The Blessings Yoga Brought Me


Yoga classes often begin with setting a personal intention. This practice, especially during my cancer treatments, was so important, helping me to focus on the present moment and my desire for health and healing.

Hi! I’m Ella’s mom. Knowing the blessings yoga has brought me over the last several years, Ella asked me to write about my experience with my practice, so here I go! I am 68 years old, and my fitness routine consists of daily cardio on an elliptical machine and either a yoga or Pilates class. In my 30’s and 40’s I did lots of high impact aerobics, kickboxing, and weight training. I loved it! In my early 60’s I experienced some health issues – colon cancer and severe arthritis in my hip. High impact aerobics was no longer a viable option for me. I slowly began to incorporate yoga and Pilates into my fitness routine and found that there were so many benefits.

Yoga classes often begin with setting a personal intention. This practice, especially during my cancer treatments, was so important, helping me to focus on the present moment and my desire for health and healing. At the end of each class, there is at least a moment of having a quiet mind and peaceful heart, and the knowledge that I can take that with me off my mat and into the day.

Yoga works your body, your mind, and your spirit. The benefits for my body, my mind, and my spirit have been awesome, and I am so grateful. I like using my own body weight to improve my strength and flexibility. I like the ongoing challenge of accepting where I am at any given moment, not judging, and just being in the present moment. 

It is all hard work but work I am always glad I have done. There are times when I may be tempted to skip a class, but I I have a schedule for the week, and go to class without thinking about whether or not I want to go – I go because it is what I do (just like brushing my teeth). I know it is good for me. I have never been sorry that I went to a class.

I am currently 5 years cancer free. As I began to recover from my cancer, the arthritis in my hip began to be debilitating. After lots of physical therapy and cortisone injections, I finally had a hip replacement a year ago. For three months after the surgery, I followed my doctors instructions and basically, did nothing, giving all of the soft tissues involved, time to heal. After that, I resumed my regular yoga and Pilates classes. I really feel that these classes are better than any of the physical therapy I have done.

I know that this work is good for all of me. It just feels right and I plan to continue making this practice a part of my life.


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Susan Schenck

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  1. Kathleen Kastner

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story Susan! I love hearing how yoga has helped you heal and that you feel it’s been your best form of physical therapy. I agree with you 100%!
    Keep up the great work!
    Much love and health to you XO

  2. Jordan

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I’ve felt similar things about doing yoga. Something about it truly does benefit both your body AND mind.

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