Documentary Review: Forks Over Knives

Vegan Documentary

Forks Over Knives is my favorite documentary about the effects of adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet to date.

The Forks Over Knives Documentaryscientific data presented throughout the film is staggering. I felt like every minute of the film held my attention. And the quality of the directing and videography was top notch.

Forks Over Knives co-stars Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, a book that presents the results of the most comprehensive study on nutrition ever performed. Dr. Esselstyn, the other costar, brought his experience and expertise from the clinical setting. But both discovered the same thing… Eating a whole foods, plant based diet, free from all animal products and byproducts, can prevent and even cure the diseases that kill millions of people every year, including heart disease and cancer.

After viewing the documentary, I was able to convince my mother and my newly declared boyfriend both to watch it within the next 24 hours. I want to share with you the text conversation (yes, I am a big texter, I admit) I had with my boyfriend, Rob, because maybe it will help you convince your loved ones to watch!:

Ella: “Please promise me you will watch this documentary… Forks Over Knives… It’s all about real scientific research on our nutrition, particularly as related to disease including cancer, prevention, and cures. Cuz I care about you. Please promise! I bought it on itunes.”

Rob (12 hours after texting me to say he promised): I watched that movie and I’m totally switching to eating Vegan! You’d have to be half [stupid] to see that n continue to eat meat n crap, I’m just going to need your help 🙂

It was music to my ears!! There is nothing I want more than to help him, and every single person in the world who wants to adopt a vegan diet!!! So download or order the DVD Forks Over Knives now, and lets get this revolution rockin’!


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A passionate vegan for the last 28 years, Ella Magers, MSW is a leading voice for revolutionary transformation in the fitness industry. Ella connects people with the information, tools, support, and guidance they need to develop holistically healthy habits, claim mental and emotional well-being, and live more fulfilling and fiercely compassionate lives. Ella is a professional speaker, published author, and coach. She is the spirited host of the inspiring Rise & Thrive Podcast and the Vegan Life Coach Podcast, founder of Sexy Fit Vegan®, and creator of the 22Reboot total transformation system. As a plant-based athlete and former bodybuilding champion, Ella was recognized as one of the world's top personal trainers by and Shape Magazine. Having healed from her own struggles with disordered eating, Ella Magers shows people that there are alternatives to crash diets and excessive workout regimens, and how to align their lifestyle with true health by using compassion as their compass. Ella is on the founding board of Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary, a 501(c)3 nonprofit with the mission of creating the best possible life for farm animals while inspiring compassion for all living beings.

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