Join Our 6-Week Burpee Challenge!


The holidays will be here before we know it… time to aim high to get in the best shape of our lives before the feasting begins!

Last year’s burpee challenge was awesome! It was motivating and inspiring to take on the burpee challenge with people in my own gym, and people all over the world (thanks to Instagram/social media)! Here’s a glimpse of one of our burpee sessions (we did tuck jump burpees this day):

This year, we are changing it up, making it a 6-week journey leading up to the holidays and the release of my Six Weeks to Sexy Abs Meal Plan book. We’ll focus on fitness for these six weeks with this burpee challenge, and then, with the help of the effective meal plan formula and delicious recipes in the book, we can focus on diet for the start of the new year!

So here’s the deal… Starting November 2nd, we will be performing 300 burpees per week for six weeks (ending December 13th). The “fun” addition is that each week we will be doing a different burpee variation. And yes, they get more challenging each week of course ;). You can split the 300 burpees up however you want. Doing 100 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is one option for example. Or 50 burpees a day Monday through Saturday would work. You can of course do 300 one day and get them over with for the week… I’ve never done more than 200 in one day, and that was quite a training session so I can only imagine how challenging it would be to do 300!

I won’t overwhelm you with all six burpee variations now… let’s just start with week 1, which consists of the standard, “Crossfit” style burpee. You simply put your hands on the floor by your feet, jump back into a plank as you lower all the way to the ground. Your chest and hips both must touch the floor. You then push back up as you pop up your hips, feet landing near your hands. Come up to standing as you jump with your arms over head. That’s one repetition. 299 more and you have met the quota for the week!

Burpees are painfully awesome because they work your entire body and challenge your cardiovascular system all at once. Plus, after doing a large set I promise you’ll feel proud and accomplished!

This year let’s all share our burpee sessions:

  • on Facebook by joining the group HERE, and
  • on Instagram (@sexyfitvegan) using the hashtag #6WkBurpeeChallenge. I will be randomly choosing photos and videos to feature and be giving away some freebies as well! 

So… are you in?! Make the commitment! You won’t regret it. 

You can also go ahead and pre-order Six Weeks to Sexy Abs Meal Plan so you’ll have it at your door when you wrap up this challenge!



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A passionate vegan for the last 28 years, Ella Magers, MSW is a leading voice for revolutionary transformation in the fitness industry. Ella connects people with the information, tools, support, and guidance they need to develop holistically healthy habits, claim mental and emotional well-being, and live more fulfilling and fiercely compassionate lives. Ella is a professional speaker, published author, and coach. She is the spirited host of the inspiring Rise & Thrive Podcast and the Vegan Life Coach Podcast, founder of Sexy Fit Vegan®, and creator of the 22Reboot total transformation system. As a plant-based athlete and former bodybuilding champion, Ella was recognized as one of the world's top personal trainers by and Shape Magazine. Having healed from her own struggles with disordered eating, Ella Magers shows people that there are alternatives to crash diets and excessive workout regimens, and how to align their lifestyle with true health by using compassion as their compass. Ella is on the founding board of Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary, a 501(c)3 nonprofit with the mission of creating the best possible life for farm animals while inspiring compassion for all living beings.

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