my clients to chip away at these old habits that aren’t serving them. I’m there to hold clients accountable to their commitments, because that’s often what it takes to learn how to do it for themselves.

It’s a process that takes practice, but wow, how thrilling is it when the practice pays off and you find yourself healthier, happier, and more confident then you’ve ever been before?! What an elated feeling it is when, because you’re in such a great place, you’re actually able to be there for others in a much more meaningful way!

Just listen to this 60 second clip from a client during a group coaching call as she talks about the power of accountability…

>If you’re ready to jump start your new lifestyle with the help of added accountability, book a meeting with me here.

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A passionate vegan for the last 28 years, Ella Magers, MSW is a leading voice for revolutionary transformation in the fitness industry. Ella connects people with the information, tools, support, and guidance they need to develop holistically healthy habits, claim mental and emotional well-being, and live more fulfilling and fiercely compassionate lives. Ella is a professional speaker, published author, and coach. She is the spirited host of the inspiring Rise & Thrive Podcast and the Vegan Life Coach Podcast, founder of Sexy Fit Vegan®, and creator of the 22Reboot total transformation system. As a plant-based athlete and former bodybuilding champion, Ella was recognized as one of the world's top personal trainers by and Shape Magazine. Having healed from her own struggles with disordered eating, Ella Magers shows people that there are alternatives to crash diets and excessive workout regimens, and how to align their lifestyle with true health by using compassion as their compass. Ella is on the founding board of Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary, a 501(c)3 nonprofit with the mission of creating the best possible life for farm animals while inspiring compassion for all living beings.

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