Natalie Portman
Sexy Fit Vegan of the Month – June 2015

Natalie Portman Sexy Fit Vegan of the Month June 2015

Introducing the first Sexy Fit Vegan of the month, Natalie Portman!

Introducing our new feature, Sexy Fit Vegan of the Month! There are so many amazing women out there that deserve the recognition for being awesome and to kick things off, I instantly thought of one of my favorite celebrities. June’s Sexy Fit Vegan of the month goes to Natalie Portman, who just happens to be one of my favorite actresses of all time, and who’s birthday is June 9th, the same as Ella’s! Natalie became a vegetarian at 8 years old and fully vegan in 2009. My love of Natalie goes all the way back to a movie she made when she was only 10 years old called, The Professional and then of course the long list of awesome films she’s been in including The Black Swan which is one of my very favorites, which as you probably know she won an Oscar for along with every other award out there in 2010. Clearly she is an amazing actress but I’ve always had so much respect for her and the way she carries herself. She has managed to stay out of the Hollywood BS and lead a successful life. She has an Audrey Hepburn type of style and even though she may not be the most talked about on the red carpet, she ALWAYS nails it.

Here are the reasons why I chose Natalie:

1. She 100% vegan. She’s not only just eats a plant-based diet, she’s an animal activist and doesn’t wear anything “fur, feather or leather”. She has said that all of her shoes come from Target and Stella McCartney and in 2007 she even launched her own vegan footwear brand. 

2. She gives back. Natalie is involved with several different organizations focused on ending child hunger and for years she has traveled all over the world speaking to people and lending her support. She gets involved with the issues she is passionate about and uses her fame in a positive way to encourage our generation to make powerful changes and I love her for that! 

3. She’s incredibly intelligent. Unlike many Hollywood actresses, Natalie has always placed an emphasis on education. She graduated from Harvard in 2003 and continued to study in Israel following. She’s said many times that being smart is more important to her than being an actress, which is another reason she is such a great role model.  

4. She has substance. In interviews and on the red carpet, Natalie always comes across as having an appreciation for her life and a confidence in who she is. She’s carries herself like like a lady, is incredibly sexy and isn’t afraid to smile. While her beauty is undeniable, that’s not the only thing you notice about her. She is not just an actress, she is an inspiring, caring and intriguing human being who is one of the few who uses her celebrity to make a difference in this world. We need more like her out there!! 

natalie portman marie claire

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